The Regret of a Big Brother

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The Following 8 Chapters are already available for Patrons.

Chapter 60 (The Red Temple), Chapter 61 (For The Throne), Chapter 62 (The Seasnakes), Chapter 63 (The Truth is Revealed), Chapter 64 (The King of Dorne), Chapter 65 (The Meeting of Two Dragons), Chapter 66 (How to Seduce Your Aunt?), and Chapter 67 (Love, Blood and War) are already available for Patrons.


He reached the entrance of the crypts, and a gentle breeze flew past him, his hair flowing with the wind. His hand touched the Weirwood Door; the door had yet to be changed or decorated since it was put there. Eight thousand years ago, yet the door didn't show any sign of decaying or anything. It looked as beautiful as the day it was made; two direwolves howling at the moon were decorated in the door.

Opening the door, it made no sound; his eyes found the only light source in the deep darkness awaiting him downstairs. Grabbing the still-burning lantern, he walked forward with heavy steps, the darkness illuminated by the light; downstairs he walked, a strange pressure engulfed him the deeper he went, and he felt cold.

At the end of the stairs were the statues of Sōna and Morghon. The oldest direwolves of House Stark. Their statues didn't do justice to their size; no book or Maester talked about them anymore, and their memories were lost with time, but people in the North often spoke of their size, some saying they were as large as a small house. King Stark had mounted his Wolf to battle in full Armour.

Walking forward, he felt the cold on his bones. He passed through the Kings of Winter. The kings of winter were looking at him.

You're no Stark.

He heard in the wind; their eyes looked almost alive, judging him for being in a place where he didn't belong. Never Would.

Soon, he found his mother's statue. As beautiful as he had imagined. Jae remembered the many times he had dreamed of her. He could almost see her face, but Jae knew she was beautiful. Now, here she is, Jae murmured under his breath. He stepped closer, putting the lantern on the ground. His purple eyes looked at hers, almost expecting them to move. "Mother," he whispered, almost waiting for a response.

In his left hand was a Winter Rose, putting it in her cold hands. He wished for her to smell them, but she did none. She was a Statue. Nothing more...

"I'm sorry for waiting so long, Mother. I'm here; we're finally together again," Jae said quietly, his voice cracking the more he spoke, his eyes welling up.

"I love you, mother, more than anything. I wish you were here with me, you would meet Ghost, Arianne, she's . . . She's lovely, and my cousin, Arya, some say, she's like you," he said with a laugh. He could almost see it: his mother hugging him, meeting Ari, wishing for them to have many beautiful and healthy children and be happy together.

"I really wanted to meet you. Despite Lady Ellaria. I always wished to have known you, to talk with you." he said, stiffing and crying. Slowly, he regained his composure and wiped away the tears with his sleeve.

His attention turned to his mother. "Muna. I will return tomorrow and bring you more flowers," he said with a sad smile, touching her hand; they felt warm.

"I heard that King Rhaegar is very good at singing; it is said that his song brought you to tears at the Tourney of Harrenhal. I would like to sing you a song as well." Jae said before clearing his throat.

'Gentle Mother, font of mercy,

Save our sons from war, we pray.

Stay the swords and stay the arrows,

Let them know a better day.

Gentle Mother, the strength of women,

Help our daughters through this fray.

Soothe the wrath and tame the fury,

Teach us all a kinder way.

Gentle Mother, font of mercy,

Save our sons from war, we pray.

Stay the swords and stay the arrows,

Let them know a better day.

Gentle Mother, font of mercy,

Save our sons from war, we pray.

Stay the swords and stay the arrows,

Let them know a better day.

Gentle Mother, the strength of women,

Help our daughters through this fray.

Soothe the wrath and tame the fury,

Teach us all a kinder way.

Gentle Mother, font of mercy,

Save our sons from war, we pray.

Stay the swords and stay the arrows,

Let them know a better day.

Gentle Mother, font of mercy,

Save our sons from war, we pray.

Stay the swords and stay the arrows,

Let them know a better day.

Gentle Mother, the strength of women,

Help our daughters through this fray.

Soothe the wrath and tame the fury,

Teach us all a kinder way.

Gentle Mother, font of mercy,

Save our sons from war, we pray.

Stay the swords and stay the arrows,

Let them know a better day.'

After singing the song, he no longer felt cold; his mother smiled at him, filling him with warmth. "I will sing again tomorrow, Mother."

Grabbing the lantern from the ground, Jae briefly wondered why the flame inside hadn't gone out yet but quickly ignored it.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps approaching; his eyes saw someone walking inside, her figure; he knew who she was right away.

"Aly, why are you here?" Jae questioned as she approached him, her footsteps echoing through the silence of the crypts until she was in front of him. She took hold of his arm before looking at his mother's statue.

"She's beautiful." She said as they both looked at the statue together. "My mother, she told me stories of her. She didn't know her well, only from what her father told her, but I can see a small resemblance between her and you." Jae smiled; hearing that, he couldn't help but feel good. He knew he looked like a Stark; his uncle had told him as much, and even Arya had told him more than once that he looked more like a Stark than Robb.

"I really wish I could have met her. Even for just a few minutes. I want to know if she's proud of the man I'm right now." Jae said with melancholy, his hand reaching up to touch the cold stone cheek of the statue.

"She is, Jon." Alyanna said sweetly. "The fact that you're here right now proves that. Your mother gave birth to you and it cost her life, but she went out fighting for you. She loved you with all her heart before she even met you. She will always be proud of you." Alyanna finished, her voice echoing through the crypts.

Jae felt his heart beat fast, his eyes burned, and the words he heard made him smile—a big smile. "Aly, you're incredible," Jae said, looking at her hunting violet eyes; she looked away before gesturing for him to walk out of the crypts.

"We should leave. Let them rest." Jae followed behind; he looked at his mother again over his shoulder before walking out of the crypts.


"How are the lessons with the Red Priestess going?" Her brother questioned as they were breaking their fast in his chambers.

It's been a week since she started her lessons with Kinvara. The Red Priestess would invite her to her chambers after lunch; they would spend time together, and Dany enjoyed Kinvara's company more and more.

"She's teaching me about the ruling, Westeros, magic, and about Valyria. She has books that I have never heard of before. In one of them, it stated that a long time ago, a House of Dragonriders in Valyria, they used to eat the hearts of their dragons after they died. It was a ceremony, it said they did that to be immune to flames, and have the ability to speak with Dragons." Daenerys explained while Viserys listened closely, looking mildly impressed.

"What about Politics? And Westeros? Lyuka is having me learn about the Houses in Westeros." Viserys questioned as he took a bite out of the chicken he was eating, like Dany. Lyuka was a Red Priestess teaching Viserys, just as Kinvara was teaching Dany.

Viserys found it a little difficult to trust her. What she said about Westeros was that no one was really awaiting their return. For a very long time, he had wanted to believe that all their suffering was worth something. Once they returned home with an army, the other houses would welcome them with open arms. That's what he had believed until the Red Priestess told him that all those Houses cared about was their status and how much power they could have and that no one was really waiting for them; no one had secret feasts in their honor. They would be crushed like bugs if they didn't come to Westeros with Power behind their backs.

Dany hadn't wanted to believe it, but Kinvara had told her during one of their sessions that the Common People don't care who is in charge of the Realm.

"The Houses in Westeros are not awaiting your return Daenerys. Even House Martell, despite what happened to Elia Martell and her children, they won't join your cause just because of revenge. Despite their hatred for the lions and the stags. House Martell will want something more in return besides revenge for support." Kinvara said smoothly in a melodic voice as she sat near Daenerys in her bed.

"Does anyone care in Westeros about House Targaryen?" Daenerys questioned, feeling a little cold when she felt Kinvara's hand; a feeling of warmth spread on her face like a warm blanket; her skin was smooth and soft, like touching silk.

"There are smaller Houses that still care but remember. Only Power can give you what you want. Aegon and his sisters won because of Dragons, and so will you." Kimvara said with a look that made Daenerys weak in her knees, especially when her beautiful lips kissed her cheek. It felt so Good. '

"Is there anything else you are doing there with Kinvara?" Viserys suddenly inquired, catching Dany a little off guard; she cocked an eyebrow.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Daenerys questioned defensively, feeling a fire of anger growing inside her like a Dragon.

"Calm down, sweet sister, but the fact that you are being so protective means that something is indeed happening between you two." Viserys said with a look of disapproval on his face as he slammed his fork and spoon on the table.

"Why do you care?" Daenerys demanded quickly, feeling stupid for losing her composure so easily; she was supposed to be a Princess, a Dragonrider someday, yet her brother easily read her like an open book.

"You are my sister, Dany. Of course, I care." Viserys quickly defended himself before looking away, and a cold silence spread between the two. Daenerys was ready to excuse herself. If her brother didn't approve of her lessons, then she didn't care. She didn't need his approval.

"Dany. I just want to make sure she's not using you. We might be poor, we might have nothing right now, but our blood has Power. I just don't want you to get hurt." Viserys said with a look of genuine care in his eyes; he quickly stood up and walked around the table separating them, his hands grasped hers.

"Dany, I just want you to be careful. Right now, they are giving us food, clothing us, but I'm still not sure what will happen once we arrive in the Red Temple. We have to be careful." Viserys said with concern as he softly caressed her hands.

Daenerys looked away; she knew her brother had a point. There was always a possibility that all this was a ploy to get them to the Red Temple for other reasons. But Dany didn't want to believe that.

She still remembered what it was like to walk across the streets with naked feet and empty bellies. After all these years in the run, she wanted to believe the Red Priestess were helping them and not lying to them. Dany knew for certain they wanted something in return; she wasn't foolish enough to think all this was out of the goodness of their hearts, as Kinvara herself told her.

"People always want something in return, my Princess. Everything has a Price. Even Loyalty."

With that in her head, she stood up, moving her hands away from his. "I will be careful, brother. I'm not a little girl anymore." She said softly; her words seemed to have affected her; his eyes widened as if he saw her for the first time when Viserys suddenly hugged her, his arms around her. She almost tensed but quickly nuzzled her face against his shoulder as he caressed her silver hair.

"You're just like Muna," Viserys said with melancholy, eventually pulling away; his words caused her eyes to burn. Viserys was always reluctant to talk about her; he talked about Rhaegar and Westeros, of what he remembered, but when it came to Muna, he was always a little withdrawn.

"I am?"

"Yes." He quickly affirmed, cupping her cheeks. "It's been so long, but I look at you every time. I remember her. You are like her. S-she was everything to me. When we left King's Landing, she was all I had, and one day she left us. You were my sister, but I blamed you for what happened to Muna. I blamed you because I was angry. I was angry with the world for taking her, but I aimed all my anger towards you. I'm sorry, Daenerys." Viserys confessed as he walked further back from her, his eyes red with unshed tears.

Daenerys didn't know how to feel about that. She remembered the many times Viserys had yelled at her. It had hurt. His words had cut deep. Even worse than an empty belly. The many times he told her that she would 'Wake the Dragon' as he used to call it. She didn't know if she was ready to forgive everything, but she liked this new side of him.

"Thank you, big brother," Dany said with a genuine smile. Viserys shed a tear from his right eye before quickly walking into his chamber.


He never saw himself as a man of the Faith, but he knew his mother used to pray to the Old Gods. He had asked his uncle if there was anything he needed to say to pray in front of a Weirwood Tree.

' "Come with me, nephew." His uncle said with a smile; Jae followed behind. As soon as they entered God's Wood, he felt as if someone was watching over them, as if the wind itself was watching them.

"Your mother used to come here, Nephew." His uncle said Jae found himself smiling; mother Ellaria wasn't really into praying; she would often say Faith was just something that gets in the way of living your life however you wanted.

"I didn't know she cared for the old gods." Jae replied, but his uncle laughed upon hearing that as they walked further into the God's Wood.

"Not to pray. Your mother loved to pull pranks around Winterfell. And God's Wood was one of the many places she used to hide when we were little." His uncle explained. Jae chuckled; he was trying to imagine her doing something like that.

"I didn't know, was she ever caught?" Jae questioned humorously; Ned smiled, a bright one.

"Only once. She sneaked into kitchen and put extra salt in all our dishes. My father wasn't happy, and he was ready to send the cook out of Winterfell, but Lyanna. I don't know what she thought, perhaps she felt bad, but she quickly stood up and said that she had been the one to put the salt on the dish. Father forgave her, but we used to laugh about it even a long time after that day." His uncle explained as they reached the Weirwood Tree.

Its face was carved into the tree, and it looked back at Jae, red eyes like blood.

Jae followed his uncle's introduction, both kneeling to their knees. His uncle showed him how to pray and the words he needed to say. Once done, he closed his eyes, praying under his breath.

' May the Gods lead your soul to the Garden of the Gods. May you find peace. May you rest. In the Grand Castle of the Gods.'

He felt the gentle wind against his face, and soon, he stood up along with his uncle, who sat down on a thick trunk of the Weirwood Tree.

Jae took a deep breath before asking his uncle something he had wanted to know. "Uncle, what were my mother's last words?"

His uncle shuffled his feet; his eyes showed great pain. "She wanted me to promise her I would care for you and that I would support you in everything. I intend to keep my promise." His uncle said, looking away for a brief moment; he took a deep breath before looking back at Jae. His eyes still showed how much he still missed Lyanna.

"What convinced you to let me be raised with the Martells? Father Oberyn says that you wanted to bring me to Winterfell to be raised as your bastard son." Jae questioned. His father and Ser Arthur had told him about that day, but he wanted to hear it from his uncle.

His uncle looked down before looking up at him as if the words were hard to say. "That was my plan, nephew. I wanted the whole family here, but when I arrived in Starfall. I saw my daughter. Ashara promised me that our daughter would be raised and treated the same as the Trueborn. This made me remember that if I brought you North. You wouldn't be treated as well, so, after I talked with Prince Oberyn and Prince Doran and, Ser Arthur promised me. I decided to let you in Oberyn's hands." His uncle explained; Jae nodded with a look of understanding. He didn't know what his life would have been like in the North, but he loved the life he had lived and was grateful that his uncle had decided to let him be raised in Sunspear.

"Thank you, Uncle. I really like the North, but Sunspear will always be my second home." '

After his uncle left, he remained in God's Wood to pray. "Jon!" He turn around to see Robb Stark approaching him, followed closely by Grey Wind. Ghost quickly moved in the front at the sight of the other Direwolf approaching.

"What can I do for you, Lord Stark?" Jae questioned with courtesy. As far as he knew, his uncle had yet to tell his children who he was, so he didn't know what someone like Robb wanted with him.

"What did you name him? Alyanna says she named hers Spring," Robb questioned with a friendly smile. Jae knew there was more to this but decided to play along.

"Ghost," Jae answered; the direwolf's ears perked up upon hearing his master calling him.

"I heard from servants; he makes no noise," Robb added with a wry grin. Ghost stood up and walked away, his feet sliding through the one-foot-deep snow, yet he didn't make a sound.

"He's perfect to steal chicken from the kitchen." Jae japed. This earned a chuckle from the heir of Winterfell, but his expression quickly turned serious; Jae knew now he would tell him why he was really here.

"Jon Sand, here in the North, we get straight to the point. Are you my cousin?" Jae didn't react; he didn't as much as flinch, leaving no sign that he was right in his assumption, but he saw no point in lying, but that doesn't mean he would say the whole truth yet.

"What gave it away, my hair, or maybe the direwolf?" Jae questioned with a furrowed brow; Robb gasped slightly, now looking at him from up close.

"The direwolf. Ghost and Spring refused any of us before you two came along." Robb answered, his crimson hair tucked behind his hair.

"I see. Well, Lord Stark did say that you all will be suspicious of me, especially because of the Direwolves." Jae added, with Robb nodding along; he looked down at Grey Wind before commanding him to leave them alone; the direwolf went after Ghost.

"What was your life like in Dorne?" Robb asked intently as he sat down on one of the long old vines of the weirwood tree. Jae sat down; he grasped a skin bottle from his waist and took a small sip from it before handing it to Robb.

"Dornish Wine, much better than the red water you drink here," Jae said lightheartedly. Robb cracked a smile before taking a long sip.

"Never tasted something likes this." Robb complimented, wiping away the wine left from his lips with his sleeve.

"What do you want to know, Lord Stark?" "Robb." He quickly corrected with the same friendly smile. "Call me Robb. I don't want to hear 'Lord' when we are alone." He added. Jae appreciated that; it seemed his cousin was a good enough man.

"Very well, Robb. What do you want to know?"

"Anything you can tell me. I would like to know more about you, cousin." Jae then proceeded to tell him as much as he could, but excluding many personal information, including the part that he's Lyanna's son. Instead, he was of Brandon Stark, as Robb seemed convinced that he was after he told him a good deal about his life in Dorne. Robb started explaining about his own life in Winterfell and how he was raised with barely any friends of his age until Theon came along. Jae was ready to throw some nasty insult about the Iron Born but decided to let him talk.

Soon enough, three hours passed with them still in God's Wood. "I heard you are riding to the Wall. Is that true?" Robb questioned with a small edge in his voice; Jae merely nodded.

"You want to join The Night's Watch?" Robb questioned with a clear frown on his face. He seemed ready to try and change his mind if that was the case, but Jae quickly shook his head.

"Not that. My father always wanted to see the Wall, and I'm tagging along." Jae answered. Robb seemed convinced, but he didn't like that Jae spoke of Prince Oberyn as a 'Father' but decided it would be better not to say anything.

"When will you leave?"

"Tomorrow. We have stayed here long enough, and your father has to ride South. Something about the King being afraid that the Targaryens are coming, or something." Jae answered; his cousin chuckled before standing up, bits of snow falling from his pants.

"Me and Theon will hunt. Do you want to come?" Robb invited him. Jae felt a bitter taste in his mouth at the mention of the Ironborn, but this was an opportunity to talk with his cousin, so he nodded as he stood up.

If you want to read the Following 8 Chapters, Check out The LINK Above.