A Wolf in Sand

Oberyn Martell

His legs were moving towards the training yard; he fought the urge to kick himself; five years ago, he definitely hadn't signed up for this when he accepted to be the prince's father. To say Jaehaerys didn't like to stay in one place would be like saying that Dorne is a frozen hell.

Jon never stood in one place; the child had started walking when he was only 11 months old and from that point on, taking care of him had become twice harder; even before learning how to walk, Jae liked to crawl around like a worm and not stay put.

Once Oberyn had locked the door, Doran had requested his presence in his solar to discuss something important; according to him, Viserys and Daenerys had been seen around Volantis. Oberyn had agreed to send a small team to find them, but unfortunately, the team had found nothing.

After returning from his meeting, Oberyn had found the door unlocked and Jae not there anymore; Arthur, Gerold, along Oswell had searched almost every corner of the castle only to find him with Tyene and Obara.

Obara was doing tricks with her spear as Jae watched her with a big smile on his face. Oberyn had yelled at all three of them for getting them worried.

"It was my idea, father; if you want to punish them, punish me."

Jon had said, immediately standing up in front of his sisters, but Obara had immediately put her hand on his mouth and said she wanted to show him her new tricks since Jon liked it.

Oberyn, of course, didn't punish any of them, but the incident made him happy in a way; the way they stood up for each other was amazing.

Of course, that wasn't the only incident; one time, Jae had almost grabbed a real spear but was stopped by Arthur, who had tried very hard to not yell at him.

The second time, he and Nym had almost escaped the castle to see the streets of Dorne; at the time was the festival, and roads were much busier than usual, and so did the brothels, Oberyn had been in a brothel with Ellaria, Nym and Jon had to wear some old clothes and even hoodies to pass through the guards, thankfully Ser Gerold had been following them all the time and didn't allow them to go outside much to their protest.

The third time was during the sixth name day of Quentyn.

'Oberyn was sitting close to his brother; it had been four years since Jon joined their family. He saw the prince whispering something to Ari and Nym; both girls laughed loudly at whatever he said.

Quentyn was smiling since it was his name day, but Oberyn couldn't help but feel that something would happen.

Soon the cake for Quentyn was brought but much to their horror, half of the cake was gone.

Quentyn looked furious while Oberyn noticed that His daughters, along with Jon and Ari, were chuckling at each other, Obara pointing the finger at Quentyn's red face.

Later that day, after not "finding" who did the crime. Oberyn gathered his children in his chamber.

Walking inside the bedchamber, Oberyn saw them sitting in their respective chairs, looking at him confused.

"What is it, father?" Tyene asked innocently.

Of course, it was them and Ari who had sneaked inside during the night to eat.

Oberyn only told them not to do it again, earning nods from all of them and a rolling eye in return from the viper.

Right now, Oberyn was walking towards the Training yard, reaching the place; he stood at the top of the stairs looking down below; Obara was spinning her spear around while Tyene, Nymeria and Jon were watching her. What he saw brought a smile on his face; he saw Arthur standing nearby, close enough to prevent anything and far enough not to be noticed by his children.

Oberyn had a very long talk with Arthur a month after they arrived; at first, Oberyn had tried to avoid the oathbreaker, but the anger had built more and more, each passing day, more rage. Just looking at Arthur reminded him that he had failed Elia and her children.

Oberyn, of course, knew that Elia hadn't been alone; Rhaegar had left Jaime 'The Kingslayer' behind to protect her. And not mentioning he had Barriston Selmy along with his uncle to protect Elia.

The viper still remembered the day very well, but that day had brought new questions in his head and almost no answers.

'Oberyn saw from afar Arthur watching over Jon who was in Obara's arms, she was carrying him around the castle, and Jon was giggling and smiling at her, Tyene and Nymeria were close, sometimes touching his face, making Jon grab their fingers and trying to put them in his mouth.

Oberyn smiled without noticing, but then his eyes found Arthur again, and the way he was looking after Jon made his blood boil, his heart beating in his throat. His face turned into a frown, and the smile disappeared.

Taking a deep breath, he walked and soon catched up to them.

"Girls, how about you go inside? Perhaps Jon is tired," Oberyn suggested with a slightly forced a smile, something that his daughters noticed immediately. Obara wanted to ask what the problem was but knew that he would tell them if it concerned them.

Walking away, Arthur didn't try to follow them; instead, he turned to look at Oberyn.

"We Talk?"

"We Talk"

Oberyn found a place to talk; it was hidden in the basement; he had found it with Elia when they were once playing Hide and Seek.

"I want to know why Rhaegar didn't send Elia and her children to Dorne?" Oberyn asked first, barely containing his rage; his hand rested on a hidden knife around his thighs.

But what Oberyn heard shocked him. "He did try, no matter what you might think or believe Oberyn, Rhaegar loved Elia and their children, but The King find out about it and forced them to stay in King's Landing", Arthur stated with a look, showing no lies and no fear, his eyes didn't budge, not even in the slightest.

Oberyn wanted to believe that he was lying, but he knew Rhaegar wasn't an emotionless monster who would get his children killed.

"How did the mad king figure it out?" Oberyn asked in return; he already thought of someone in his mind. But couldn't find a motive.

"I don't know, but Prince Rhaegar believed that it was Varys", Arthur replied with a hint of anger in his tone. Oberyn chewed his lower lip, and it was no one else that could have told him; he was the maester of Whisperers.'

After that day, Oberyn and Arthur had mostly kept a neutral friendship, neither at each other's throats but how they used to be when they were young before Arthur became a King's Guard.

Oberyn walked downstairs, and he saw Jae was talking something with Nymeria and pointing the finger at Obara; the viper couldn't hear them but figured it had something to do with her moves.

Walking closer, he heard. "Nym, can I at least hold it, not move it just ..."

"No Jon, we talked, no live steel until you reach ... 10 name days", Nymeria interjected before he could finish causing Jae to pout.

"Fine, but what about Training steel?" Jaehaerys asked with hope in his eyes, looking at Nym.

"As for that, you should ask Father," Tyene replied, grabbing his cheek much to his annoyance; he immediately put his hands on his cheek to protect his face.

"Stop it, Tye, you know I don't like it," Jae said but smiling at his sister.

Oberyn smiled and caught from behind them, causing them to turn around and look at him.

"Father, can I use Training Swords?" Jon asked before anyone else could utter a word. A chuckle escaped Oberyn's mouth and rubbed his dark crow hair.

"A training Sword, but you're only five name days old," Oberyn said, smiling warmly at him. While it was true that Jon was still very young to start practising, Oberyn knew sooner or later he would become King, and he will need to be a good warrior.

"I want to start now; Obara started when she was six name days", Jon replied, getting a playful punch from Obara.

"Very well, I will ask if anyone here is willing to train you in swords", Oberyn replied, knowing full well that Arthur would jump at the chance to train Jae. Still, Jon didn't realise that the three people that followed him sometimes were his king's guards; of course, Ellaria asked who they were, recognising Arthur despite his dyed blue hair, while Oswell had dyed to crow dark hair. Ser Gerold didn't use anything but let his beard grow to his neck level.

Oberyn had told her the truth about Jaehaerys. To his surprise, Ellaria didn't look surprised to hear that Jon wasn't his son; she had replied that his purple eyes were just like of Rhaenys and not mentioning his dark hair and his face structure had nothing in common with his.

Ellaria still treated Jon like her own son, and nothing had changed between them.

"Why don't you use A Spear? I'm sure father would train you?" Nym asked Jon, who looked in deep thought.

After a few seconds, he seemed to come out of his thoughts. "I don't like it much, and it just doesn't feel right in my hands", Jon replied, while Oberyn was thinking when his son had used a spear to know that he doesn't like how it feels in his hands, deciding to ask that question later.

"Now, everyone in the hall, dinner will be served soon," Oberyn said, and they followed behind; from the corner of his eyes, he could see Jon had his head slightly downwards, he wondered what was on the mind of the young prince.

Soon they reached the hall; Oberyn sat close to Doran, while his children sat close with Arianne and Quentyn, well, mostly Ari since Quentyn looked to be in a world of his own.

Jon Sand

In front of him a Dornish meal of purple olives, with flatbread, cheese, and chickpea pastewas, fresh bread, Gull's eggs diced with bits of ham and fiery peppers, sausage covered with red dirt that made it spicy, a chicken filled with onions and lemons, green leaves from Essos, and boiled eggs surrounded by red pepper around the plate.

Jon took a sausage, the scent of meat and different flavours had filled the hall, he started cutting it with a knife, and using a fork to eat, and helping it down with sweet milk, that was mixed with honey and a bit of something to make it a bit spicy.

His eyes found his father talking with someone with blue hair; Jon had noticed the man a few times whenever he was outside the castle; whenever he was outside, he had noticed that he or the other two men would be close.

Jon assumed that they were protecting them since Ari would always have a guard or two close, but these 'Guards' didn't stay that close, and he sure couldn't remember the last time any of his sisters had talked with them.

That made him question what they were protecting?

Jon softly nudged Ari, who was drinking a cup of water. Her eyes turned to Jon with a smile across her face.

"Ari, do you know who's the guy talking with father?" Jon asked most of the time, and it was easier to learn information from Ari than from Quentyn, who didn't talk with him much, if ever.

Ari shrugged her shoulders, not knowing, and she had seen and started noticing the man inside the castle for two years now.

"Who knows Jon, he talks with father sometimes, but you know how he is with his plans", Ari replied with a wave of slight anger in her tone and a stern look on her face, something that Jon noticed.

"Ari, I want a favour from you," Jon asked, planning something. This caused Ari to giggle slightly and lean her head closer to him.

"What are you planning, you little devil?" Ari asked playfully.

Jon rolled his eyes at the nickname and leaned his head closer to her ear.

"I want to see who these men protect. Can you and me tomorrow walk outside and split up to see who they will follow," Jon said; this caused a cunning smile to spread on her face.

"Invite Nym as well", Ari suggested, and Jon nodded his head in agreement. Soon he told the plan to Nym, who thought that would be fun.

Jon, of course, was sure that the guard, if he were one, would follow Ari since she was a princess and the heir of Dorne.


The following day, the sun shone high in the sky; the day was as bright as ever. Jon was walking around the country yard, followed closely by Ari and Nym. Jon noticed the man with blue hair was following.

Ari had asked her guards to stand back today. Jon turned to look at Ari and gave her a look, Ari smiled, and they stopped walking.

"I need to go inside, see you later, Jon and Nym," Ari said and kissed Jon's cheek, much to his annoyance, who immediately rubbed his cheek and gave her a warning look, Ari in return, just chuckled slightly as she walked away.

Jon couldn't understand why his sisters, mother, and Ari liked to kiss his cheek, which wasn't enjoyable.

Seeing her walk away, Jon walked away with Nym. As they were walking, Jon, much to his surprise, noticed the man wasn't following Ari but instead was in the same place.

After a few minutes, Jon and Nym had walked to the backside of the castle, where mostly the servants and workers lived; Jon noticed the man was hiding in a shop talking to the shopper, acting as if he was buying something.

Jon nudged Nym, "Nym, let's split up, you go inside the castle, and I will head towards the gate", Jon suggested; Nym's eyes roamed around them, not seeing anyone suspicious around.

She grabbed a small knife hidden in her clothes and gave it to Jon. Who's eye widened slightly; Jon knew about the numerous hidden blades his sister held, especially his father, who once had shown them how to hide knives around your clothes.

Jon took the knife and hid it in a pocket around his thighs; the cloth made it look like there was no pocket around there.

Splitting away, Jon walked close to the wall and saw the guards standing in front of the gate. Jon walked across the wall until he saw that the man was behind a pillar.

Jon stopped walking and turned his head towards the man. He was deciding to be brave and face whoever was in front head-on.

"Come out. I know you're there," Jon shouted at the blue-haired man. Jon saw the man walking towards him; his hand instinctively moved towards his hidden knife, his eyes looking at his feet, he saw no weak point from the way his foot moved, if anything Jon could see from his moving that the man in front of him was a warrior with hardly any weakness to exploit.

His eyes found his dark violet eyes; Jon breathed heavily at the colour of his eyes; he knew his purple eyes weren't exactly common.

"Who are you?" Jon asked; looking up at him, he noticed his hands were away from the handle of his swords, from that Jon was sure this one wasn't here to hurt him or even intimidate him; he wasn't spreading his arms around to look more significant to him, and his eyes looked... sad.

"I'm sorry if I frighten you; my name is Art; your father hired me to protect you", Art stated with a warm smile.

Jon raised an eyebrow, tilting his head at the side. "Oh," Jon said and feeling dumb to think that the man had any other thing going.

"Why didn't you follow my sister, but only me?" Jon asked, thinking there was more to it. He saw Art chuckle and murmured something under his breath before turning to look at Jon again.

"Because she went inside the castle while you're the only one outside", Art replied with a tone that indicated that he was telling the truth. Jon couldn't help but feel as if he wasn't telling him everything.

"I see you use swords. Can you train me in sword fighting?" Jon asked, smiling. Art returned the smile and even looked proud; Jon had seen that look in his father's eyes whenever one of them did something that he liked very much, like Obara getting better at her spear, Tyene answering questions correctly about various things. Jon asked for advice on how to fight.

Unknown to them, Obara, Nym and Tyene were hiding just in case their brother needed help.

Arthur Dayne - After 3 Months

Coming to Sunspear wasn't something he had thought that he would do for a long time; the last time he saw Oberyn, they didn't go their separate ways on good terms; therefore, Arthur had been sure that would take a long time until he saw Sunspear again, but now it had been over five years since he was living here.

Gerold had suggested going to Essos and starting a sellsword company to gather man when the time comes to prepare for the Iron Throne.

Gerold had decided to leave after a few months, and he stated that while there, they might contact Darry and perhaps find Viserys and Daenerys.

Whenever Princess Daenerys was mentioned, Oswell would ask if she should be the queen of King Jaehaerys, but Gerold had dropped the conversation every time it came up; Arthur didn't make his thoughts public, but he thought that Prince Jaehaerys could perhaps Marry Margaery Tyrell to ensure the Reach.

Eddard Stark had already given his word that The North would stand with the True King, despite his broken promise to his sister; Arthur knew Ned would keep his word, but that didn't include House Tully, and Arthur wasn't sure if he wanted their support to begin with.

House Tully had betrayed House Targaryen for no reason; the North, despite breaking their oath, at least they thought that Lyanna Stark was kidnapped, and The King burning Rickard Stark and strangling Brandon Stark didn't help.

That left only House Tyrell and the houses of DragonStone; House Lannister would never support them; Tywin Lannister was already neck-deep in blood dept with House Targaryen.

Arthur's mind went to his old brother, Barristan Selmy, and he wondered why he had to bend the knee to the Stag; Barristan always said that Rhaegar would become the greatest king they ever had, even better than Jaehaerys The First. Perhaps the death of Rhaegar crushed him, Arthur didn't know, but he had sworn to one day understand why.

A clash of swords made him escape his thoughts. He looked at Prince Jaehaerys swinging his sword against Ser Oswell, who dodged, despite being only three months since they started.

The prince was good at sword fighting; his stance and speed were beyond impressive; he knew when to dodge, move and swing.

He saw as the prince took a step forward, swinging at his right leg, causing it to hit a rock behind him, making him lose his footing for a second; the prince moved as fast as an arrow and hit him in the chest.

"I got you", The Prince stated with a smile; Ser Oswell laughed.

"Just like Rhaegar", Arthur wanted to say but held his tongue; in many ways, the prince reminded him of Rhaegar.

"You indeed did good, Jon, but next time block more", Oswell advised; Arthur saw Oberyn walk over to them and engulf The Prince in a hug. He saw him murmur something in the prince's ear: Saying that the prince's face lightened up like a candle.

"Thank you, Father", The Prince shouted and ran inside.

"What's that?" Ser Oswell asked, immediately wondering what it was that made the prince so happy.

Oberyn just grinned like an idiot. "You'll see", he only replied. Arthur wanted to ask again what it was, but he saw the prince followed by his ... Oberyn's daughter wearing different clothes.

Arthur followed behind, and they reached where the horses slept; in front of the stall was a new pony; the pony had red fur with white fur around his neck and stomach, his tail was half-red and half-white.

The prince walked in front of them, his legs dancing and sometimes walking faster towards the new horse.

"Slow Down, Jon, no need to rush," Oberyn said, but he could have talked to a wall instead. The prince took a sprint, followed by Oberyn's daughters.

Arthur followed closely behind and saw Oberyn pinching the bridge of his nose, smiling proudly at them.

Arthur was close, and he saw the prince softly touching the pony, who, to his surprise, lowered his body slightly, almost wanting Jon to mount her.

Apparently, The Prince thought the same thing because the next thing Arthur knew, His prince immediately put his leg in the stirrup, moved his body and mounted the pony.

The prince screamed in joy as he held the reins and started riding away, almost like he had ridden all his life.

Oberyn and the others soon followed behind, Arthur cursed his luck for letting him ride away, but no one noticed that Tyene, Nym and Obara weren't worried in the slightest.

Arthur followed behind only to see The prince still riding his horse; seeing him now made his breath stuck in his throat. At that moment, he didn't see His prince but Lyanna Stark.