Chapter 259 - Do Not Deceive the Powerful!_1

Seeing a group of villagers walk over to Second Elder, Ji Changming was so frightened he almost passed out and nearly fell backward!

Ji Qingyue and Ji Qingke quickly steadied him!

"Granduncle, Granduncle!"

Ji Qingke called out anxiously.

"What's the matter?"

Ji Qingyue was even more anxious, channelling Saint Force to stabilize his spirit!

Elder Zhao, upon seeing this, was also startled and said:

"This is bad, did the old man get a heatstroke because the weather is too hot?"

He turned to a villager and said, "Erniu, get some water!"

The villager named Erniu immediately handed a water bottle to Second Elder.

Second Elder stepped forward and said:

"You two hold onto your granduncle, I'll help him drink some water!"

He then brought the water bottle close.

Ji Changming, seeing this, was so scared that he shivered.

A Holy Path Being so powerful forcibly feeding him something?

He was frightened.

But he dared not move!