A Promise to Keep

Ned Stark

He felt stiffened; just the feeling of Ashara and his daughter sleeping next to their bed made him not want ever to leave. Closing and opening his eyes again, he moved away slowly from Ashara's grasp, not wanting to wake her up.

Ned stood on his feet, picked up his clothes, and made himself ready for the day, they would leave today for Sunspear, and Ned wasn't looking forward to it. He wanted to stay here and raise his daughter, but he knew he couldn't.

And he knew that another child was waiting for him in Winterfell; he had consumed his marriage with Catelyn Tully more than once; he knew she was waiting for a child. But despite not having that child with the woman he loved, Ned couldn't make himself dislike the children or even love them less than his daughter with Ashara.

Slowly walking towards her crib, almost afraid that he would wake her up, his eyes found her little chubby face; she was only a month old, and yet her dark hair was visible, her nose belonged to Ashara, but just looking at her hair, he knew she had the hair of a Stark. Crow hair and Ned had no doubts that she would grow to be a beautiful woman.

He kneeled, and again, making sure he wasn't making noise, he looked closer to see her, her chest rising; he softly touched her little nose.

Taking a deep breath, he glanced behind him to see Asha in bed sleeping quietly. Turning his head to his daughter again, he leaned closer and kissed her forehead.

"I know I won't be that much in your life, I'm not a good father, but you should know I will Always Love You; your dada loves you, Now and Forever", Ned finished with unshed tears in his eyes.

Standing up, he walked over to the door, his hand on the handle; he turned his head and looked at his family again before opening the door and leaving; Ned didn't know why but he felt that he would see her again; this wouldn't be the last time.


Ned and the king's guard were breaking their fast; they were preparing to leave soon; Ned had visited Jaehaerys this morning to see him; the prince was as healthy as a child could be, Wylla seemed like a decent woman and not someone who would betray them.

Arthur said they would reach Sunspear with a boat; it would take less time and would be safer for the King, Ned didn't object, and a part of him felt that leaving his nephew in SunSpear would be dangerous; he knew the King's Guards were there to protect him. Despite not knowing two of them, he knew they were loyal to his nephew, but Jae would be left alone in Dorne, in a pit of Snakes.

A part of him just wanted to take him, Ashara, and his Daughter to Winterfell, but he knew that option was out of the table.

Arthur suggested trying and making deals with Dorne to improve their 'Friendship'. Ned had thought of it and had decided that it was worth a try; once he returned to Winterfell and truly had The North, he would start improving it.

"Lord Stark, we are leaving" Ned escaped his thoughts when he heard the voice of Arthur; he nodded his head as he stood up, followed closely by Howland.

His friend had been especially quiet today; Ned asked what's the problem, but Howland just said it was something about a dream he saw; Ned hadn't tried to ask more since he knew he didn't understand Greenseer.

Soon they were outside of Starfall in the castle's docks, and a large boat was waiting for them at the docks; Ned had to admit that the boat was large enough to be a ship. He wondered if that was the largest ship that Starfall had.

Ned saw squire boys putting wooden boxes inside the ship, preparing it for the voyage. The captain was a bald man with a big belly, missing teeth; hell, he missed more teeth than he actually had. Ned turned his head and saw Wylla coming towards them; in her arms was his nephew, followed by Arthur, but his eyes were focused on Ashara walking towards him, holding Alyanna in her arms.

Her violet eyes piercing his soul, Ned felt himself drawn to them all over again; he thought he was in The Tourney of Harrenhall when he first saw her.

"Ned", she called him sweetly, stopping close to him; she saw his eyes were focused on their baby girl, who was awake.

"Can I hold her?" Ned asked, almost pleading to her; now she saw that he looked as sad as never before; he was trying hard to look strong in front of her, his eyes were watery, his arms pulled out close to Aly.

Ashara slowly gave her to him; he held her in her arms, her violet eyes looking up at him, a smile slowly spread in her chubby face, almost like she could recognise him.

Ned leaned close and kissed her nose. "I'm your dada, and I Love you so much", he whispered with the softest tone he could muster. His eyes slowly turned to look at Ashara.

"You're an Amazing Father Ned", she whispered to him. Ned said nothing, but he knew that wasn't true; he was not a good father, no he was abandoning his home, his true home, his daughter because of his duties.

Ned closed his eyes tightly, almost expecting this to be a bad dream; opening them, he handed their daughter back to Ashara.

"When she grows older, tell her 'When the snowfall and the white wind blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives' don't Forget to tell her that," Ned said.

"I will", Ashara promised and leaned close and kissed Ned; the quiet wolf stood silent for a second before returning the kiss, almost feeling that would be their last.

Pulling away, he looked at her eyes, "I love you, Asha" " I love you too".

Ned turned his head and walked over to the ship, walking inside the boat, he turned his head to Ashara, who was waving at them.

Ned just kept looking at her; as she was slowly going away, he still kept looking as her figure went further and further away until it disappeared. At that moment, Ned shed a tear.


Ned saw Sunspear slowly showing in front of them, and he had to admit the castle was quite beautiful. The highest tower reached as far as the sun, the spear of the tower piercing the sun, and House Martell's symbol showed in front of him.

Ned was hoping for a calm discussion; he hoped that no swords were drawn and no blood was spilt but knowing that the Whole Dorne was crying for Justice for Elia and her children.

Ned felt his throat as dry as the desert of Dorne; he swallowed nothing, he felt dry in this land, the sun made him feel dizzy. The air itself felt heavy in his lungs; he felt like he wasn't breathing enough air.

It was one thing to go to Starfall and another in the End of Dorne, where even the dragon had fallen. Ned found it ironic, Dorne had killed the first and only dragon killed by humans during flight, and now they were seeking help from them.

That shot was still remembered as the lucky shot of Dorne. Maesters had tried to do the same shot many times, but it was impossible; the chances were almost zero.

Soon the ship reached the docks; Ned saw who he assumed was Prince Oberyn Martell waiting for them at the docks; beside him stood five guarded men with spears; Ned glanced at Howland behind him, he gave him a nod. He walked close to the Prince while Ned stood five feet in the front, suddenly all the dizziness was gone; he could see clearly again.

His hand on the pommel of his sword 'Ice', his eyes slightly narrowed as the King's guard stood beside him.

He suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder; he turned his head to see Arthur.

"Don't worry, my lord, Oberyn is many things but a child killer; if he has intentions to harm someone, that would be me?" Arthur said calmly, moving his hand away; Arthur was relieved to see all the guards with Prince Oberyn usually guarded Prince Doran.

The boat soon stopped in front of the docks; birds were flying all around the docks, eating little creatures and whatever they could find. The king's guards were the first to step in the port, followed closely by Ned as Wylla stood behind him and Howland stood behind her.

Ned could see the glare of Prince Oberyn, and it was true; he was glaring at Arthur. His eyes moved away from him and found the little bundle that Wylla was holding; this caused everyone to put their hands on their swords.

Ned expected the prince to walk forward, but he instead stood in his place.

"I hope you had a good journey, my lords; my brother is waiting for you inside", Oberyn spoke with a clear tone.

Ned nodded his head, and soon they started making their ways towards the castle without much of a peep.

As they reached the castle, they passed the streets filled with people; Ned had to move his eyes away from the revealing 'clothes' they were wearing. Many of the ladies were wearing almost transparent dresses.

He knew Dorne was different when it came to their intimate life, but to walk around like that around a crowded street was something Ned wasn't used to.

"Justice for Dorne, JUSTICE for Queen Elia", Ned heard shouts across the street. He saw a man who had gathered people listening to the man in the middle of the gathering as he was yelling that they should kill the Stag King, the lions, and the Wolfs.

Ned moved his eyes away, and soon they found their way inside the castle.

The floor was filled with different colours, with red bricks covered in silk. The carpet lay on all sides of the floor, covering every corner; it was red with thin stripes made of gold thread. The door had gloves made of silver, the symbol of the house Martell placed in front of the entrance to indicate to who this castle belonged.

Walking through the hall, they soon reached a door, the guards opened the door, stepping inside was a man sitting in a chair at the top of the room, beside him stood a man that was quite muscular and big holding a big spear on his right arm.

Walking inside, Ned's eyes checked every corner of the room; he saw the guards had left the room; the only ones that were a danger to Jaehaerys were Prince Oberyn and the guard standing close to Prince Doran; he checked the prince and saw him relaxed.

"Lord Stark", Ned escaped his thoughts and stood in front of the group.

"Prince Doran, Prince Oberyn, you have my consolation for what happened to Princess Elia, Prince Aegon, and Princess Rhaenys. I'm sorry I couldn't protect them," Ned spoke with a sincere tone.

Oberyn hid his surprise behind a mask of anger while Doran just swallowed a breath.

"Thank You, Lord Stark, and you have my consolation for what happened to Lord Stark, your brother, and Princess Lyanna", Doran spoke with a neutral tone before his eyes found the prince.

Ned was surprised by the name he used for Lyanna; he had expected that he and Prince Oberyn would call her various names.

"I know why you are here, my lord; my sister sent a letter to me, telling me about Lyanna" everyone except Arthur and Oberyn looked surprised by this.

Ned swallowed a breath, and he still kept his hand on the pommel of his sword.

"I don't blame you for what happened to Elia; you lost just as much as us, if not more than us. House Martell will stand with House Targaryen," Doran proclaimed with a genuine tone, earning a nod of approval from Oberyn.

This caused Ned to breathe in relief. "My Prince, I would like for my nephew to grow here, and when the time comes, take his rightful place in The Iron Throne," Ned said with a firm tone earning a look of shock and disbelief from Doran and Oberyn.

"Why would you help Stark? I thought Robert was your dearest friend," Oberyn said with a hint of a sneer in his tone, taking a few steps closer to him. Ned turned to look at him with cold fury in his eyes.

"He Was until I heard him laughing at the dead bodies of innocent children. Robert, I knew, died the moment he did that, and I Promised my sister that I would protect him and help him; if Prince Jaehaerys wants the throne, then I will help him," Ned stated, taking a step closer at Oberyn, his gaze not leaving his.

Oberyn kept his gaze at him for a short moment before turning to look at his brother and take a few steps back.

"Yes, we will happily raise him here; he will have the best education; the King's guard and my personal guards will make sure to protect him. Trust me, Lord Stark, your nephew will be Safe Here," Doran claimed.

Ned didn't think of himself as a man of politics, but he was sure that his nephew would be safe here. Ned had thought to bring him in Winterfell with him, but that would bring new problems; he would need to claim that he was his bastard son and Catelyn would never love him; she was a follower of the Seven through and through.

And not to mention that the king's guard following to the North would bring a lot of unwanted attention to both Robert and Tywin.

"Very well", Ned replied and glanced behind at Howland; he nodded in approval, much to his relief.

"Now, before we get to talk about how we will acquire the strength, we need to talk about Prince Jaehaerys", Doran stated, earning a confused look from everyone.

"What about the King?" Prince Oswell asked with a hint of anger in his tone as he took a step forward.

"I meant that we need to hide his name, he will be safe here, but if words were to reach King's Landing that we are calling him Prince Jaehaerys, even a fool like Pyrcell would put two and two together, inside the castle he's safe, but the spider has ears everywhere, and we can't go around calling him Jaehaerys or Prince" Doran stated. Ned couldn't help but agree with his statement.

"What do you expect to do? Treat him like a lowborn," Ser Gerold said with anger through his teeth.

"No, as I said, Prince Jaehaerys will be treated just how my children are treated; he will need to be raised under the name of a bastard until the time comes to tell him the truth", Doran explained.

This earned scorned looks from the king's guard.

"He's right", The commander stated, much to their surprise. But then his eyes found Prince Doran, as a message to be careful with what he says next.

"Who's bastard?"

This caused Doran to turn his head to Oberyn, which made everyone else look at him. Oberyn noticed everyone looking at him.

"What?!" Oberyn asked but soon understood what was happening. He opened his mouth to object immediately, but Doran raised his hand to stop him.

"Brother, Lord Stark already has a daughter with Lady Ashara; we can't tell that is his child; the wrong people would ask why he's being raised here instead of Starfall, you, on the other hand, you're known for..." Doran stopped since he had already made his point clear.

This caused Oberyn to swallow a huge breath and feel like the whole Dorne was crashing on top of him. He wanted to say 'No', but he knew what his sister would say to him if he declined, she would be disappointed. Oberyn had read the letter as many times as he could; he had acknowledged Prince Jaehaerys as her own.

Oberyn stood up and walked towards the young Targaryen; this caused every King's Guard to move their hands on their sword.

"Just want to see him", Oberyn stated, and the woman holding the prince showed him to him, a single glance. Oberyn felt his breath stuck in his throat, his eyes watered, as he looked at the copy of Aegon and Rhaenys; as much as he wanted not to admit it, he couldn't help but see them in him; he was their brother, the only one left.

Jaehaerys opened his eyes, his deep purple eyes found Oberyn, and a smile spread on his lips. That made the viper feel his knee weak. He moved his head away.

"I will raise him as my son if you all agree", Oberyn stated as he looked at everyone in the room. This caused Doran to smile; after a minute, the King's guards nodded as well.

"What will be his name?" Lord Stark asked.

Oberyn just shrugged his shoulder since he hadn't thought of a name.

"Jon, his name can be Jon Sand", Ned stated, earning an approval look from Oberyn.

"Now, we have prepared rooms for you, a warm bath; you can stay here as long as you want," Doran said.

"Thank You, my Prince", Lord Stark replied and followed a servant, soon followed by Wylla and the King's Guard.

Oberyn Martell

His feet made their way towards his bedchamber, followed closely by the woman Wylla; he told a servant to call for his paramour and daughters. They needed to be here.

Reaching his bedchamber, he wanted to introduce Jaehaerys to his sisters; they needed to know about the new family; Oberyn knew lying to them perhaps wasn't the best thing to do, but he didn't want them to hate him in case that would happen if they knew that he was Lyanna's son, thinking that he was their baby brother would make them love him.

Walking inside his bedchamber, he held Jaehaerys in his arms, much to the guard's displeasure, but Arthur stood up for him, saying that he wouldn't hurt the King. Right now alone, he couldn't help but be drawn to him; he reminded him so much of Aegon.

Damn It, Oberyn cursed his rotten luck.

It didn't take long, and the door opened, revealing his paramour Ellaria smiled sweetly at him before her eyes found the baby in his arms; her eyes widened slightly before a smile erupted on her face.

Obara, Nymeria, and Tyene soon walked inside. They noticed the baby in his arms; Obara looked surprised but held her emotions, while Nymeria and Tyene looked ready to fly from happiness.

"Father, who's... He" Nymeria asked first after checking that it was a boy.

Oberyn swallowed a huge breath; his daughters took a seat in his direction.

"Girls, this is Jon Sand, your brother, from now on. I want you to treat him just as you treat each other and love him," Oberyn stated; this made everyone else in the room, even Obara give him a look that promised death to whoever harmed him.

After Two Months

Ned Stark

The journey north was a long one and took many moons. But when finally the ruins of Moat Cailin came into view, Ned thought he had not seen a more welcome sight. Howland Reed left them there, swearing his silence to Ned about Jaehaerys on one knee, but then they continued their ride to Winterfell.

The ride home, Ned thought.

After leaving Dorne, Ned had arrived on King's Landing to swear to Robert; after pledging his loyalty, Ned had announced in front of Robert that he had a bastard daughter, much to Robert's amusement.

He had immediately asked where she was, but Ned had just answered that she was with her mother, he then was asked by Jon Arryn why he was in Dorne, and Ned had stated that he wanted to give his consolation to House Martell, much to Robert's disapproval.

But the next thing Ned asked shocked everyone; he had asked for his daughter to bear the Stark Name. Robert, of course, approved without giving a second thought.

Ned had sent a letter to Starfall after leaving King's Landing. He hoped that would make up a little for his absence, for not being a part of his daughter's life.

There had been snow north of the Barrowlands in recent days, but the King's Road was still passable with care. The air was cold and crisp and stung in his lungs, and all around him was the blessed North – grey-green sentinels, snow-covered moorlands, and straight, tall pines.

The sky was blue and clear, and the sun sparkled down on the ice. For the shortest of times, Ned felt joyous. But then he remembered what lay ahead of him. On the long journey from the capital, he had resolved himself to tell Catelyn nothing about Jaehaerys. He had thought of confiding in her, but the more he considered it, the more he realised there was no option but deception, even though the idea made him sick to the core.

He could not ask her to become complicit in his treason – that would be hugely unfair – and how could he guarantee her silence? He may have taken her to wife, but in reality, they were little more than strangers – he did not know how she would react to such news or even if she would be prepared to join him in the plan at all. And if she ever had to choose between Jae and a child of her own body, he could hardly blame her if she would find that choice easy. The risk, in short, was far too significant. And so he resolved himself to living his lies.

Poor Catelyn, he thought. When she took my hand in the sept at Riverrun, she must have thought she was marrying an honourable man.

The drawbridge was raised, and the gates closed, but as Ned approached, the grey cloaks standing on guard recognised his destrier, and the call was sounded to open up for Lord Eddard. He heard the cracking of ice on the chains as the drawbridge came down and then the dull thump as it connected with the ground.

Inside the castle, the courtyard was quiet. The whole household was waiting for him, and his wife stood in the front, holding a bundle in her arms.

He approached her and kissed her on the forehead.

"Welcome back, my lord, this is your son Robb Stark," Catelyn said proudly. Ned turned to look at his son, he had the auburn hair and eyes of house Tully, but he had his cheekbone and nose and the build of a Stark.

Ned smiled and kissed him on the forehead before turning to look at Catelyn. "He's very beautiful," he said. He turned to greet his ... brother.

It was Benjen who came to greet him from across the courtyard. "Ned," he cried. "Welcome home!"

"Brother, it is good to see you." He enveloped Benjen in a firm embrace. A year had passed since Ned had last seen his little brother, but the changes in him were clear to see. Benjen was several inches taller, his face was thinner, his nose and cheekbones sharper and less childish looking, and there was the vaguest hint of a whispery beard on his chin. He looked almost a man grown already. "You are looking well," Ned observed.

"And you look tired," said Benjen with a wry smile. "Was the journey harsh on you?"

Ned sighed. "This whole year has been harsh on me. Come," he said, "there is much and more to tell you."

They found themselves in the lord's solar. Ned did not sit in the chair, feeling awkward in a room he knew was his now, but still echoed with his father's ghost. Instead, he went to the window and looked out. Through it, he could see the Godswood and the enormous white branches and blood-red leaves of the heart tree reaching skywards; he would go there afterwards and offer up a prayer. He listened to his brother pulling out a seat behind him, and after a moment, turned back to Ben.

"When?" he said, finally. Ned thought back. He had seen three full moons since that fateful day before the Red Mountains of Dorne.

"Three moons ago. She died in my arms when I found her – it was a fever that took her." He did not elaborate further and prayed Ben would not ask questions of him.

"Gods..." murmured Benjen. He blinked rapidly, as if trying to hold back tears, and then pushed his fists into his eyes hard. Ned said nothing, letting Ben compose himself. Although he had been close to Lya, it was Benjen who had spent the most time with her of all of them. "Was there nothing you could have done?" Shaking his head, Ned replied,

"She was too far gone. There was nothing anyone could have done."

Silence stretched out. Ned did not choose to break it, though, believing his brother needed the time to come to terms with the news he had just heard. When eventually Ben opened his eyes, he swallowed hard and said, "I want to take the Black."

"What?" Ned couldn't keep the surprise from his voice.

"You heard, brother."

"I did," admitted Ned, "but I don't understand. You are barely five and ten. Why would you wish to do such a thing?"

"I have my reasons," Benjen explained with no clarity whatsoever. "And besides, it is not such a strange thing for a Stark to join the Night's Watch." Ned stared at his brother in amazement. It was true that throughout the years, there had been many Stark men who had joined the Watch and risen through the ranks to become Lord Commanders or First Rangers, but Benjen was so young. Does he even know what he is doing? What he is giving up?

"I know that," said Ned, "but there is always a place for you at Winterfell or a keep you would be entitled to as my brother."

Benjen shrugged. "Yes..." he said in a faraway voice. "But the Night's Watch is an honourable post." Sighing, Ned wondered what his brother was trying to say. Does he think that he is not wanted, now that I am married and have an heir? He swallowed and put on his firmest tone, his lord's voice, as he thought it.

"Brother, follow me to the crypts. I need to tell you something,"