The Red Temple

Hello, Drinor here. I'm happy to publish a new Chapter of A Dragon Kissed by Sun.

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The following 8 chapters are already available to Patrons.

Chapter 61 (For The Throne), Chapter 62 (The Seasnakes), Chapter 63 (The Truth is Revealed), Chapter 64 (The King of Dorne), Chapter 65 (The Meeting of Two Dragons), Chapter 66 (How to Seduce Your Aunt?), Chapter 67 (Love, Blood and War), and Chapter 68 (The Field of Fire) are already available for Patrons.

The North went on forever. Two weeks have passed since Jae and his group left Winterfell. Despite not being big fans of the cold of the North, Obara and Nymeria went along with the group to the Wall. Obara had spent the whole time complaining about how cold it was in Winterfell, and now they were riding further North.

Jae had told them they could stay in Winterfell if they wanted to and wait for them to return, but Nymeria had made it clear she would be there to watch over him; if anyone tried to harm her 'little brother,' she would cut their tongues, and make them eat it.

"Watch over me, sister. Like a Kingsguard." Jae had japed with a wide grin; Nymeria nodded with a look of determination, kissing his cheek.

"Yes. I will protect you, little brother." She had reaffirmed.

Even Arianne had decided to see the Wall; much to his shock, everyone in the group knew how much she loved the warmth, and even being in Winterfell was something she didn't like much; she was made for the sand and the sun, she was the Princess of Dorne after all, so Jae was sure that she would decide to stay in Winterfell until they returned back. Jae wouldn't really blame her, but much to his surprise, she told him that she wanted to come with him to the Wall when Obara asked her if she had perhaps gone mad while staying in the North.

' "Ari, I'm serious. You can stay here if you want." Jae told her. He didn't want her to feel bad if she truly wanted to stay here, but she smiled at him with love before kissing his lips; her plump and warm lips made him groan, but before they could get lost in their passion, Arianne pulled away, her forehead resting against his.

"Jae, you might have been raised in the South, but the North is a part of you, and I want to be with you. No matter where you go, the Wall, or even beyond the Wall. I Will be there for you." Arianne cupped his hands in hers and looked at his purple eyes with all the love she could muster. Jae was lost for words as she kissed his lips once again.

"I love you, you silly Targaryen," Arianne said with a chuckle of amusement. Jae had heard those words before, but it still felt good to hear them; his heart swelled with joy and warmth. Jae really didn't know what else to say. But he knew he loved her. She was kind, beautiful, caring, sweet, and quiet, demanding when she wanted to, and he knew she would tell him that he was wrong if he made mistakes, he knew unlike him, she was very good at politics and could help him lead Westeros.

"I love you, too. Silly Princess." Jae said with amusement, earning a giggle from Ari, who quickly closed the gap once again. Her lips felt divine, not the first time he had tasted them. Jae wanted to taste them as many times as possible. Arianne always held a special place in his heart, and now, he didn't feel like he could become King without her by his side. He wanted her by his side, and when the day comes he becomes King of Westeros, he wants Arianne Martell, the Princess of Dorne, to be his Wife and Queen. '

The further they rode North, the colder it became, and due to the bad roads and the snow going from half a foot deep to a foot deep, they didn't help with their travel; soon enough, they needed to stop four times a day to let the Horses rest. The only good sign was the warmth they felt inside the large carriages they were using to travel and warm themselves since only House Martell members and people that Jae trusted were present.

Rhaenix joined them quite often. The moment they stopped traveling, she would come from the skies and land near their carriage. Her presence put fear in the hearts of every other animal nearby. She would even give them whatever she was able to catch, most of the time bears, deer, and shadowcats.

' "How are you feeling, sister?" Jae asked tenderly as he stroked her scales around her nose; she purred, closing her eyes as she used the snow like a white pillow for her head to rest on.

"Excellent, Valonqar. As long as you're happy. I'm happy too." She spoke in his mind, tilting her head slightly so her eyes were directly in front of him; as he kept stroking her nose, she let out a huff from her nose, and the warmth of her breath caused the snow below their feet to melt, even her body made the snow near her melt, Jae could hear the droplets of melted snow dripping from the top of the trees, and falling on the ground below.

"Is the cold bothering you?" Jae asked, concerned. He knew from books that dragons weren't really fond of the cold of the North, and he still remembered what was said about the Wall, how Silverwing had refused to fly over it; he wondered if his sister could fly over it, or maybe some kind of magic would prevent her from flying over it.

"I'm fine, Valonqar, but I have a little headache," Rhaenix said with a small grimace. One couldn't tell; she was a dragon, but Jae knew she didn't like the cold and the headache.

"Maybe you should fly back. I will be fine. Arthur is with me, and so are my father and siblings." Jae said concerned, stroking her scales. He hoped there was a way to make the pain go away, but Rhaneix quickly shook her head before leaning her nose against his body.

"I will not leave you alone, Valonqar. I will always protect you." Jae felt his eyes burn, spreading his arms; he hugged her face. Rhaenix let out another purr before slumping her head down against the snow, allowing him to easily climb on top of her neck and with a command. She and Jae explored the vast North and didn't return for an hour. Once he returned back to the camp, Oberyn and Arthur scolded him for not telling them where he was going and not waiting for one of them to accompany him. Until, Arianne stepped in, and told them both to stop.

"Jaeharys is our King, your King. If he wants to fly alone with Rhaenix, then he will do so, and none of you can tell him that he cannot do that." Upon hearing this, Oberyn and Arthur apologized for yelling that at him, but Jae accepted their apology; they were simply worried for him. '

Now, after two weeks of traveling, they were getting closer to the Wall, but the wits of Obara were near their end.

"Go to the Wall, they said; it's the most incredible structure in Westeros they said. This is bullshit. It's COLD!!" Obara exclaimed for the tenth time, hugging the cloak fur tightly as her teeth seemed like they would break into little pieces as they rode through the road. The soldiers, Arthur, Oberyn, Jae, and Alyanna, were the only ones riding outside in front of the carriage.

Jae felt bad for the Martell soldiers, despite the heavy cloaks they were wearing to keep themselves warm, they weren't used to this kind of weather. Jae could hear the clattering sound of the armor as their bodies shivered. But Jae and Aly showed no sign of cold in their bodies or faces.

Nymeria had jokingly said that his Dragon blood gave him warmth even at the end of the world, but when Arianne had pointed out that Alyanna didn't feel the cold either, that's when they all had decided to say that it was the Wolf blood in them, protecting them from the cold.

Jae and Aly started talking about what's beyond the Wall and what kind of animals one could find there. Jae was sure they could find Mamoths beyond the Wall. Aly said that she would like to see one before mentioning that she had 'An Animal Guide Book' back at her home.

"Animal Guide Books! What's that?" Jae asked humorously, feeling the wind blowing on his face. The soldiers behind him shuddered from the cold, but he wasn't bothered. The same was true for Aly, who enjoyed it much more when it was so cold.

"My mother gave me the book when I was young. An explorer wrote the book, and he had someone else paint the animals he had seen. There are even drawings of horses with a horn on their forehead," Aly said with a bright smile, adding to her beautiful face. Unlike the rest, the two were still wearing the same clothes they had been wearing since they entered the North.

"Oh, a Unicorn. I thought they didn't exist," Jae said with a hint of awe and a little teasing. In Westeros, unicorns were seen as symbols of love.

"Well, they do exist, but they live too far from here. I think the book mentioned a jungle where animals are much larger. The book even speaks of strange creatures like lizards, but they are the size of dogs, and they walk on one set of legs." Aly explained, and from her voice alone, Jae could tell she wished to explore these places, too.

While Jae hadn't known cousin Arya for that long, Aly and her weren't that different, but unlike Arya, who preferred swords over needles and stitching clothes and wasn't really fond of ladies who only enjoyed dancing, snitching, and other lady-like activities.

Aly loved the work of needles; she liked making new clothes, but the desire to explore was still what she wanted the most; he was sure that if Aly had a dragon of her own, she would already be out there exploring the world, and one day write a book of her own.

"Oh, now I understand who kept this writer warm during the night," Jae japed, earning a swapp from Aly, who gave him a glare, but she didn't really mean it as she too giggled along with him; suddenly she shuddered much to his shock, he quickly turned to face her, and she wore a grin on her face, that kind of grin that meant something bad would happen.

"I'm freezing, my dear lord." She spoke dramatically, shuddering, hugging her own body, a teasing grin on her face. She was wearing boiled armor, with white straps and fur covering her shoulders and back, and a fur hoodie made of Shadowcat skin.

"Ohh, what can a lord like me do to help you?" Jae asked teasingly, letting out a whistle. His horse walked a little to the left, getting closer to her horse until they were almost touching.

"These clothes are not warm enough, my lord. You will have to find another way to warm, if not, you have failed to do your duty as a lord." She spoke dramatically, trying to sound offended.

"Please give me a chance," Jae begged teasingly. Aly giggled loudly, showing him more of her beautiful smile.

"I will give you a chance my lord, but only one." Aly played along and fluttered her eyelashes at him.

Jae hummed thoughtfully before saying, "Hmm, will more clothes do?"

"No, my lord. You have to find something else to keep me warm," Aly teased. Jae suddenly looked at her in realization before placing his arm around her shoulder, bringing her closer to him.

"Will this do?" Jae spoke with a low, husky voice. Aly shuddered. Unconsciously, she leaned against his touch. Her purple eyes went to his purple eyes. Before looking down at his lips, she wondered what it would be like to taste them. Would it be warm like his Dragon Blood? Would it be sweet?

"Your Grace, we are near the Mole's Town." Arthur abruptly spoke from behind them, causing them to pull away from one another quickly. Aly forced herself not to groan. She looked behind and could see the obvious evil smile on Arthur's face behind his helmet as he rode closer, followed by Oberyn. Only now did they notice that they had ridden too far away from the carriage.

"I hope I wasn't interrupting anything," Arthur added, a smirk growing on his face, if that was even possible. Aly felt the need to punch him in the chest for having such a big mouth.

"No wonder; no girls want your presence, Ser Arthur," Aly said with a smirk, looking behind at the knight, who chuckled in amusement. Even Jae tagged along.

"My Lady doesn't need to hear about my adventures, but since you asked. Before I became a Kingsguard, it was someone else the ladies wanted in Dorne instead of Oberyn; they only started liking him after I wasn't around anymore. That's the true reason why Oberyn used to hate me: my existence will always remind him that he was the second choice." Jae burst out laughing, while Oberyn didn't seem to appreciate the words he was hearing; Aly giggled more when he saw his face turning red despite the snow falling around them; she closed her mouth with her hand, trying to stop her giggling.

"Very funny, Arthur. Why didn't you become a joggler, your name would have been even more famous." Oberyn drawled, looking at the Kingsguard like he wanted to kill him.

"Nah, I doubt I would have become that famous, and that place belongs to you, Oberyn," Arthur added, eliciting a round of laughter amongst the soldiers. Oberyn was the only one who didn't laugh.

As they rode past the small town, Jae could see people wearing black cloaks; he didn't need to ask which one was the brothel; one of the buildings was a three-story building, unlike the rest that had one floor, the sound coming from the building made it clear what was happening inside.

"Valonqar, the headache is getting worse. I don't think I can follow you further." Rhaenix suddenly spoke in his ear. Jae could almost feel her pain, knowing it must be because of the Wall.

"No worries, sister. I will be safe. Don't get closer. I don't want you to experience more pain." Jae quickly told her as they soon rode past the town. She wasn't happy to leave him alone without being able to keep him safe, and he knew she tried to follow further ahead. But suddenly, she let out a scream of pain, quickly turning around and flying away from the Wall.

"Do not worry, sweet sister. I won't be here long. We will head south by tomorrow," Jae told her reassuringly, trying to make her feel better. Rhaenix didn't say anything, but he could feel the pain slowly fading away the further from the Wall she flew. After a few minutes, she told him that the pain was no more.

Soon enough, they arrived at the gates of Castle Black. It was already near dusk, but the gates didn't take long for them to open. When they saw the large party of Dornish approaching, the soldiers carrying the flag of House Martell, the doors were opened, and in front of them appeared three men followed by a small group of Night's Watch men, all wearing the black cloaks of the Night's Watch.

One on the left was a slim man of fifty years with sharp features. His eyes were black, like two pits, and his black hair was streaked with grey.

He was wearing the crisp black leather with his fur-trimmed cloak and polished boots and carrying a longsword.

"See that, Allister, your dream came true." The man without his left hand japed, slapping the one named Allister on the shoulder with his right; the slap must have been hard since Allister almost stumbled forward, giving the one-handed man a nasty glare.

"No wonder they didn't want you in the South anymore, Donal. You have a big mouth," the man said bitterly, but Donal laughed out loud, slapping his large belly as he did.

Donal has a big belly and a pinned-up sleeve. His jaws bristle with black stubble. He is muscular and strong, even with one hand missing. His nose is broad and flat.

"Who comes to the Night's Watch?" the one in the middle shouted, stepping forward. His eyes looked at Prince Oberyn as he jumped from his horse before marching over to him.

"My name is Oberyn Martell. We have brought some goods for the Night's Watch," The Prince announced, his voice echoing throughout the courtyard. This caused the small crowd of soldiers behind the Commander to look at one another before smiling brightly. Their smiles grew when the horses carrying the supplies rode forward, carrying heavy bags full of food, drinks, blankets, and even wood to make new beds and metal for new weapons.

"I'm the Commander of Night's Watch, my name is Jeor Mormont. Thank you for bringing all these supplies to us." Jeor spoke with a booming voice, but the way he looked at Oberyn made it clear that he knew they wanted something in return.

Jeor has an immense bald head with a spotted scalp, and his shaggy grey beard covers much of his chest.

Jeor wears a cloak of thick black fur, and for formal occasions, he wears a black wool doublet with silvered fastenings. His short-hafted battle axe has scrollwork inlaid on black. He also has a sword and wears a steel knife on his belt.

"Do not thank me, thank my son. Jon Sand." Jae dismounted his horse and strode forward, followed by Ser Arthur and Lady Alyanna. The moment he was in front of them, his eyes took the man off guard.

"It's an honor to meet you, Lord Commander. I hope you like the supplies we brought here," Jae said with courtesy, shaking the Commander's hand. The Commander looked at him with a calculating look while the man near him swallowed thickly.

"Oh, we did. Thank you, young man, but let's get you all inside. We can talk later, and with wine in between." Lord Commander led them inside Castle Black.

The place had seen better days. Thankfully, the cold had its uses, too. The food could not go bad, and due to the cold temperatures, there were no rats that lived in this place, so the only animals that could eat the food were the dogs of Castle Black.

Upon reaching the Commander's chambers, the man suggested that the ladies and the Princess take the two chambers they had. They weren't as good as those back at Sunspear, but they would do, and Jae knew he wasn't going to stay here long. He would do what he needed to do, travel back South, and prepare for War.

Once they entered, Jae noticed the old man sitting on the chair behind a desk. The old Bear quickly grabbed a bottle of wine hidden inside a wall shelf with drawers. He took several cups and filled them one by one. The only one not drinking was the old Maester, who had kept quiet so far.

"If not now, then I don't know when. I saved this bottle from my home. We have received a big boom tonight." The Lord Commander cheered, handing each of them a cup of wine.

Jae drank the wine without problem; it tasted more bitter than sweet. Oberyn let out a cough while Ser Arthur rolled his eyes before slapping his back.

"May I ask why help the Night's Watch." The Lord Commander finally asked as he wiped the wine from his sleeve with the back of his hand.

"My mother was of the North, Lord Commander, and I always wanted to help people of the Watch," Jae said naturally, and it was not like he was lying. The old bear nodded with a deep look before turning to look at the other two men who had yet to introduce themselves.

"This one is our Blacksmith, Donal Noye, and Alliser Thorne is our Man At Arms." The two men shook hands with Jae and Oberyn, but once the introduction was done, Jae noticed Alliser was looking at him all the time, following his every move, almost like he was trying to read his mind.

"Prince Oberyn. I never thought I would see you at the end of the world." Ser Alliser spoke with a hint of disbelief, looking between the Prince and Jae, and the latter could tell the man was already suspicious of them.

"I like to visit places, Thorne. One man should never live and die in the same spot they were born; life is long so we have enough time to enjoy all the world's pleasures." Oberyn said with a snake-like grin; the man merely huffed, his eyes flickering at Jae once again, something Arthur noticed right away.

They talked more about the supplies and their work at the Wall. Jae noticed that Alliser stopped paying attention to him after a certain point. Jae talked more about the reason why he wanted to help the Watch. He knew his little story wasn't all that convincing, but it didn't matter much, and soon enough, he was able to secure a meeting with the Old Maester.


Jae stood in front of the door that led inside the chamber where Maester Aemon resides; Alliser knocked on the door for him.

"Maester Aemon, Jae Snow is here to see you, he says he wants to talk with you." The man spoke respectfully.

"Come in," Maester Aemon's voice was heard from the other side of the door; Jae was ready to open the door when Alliser stopped him with a hand on his wrist.

"Maester Aemon is old, so do not tire him too much. I figure you two have a lot to talk about with one another. I want to talk to you myself after you are done here." Alliser said with courtesy before letting go of his wrist; without saying a word, he walked away, passing by Ser Arthur.

Jae slowly opened the door, and a metal sound came from the rotten metal that connected the door with the doorframe.

The maester was sitting in a chair, his eyes half-closed and blind, his hair long gone except for a few strands of white hair at the top of his head, despite his old age.

Jae could tell he was blind, yet when his eyes made contact with his, for a moment, he could have sworn that the maester could see him somehow.

"Come closer, my boy, don't stand there," the old maester finally spoke, with a wave of his hand, gesturing for him to get closer. That seemed to make Jae escape his thoughts; with a loud cough, he closed the door behind him before walking over to the maester.

Scooting out a chair, he sat down; the only sound in the room was the cracking fire in the fireplace.

"What can I do for you, my boy? Your steps are light; you must be very young!" the maester spoke, his voice old but wise, and his smile not leaving his face.

Jae wondered how he could tell that he was young just by listening to his footsteps. He decided to ignore that and get straight to the point; Aemon didn't have time to hear him asking questions about footsteps.

"Maester Aemon Targaryen. I know you will find it hard to believe it, but my real name is not Jon Sand. I'm the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. My name is Jaehaerys Targaryen, the Third." Jae introduced himself, trying to sound as sincere as possible.

The moment his words left his mouth, The Old maester's mouth widened slightly before closing; for a few seconds, he was silent before a soft smile spread across his old face, for a moment making him look young again.

His shaky hands moved from underneath the table before moving towards Jae, who looked puzzled, not understanding what the old Maester wanted to do.

"Can I?" he asked, his voice sounding cautious. Jae leaned forward, the old maester's hands touching his cheek, jawline, cheekbones, and chin. What could be described as a joyful laugh escaped his lips, and his hands moved away.

"You have Aegon's cheekbones. You remind me of my brother. He used to say that he was the most handsome one out of all of us." Aemon said bitterly, with a sniffle, trying to stand up, but Jae quickly sprang to his feet before walking around the table and giving the old man a big hug.

"I'm happy to meet someone from my house," Jae said with a bright smile, feeling joy in his heart. The old man kissed his cheek, and once they pulled away.

"Please tell me everything, dear nephew. I want to know if you are safe." Aemon said pleadingly. Jae happily told him about everything, about his life, how he was raised, and when he got to the part that he had a Dragon with him. From Aemon's expression, Jae knew the old Maester was a little skeptical.

"A Dragon, can you describe her for me?" Aemon requested gently, and Jae told him everything he could think of. When he was done, the old man let out a laugh.

"I wish Aegon was here; he always wanted to see a Dragon," Aemon said with a hint of melancholy, a tear rolling down his old wrinkled face as he said it. A sigh escaped his mouth before he turned to face Jae.

"Have you found Daenerys and Viserys? They should be in Essos somewhere." Aemon asked, but from his tone, he had already figured out the answer on his own.

"I'm afraid not. Ser Gerold, and Ser Oswell have been looking for them for quite a while, but they have yet to find them, but they are Targaryens. I'm sure they are fine." Jae said the last part, hoping it would make his Great-uncle feel better.

"Right now, we can only hope, but I hope you find them someday, my boy. A Targaryen Alone in the World is a Terrible Thing," Aemon said, cupping Jae's hand over the table. They spoke more about Jae's life; he even told his Uncle about Arianne and that he wanted to marry her.

"Love is a beautiful thing, nephew. I have seen many marry over duty, and it can often lead to more grief and an unhappy life. If you truly love this woman, then I can only hope the gods bless you with a lot of children." Aemon spoke, sounding much younger than he was. The smile on his face was precious.

"Thank you, Great Uncle." Jae said with a wide grin, but his Uncle grabbed the arms of his chair and tried to force himself to stand up.

"This belongs to you," Aemon said, standing up, using the chair's arm as support. Jae stood up right away and walked over to him, helping him, but it seemed that despite his old age, the old maester could still easily walk.

"Behind the furniture, you should find a box, my boy," he said. Jae nodded before walking over to the furniture and moving it away. The furniture was quite heavy to move away, and a box revealed itself behind it. The box was covered in dust, and the top was covered by a heavy black cloak. Once he had thrown it away, there was no lock, and the metal had gathered rust. The smell reminded him of blood.

Jae lifted the box before gently placing it on the table, fearing that the force would break the table's legs.

"Open it, my boy. It'ss yours," the old maester said, almost in a longing tone.

Jae looked at him, and before opening it, he found something covered with an old dusty towel on which the symbol of House Targaryen was stitched.

Just from the shape, Jae could tell it was a sword; throwing away the towel, dust flew in the air; coughing a bit, but he could still see the beauty of the sword.

Grabbing it by the pommel and the end of the scabbard, he recognized the design right away; he had seen it in the books so many times that he had lost count.

"Before leaving the wall, Bloodraven told me to keep this sword until he returned, but he never did, and I cannot think of anyone else deserving more of his sword than you, my boy." Aemon explained with a sad smile on his face, sitting down on his chair.

"One thing I should tell you, a lesson; I have learned from living in the capital is that you should never allow yourself to be the Pawn, always make your own decision, while it's good to listen to advice, but you should be the one to make the decision, and do not regret them, you should learn from the past but do not regret it, don't dwell on what ifs, if you do you will allow your destiny to be shaped by someone else, which will eventually lead to your own downfall," Maester Aemon Targaryen spoke, unlike before, his voice came out strong, almost the voice of a King.

"Thank You, Uncle," Jae said gratefully. The old maester chuckled as he unsheathed the Valyrian Steel Sword. Dark Sister once again belonged to a King.

Daenerys Targaryen

"This is the Red Temple!" Dany spoke astonished at the sight, with Kinvara standing beside her and Viserys looking just as amazed by the beautiful building; they all stood on the ship's main deck; the view of the Red Temple grew larger the closer they sailed towards it.

The Temple of the Lord of Light is found along the river road on the eastern shore of the Rhoyne, beneath the Black Walls. The enormous temple has numerous pillars, steps, buttresses, bridges, domes, and towers that flow into one another, and its walls are colored in hues of red, yellow, gold, and orange.

Dany could hear people's shouts and a voice was heard above all others. The High Priest was preaching from a red stone pillar in the great plaza before the temple. A slender stone bridge connected the pillar to a lofty terrace of the temple. A huge burn stood beside the temple's steps, with the pillar standing between them.

"That's The Highest Priest, Benerro." Kinvara spoke with great respect, but Dany could hear a hint of fear in her voice.

As they approached the bustling docks, they were greeted by a team of servants, ready to transport their belongings to the grand Red Temple. The path to the temple entrance led them up a majestic staircase crafted from vibrant red bricks and adorned with a regal red carpet that stretched the length of each step. Standing proudly at either end of the staircase were towering cauldron holders, each supporting a gleaming golden cauldron. As they neared the top of the staircase, Dany was mesmerized by the dazzling display of multicolored flames dancing atop each cauldron. From emerald green to sapphire blue, from rosy pink to fiery red, the cauldrons blazed with an array of vibrant hues, creating a truly enchanting sight.

Viserys's eyes flickered in every direction as if expecting someone to attack them.

As they stepped through the grand entrance of the Red Temple, a sense of awe washed over her. Before her lay a vast hall adorned with an exquisite mosaic floor depicting fierce dragons and dancing flames. Above, a towering ceiling stretched twenty meters high, illuminated by the flickering glow of torches held aloft by ornate holders. As they made their way further in, they were surrounded by pillars strategically placed to support the temple's grandeur.

Dany could see a long line of people waiting to talk with the High Priest. From the rags they all were wearing, the smell, and the iron collar around their necks, Dany knew they all were slaves. Her heart broke when she saw a little girl on the same line. She didn't even seem more than five years old.

"Come with me, Princess. These people find help from us, we cannot free them, but the Lord of Light helps everyone who believes in him, and these people. They all come here to be helped." Kinvara told her, her voice as soft as always.

"How come the Maesters allow them to come here?" Daenerys wondered aloud, watching a man with a broken leg walk inside the room, helped by a Red Priestess.

"The Red Faith is powerful here in Essos, my Princess, and the Maesters fear Benerro. They fear his wrath, so they allow their slaves to come here once a month to pray and be healed." Kinvara told her, and the same man walked outside, walking on his own; the red swelling on his leg had faded away as if it had never been there.

Soon enough, Dany was led to her own chamber. A sigh of pleasure escaped her as she walked inside and was enveloped by a gentle warmth like a blanket.

As she stepped into the opulent chamber, she was immediately struck by the stunning beauty surrounding her. The plush carpet beneath her feet felt like walking on a serene pool of water. The walls, adorned in a rich shade of crimson, seemed to radiate warmth, enveloping her in a comforting embrace. The flickering flames of the candles cast a rosy glow over everything, further enhancing the red hues that permeated the room. Even the bed, with its regal red blankets and intricate golden trimmings, stood against the far Wall to her right.

Dany wondered if the Red Priestess would finally tell them why they were brought here. Unlike Viserys, who was still wary of them, Dany didn't feel like that. She believed Kinvara would not harm them. She had many opportunities to do so, but she never did. She wondered if she should do something; perhaps she was supposed to complete a challenge to convince the High Priest.

Dany's mind went to the slaves. She wondered if there was anything she could do to help them, but she didn't have time to think about them when the door opened.

She expected her brother, but instead, Kinvara walked inside, wearing a proud smile. She was beautiful as always, wearing her red cloak that did little to hide her full breasts, her lips red like a strawberry. Dany wondered if they tasted like ones, and Dany once again felt the heat growing on her cunt.

"My Princess, we have prepared a warm bath for you, and food, then when you feel comfortable, Benerro wants to meet you and Prince Viserys."



The warm bath was a good distraction, and the food was delicious—even better than the one on the boat. But not soon enough, they found themselves in front of a large wooden door, ten meters tall and decorated with paintings of burning hearts.

Viserys stood beside her, and unlike her, he was carrying a short sword strapped to his waist. Behind them were ten Red Priestess, but their faces were hidden behind their red hoodies. The gems on their chokers glittered red, and Kimvara stood behind Daenerys. She felt better with her near her.

The door opened with a loud creak, and they stepped inside a large chamber. On the far end was the entrance to the balcony where the High Priest preached to the population of Volantis. In the center of the room stood a large, almost flat cauldron. Unlike the others, this one held no flames. And across the cauldron, on the other side, stood the one they called Benerro.

Benerro was a tall and thin man with a drawn face and skin as white as milk. Red flames covered his cheeks, chin, and shaven head.

The man looked at Daenerys, and she felt her heart almost bursting from her chest. She swallowed thickly; it felt as if the man could read their minds. Her throat felt drier than a desert. His eyes were red like blood, but unlike Kinvara, his eyes glittered like the red chokers the Red Priestess carried. Benerro carried no such choker around his neck.

Dany tried to breathe but felt as if she was choking on nothing. A lump formed in her throat as the man looked at her, she felt a heat growing in her head like a burning fire, suddenly she heard the sound of something clattering on the floor, with all the strength she held, she looked on the corners of her eyes to see Viserys's sword on the floor, and her brother had never looked paler.

"Viserys Targaryen, there's no need for blades in this holy place. In this place, nothing is hidden; everything is revealed." The man spoke, his voice as if a young man was speaking despite his appearance. Daenerys breathed heavily. She didn't know why, but she wanted to run this man; the headache was only growing, and her blood felt warm, too warm. She wondered if she should just run when she felt a hand on her shoulder; she almost gasped.

"Do not fear him, Daenerys Stormborn. Benerro will not harm you." Kinvara reassured her from behind; Dany wasn't sure she agreed with her when the man rubbed his fingers together. Suddenly, his fingers exploded in flames, yet the man let out no scream, no pain.

Benerro approached them, walking around the cauldron. Dany felt her body freeze in place; she tried to move but felt like she couldn't move a muscle; the man leaned closer, but now that he was closer. She could see something she hadn't noticed before. His chest wasn't moving. Dany watched, her eyes glued to his chest, but there was no rising and falling; he wasn't breathing.

"Viserys Targaryen." Benerro approached her brother, walking past her, the flames still dancing on his fingers, moving closer to her brother's face; he tried to look away, but his breathing grew heavier, and sweat rolled down his cheek as if his face was melting off his skull.

"I-I'm a Prince." Viserys managed to stammer, swallowing thickly.

"No, you are not, and neither is your sister a Princess. You two were born Targaryens, but so was Viserys the First. That didn't make him worthy of the Throne, and the same for Aegon, The Unworthy. How many lives were cut short by his greed and jealousy? And your father... the Mad King." Benerro stopped speaking before leaning close to Viserys and whispering.

'Do not look away, my son. Look at their skin melting, hear their screams-' "STOP." Viserys cried out in fear, backing away from the man; he stumbled, falling behind on the floor, breathing heavily as he started crawling away.

Benerro grew a small smile before turning to face Dany. She felt her heart stop as the man looked her dead in the eye before leaning closer; his fingers touched her fingers, and she winced, a sharp pain on her index finger. She looked down to see a small trail of blood on her index finger, and Benerro licked her blood from his fingers; his tongue was black like coal.

Not soon enough, he pulled away from her, a smile growing on his face.

"Your blood sings, Daenerys," Benerro said with a wicked smile before touching her face with his fingers still in flame. She did not scream; she felt no pain as the flames danced around her eyes. She waited, and finally, he decided to walk away, his back facing her.

"Dragonskin. It's been so long since I have seen a Targaryen like you Daenerys. Enough for today. You can return to your chambers."

Dany had never felt more relieved to leave a chamber. During the whole walk back to their chambers, Viserys asked her over and over if she was hurt, and she told him that she was fine.

She was a little frightened, but she held that part to herself. She wanted to ask why he screamed like that and what Benerro had told him, but she knew he wouldn't tell her, and whatever he told him wasn't pleasant.

Daenerys walked inside her chamber, feeling as if a weight was lifted off her shoulders, but she wasn't alone as Kinvara followed her inside the chamber, she whirled around to face the Red Priestess, looking up at her face.

"Why did he say to Viserys?" Daenerys asked right away, with growing anger in her voice.

"Benerro can see many things in the flames my Princess, when I first met him, he told me...words that my Master once told me. I cried for three days, he might appear harsh, but there's reason behind his actions, even if they are not always clear." Kinvara said defensively as she walked deeper into the chamber, standing two feet away from Dany.

"You were a slave?"

Kinvara looked away for a moment. For someone who could always speak so calmly and appear fearless, she seemed uncomfortable for the first time since Dany had met her. "I was. Maybe I will tell you more one day," Kinvara said as she walked closer to Dany, who stepped back until her legs touched her bed. She felt the heat on her skin, and her beautiful smile made her weak in her knees.

"I don't want to meet him again." Kinvara smiled reassuringly, looming over before cupping her face; Dany moaned softly from the sensation of her soft and warm hands, her red eyes looking back at her purple eyes. Slowly, the world faded away, only her eyes mattered.

"I know, but Benerro will not harm you, nor your brother. I know you don't trust him, but can you trust me when I say that you will be safe here." Daenerys could not look away from her eyes, glittering like gems, and her warm breath tickled her face as her nose touched hers like a lover, unconsciously leaning closer, her lips brushing against Kinvara's plump red and warm lips.

"I trust you." She managed to say as Kinvara closed the gap, her kiss taking Daenerys's breath away as she moaned in pure bliss.

Dany had never tasted something more sweeter.

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