For The Throne

Hello, Drinor here. I'm happy to publish a new Chapter of A Dragon Kissed by Sun.

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The following 8 chapters are already available to Patrons.

Chapter 62 (The Seasnakes), Chapter 63 (The Truth is Revealed), Chapter 64 (The King of Dorne), Chapter 65 (The Meeting of Two Dragons), Chapter 66 (How to Seduce Your Aunt?), Chapter 67 (Love, Blood and War), Chapter 68 (The Field of Fire), and Chapter 69 (The Twins and A Dragon) are already available for Patrons.

One Week Later

Jae knew his time at the wall was coming to an end. He had spent as much time with his great-granduncle as he could. He was the only Targaryen in Westeros, and Jae wanted to spend time with him. The Old man was kind, smart, and quite strong for his age. He would give advice to Jae about the upcoming war and try to tell him when he should show mercy.

'If you are victories, remember the life of children will be in your hands. They are as innocent as your brother and sister were in that day in The Red Keep when the Lions butchered them. You can do as you wish nephew, but heed my words. Showing mercy is not a weakness. I hope you remember that.'

Jae wasn't sure yet what he would do with the bastards of Cersei Lannister. If he won the War, and if the day ever comes when the Iron Throne is in his hands. Then, he wasn't sure how much mercy he could show; he still remembered the nightmares he had of Elia and his siblings when he had been little; he could still remember them, and that memory fueled his blood with rage—the Rage to burn House Lannister and Baratheon to the ground.

But Jae didn't pay much attention to that future for now. First, he needed to take back the Iron Throne, and then he would decide what to do with the children of Cersei Lannister and Stannis Baratheon.

From his group, Nymeria agreed with his Uncle, but not Arianne.

'Jae, they showed us no mercy. The Usurper laughed at the bodies of Aegon and Rhaenys. We should answer in kind. Destroy the entire House Baratheon, and make sure they will cease to exist. All of them to the sword.'

And it didn't help that Prince Oberyn, the man he considered his own Father, seemed to be in the same mind as Arianne, saying that he would kill every Lannister and Baratheon, the only exception being Jaime Lannister since he was working for them right now. They could use him when the war officially starts.

Alyanna made it clear that she didn't agree with the idea of killing children.

' "They showed Elia no mercy. Aegon and Rhaenys are gone. They will taste true loose before I cut their heads." Oberyn roared angrily, but the Stark girl wasn't frightened by him.

"What happened to them is a tragedy, Prince Oberyn, but you are not speaking of justice; you are speaking of revenge," Alyanna said fearlessly before turning to face Jae, who had remained silent. "If a child can be seen as guilty for the crimes committed by their parents, their ancestors...Then everyone in this world is guilty of something, and we all deserve to be put to the sword for our crimes." Alyanna finished, looking straight at Jae as she said it before leaving the chamber. '

While staying here, Jae fought every soldier of the Night's Watch until one day, he was approached by Allister Thorne and two others of the Night's Watch.

' "Father, you called me?" Jae asked as he walked into a room with Ser Arthur on the far side of Castle Black. Once he entered, he noticed the three other men standing on the other side of the room, all wearing the uniforms of the Night's Watch.

"Yes. They know, my King." His Father said with a smile of satisfaction, pointing at the three men. Jaehaerys turned to face them. He remembered seeing one of them. His name was Allister. Yes, he remembered him guarding the door of Maester Aemon every time he went there to talk to him.

"What can I do for you good sers?"

Allister strode forward, stopping a meter before him, looking right at his eyes as if trying to read his mind. The doubt in his eyes slowly faded away, and a ghost of a smile grew on his face.

"I had the honor of talking with your Father, Rhaegar Targaryen thrice before the Battle of the Trident. Your eyes. They are his eyes your grace, and I have seen the way your guard watches over you, or should I say King's Guard." Allister said with a rueful smile. The grizzled man and the other two soldiers unsheathed their swords.

Jae heard Ser Arthur's hand reaching for the pommel of his sword, but that wasn't needed as the three men bowed before him, their swords stabbing the wooden floor.

"Your Grace. We have been and always be loyal to your Father, knowing that House Targaryen is still alive, it brings us all joy." The one to the right side said dutifully, missing his left ear.

"We served your Father and your grandfather, my King. We will serve you, too, if you ever need our help. We will serve you and obey your orders," the one on the left side said.

"Rise, good sers," Jaeherys ordered, and they all did, sheathing their swords. '

While having men in the Night's Watch was beneficial, there wasn't much he could do with them, but he promised to release them from the Night's Watch once he took the Iron Throne from the Usurper.

Now, after a week of staying. Jae knew they would leave tomorrow. He had tried to convince Maester Aemon to come with him, but the old man had refused, saying his place was on the Watch, but he said that he would appreciate it if Jae wrote letters to him. He had promised to send letters every month since the distance between the Wall and Dorne was quite large.

But there was one thing Jae could do for his Uncle before he left, and for this very reason, he was in the Maester's chamber with the Commander of the Night's Watch, or as everyone called him, 'The Old Bear.'

"I still don't understand what you want to show him outside, why not here?" The Old Bear asked as Jae helped Maester Aemon walk out of his chamber.

"I promise I will return him back unharmed. Don't worry Lord Commander." Jae promised as they walked out of Castle Black and into the Courtyard.

The Old Bear looked unsure still before looking at Aemon. "Aemon, do you want guards with you?"

"There's no need to bother yourself, Jeor. I trust Jon. He will not harm me." The Old Maester said dismissively as Jae helped him to mount a horse. Once he did, the Maester searched until he grabbed the horse's reins.

With a loud order from the Commander. The wooden gates of the Night's Watch opened, and Jae and Maester Aemon rode outside, followed closely by Ser Arthur.

"I still find it difficult to belive that you have a dragon." Maester Aemon said with a smile as they rode through the land once they were far enough away from the gates.

"Wait until you meet her. She's the most beautiful dragon of the world."

Maester Aemon chuckled in amusement as the horse simply followed Jae behind; all he needed to do was hold the reins. It's been decades since the last time he had ridden a horse, and he had to admit that he had missed the feeling of the wind on his face and the way he felt taller when he was on top of a horse; he could only imagine what it would be like to fly with a dragon.

After an hour of riding, they stopped before a ruined house on the side of the King's Road. The Lord Commander had allowed Maester Aemon to leave for five hours.

"Rhaenix!" Jae shouted as he dismounted his horse, knowing they would get scared once she approached, while Ser Arthur helped the old Maester to get off the horse.

For a moment, nothing could be heard but the winds of winter blowing on their ears, but the silence was gone when the horses jumped up, snorting loudly, and the sound of thunder filled the sky.

"...Is this her?" Maester Aemon questioned with a growing smile. Suddenly, he felt much younger than he had ever felt and found the strength to walk without help, trying to get closer to the sound.

"Yes, it's her," Jae confirmed with a bright smile as Rhaenix descended from a cloud above them, her wings flapping.

The ground shook as she landed, a dust of snow spread in the air, and the horses backed away in fear of the dragon, but Rhaenix paid them little attention as she approached Jae.

"Dear brother, I have missed you." Rhaenix said with joy and sadness as she moved her nose forward, pressing it against Jae's entire body, almost causing him to stumble and fall.

"I missed you too, dear Sister," Jae said with a bright smile, hugging her giant nose. He turned back, stepping aside as Aemon walked up to them in a hurry. For a moment, he looked like a kid who had just gotten his favorite gift for their birthday.

"Sister, this is our Great Granduncle, Maester Aemon Targaryen." Jae introduced him, and from her expression, he could tell she was shocked to hear that.

"You said your sister became a dragon, but I didn't know you could talk with her." Aemon said with awe in his voice, feeling the warm breath of the dragon on his old skin. He had read countless scrolls and books that talked about dragons, yet none came close to having such a magnificent being so close to him.

"Yes. I can talk with her, and she can talk with me. She says that she's happy to meet you."

"Such wonders. I have read about dragons, but I don't think there has ever been a case of a rider talking with their dragon before." Aemon said, amazed, as he reached out with his old hand until his hand touched the dragon's hard scales. He let out a silent gasp. The scales felt warm to the touch, almost like touching fire itself.

"Dragons are Fire made Flesh." Aemon said under his breath, remembering what his Father had once told him as he caressed the sharp scales of the dragon. His eyes burned for the first time in fifteen years.

"Magnificient. She's a wonder of this World. She's Beautiful." Aemon said with a bright smile, looking twenty years younger. He didn't know what she looked like, but he could imagine she was the most beautiful creature in the world.

Rhaenix let out a pleasant sound. Jaehaerys smiled, happy that Rhaenix and his Great-grandfather were getting along.

"Do you want to fly, Great Grandfather?" Jaehaerys offered; Aemon nodded before he realized it.

With a sense of anticipation, Jaehaerys and Aemon nimbly mounted Rhaenix; the Prince helped the old Maester mount the Dragon. The saddle had a second seat the Blacksmith had made for Jae since he liked taking Arianne with him as Rhaenix lifted her head and turned to the left.

Rhaenix slowly unfurled her majestic wings. Aemon couldn't see anything, but this was the best experience in his life.

Rhaenix took off from the forest floor, her massive wings beating strongly against the air as she lifted his heavy frame into the sky. Jaehaerys held tightly onto the reins, feeling the wind rushing against his face and tugging at his hair.

As they ascended higher and higher, the trees below them grew smaller and smaller until they were nothing but tiny specks in the distance. Rhaenix's shadow loomed large over the forest, casting an eerie darkness over the surrounding landscape. With a graceful maneuver, the dragon soared up toward the clouds.

Feeling the wind rushing through his head, he could not see, but his imagination was painting him a beautiful picture. The vast fields stretched out in all directions, their lush greenery reaching up towards the clouds as if trying to touch the sky, the rolling hills and endless expanse of grass, taking in the breathtaking beauty of the scene before him. The walls of Castle Black loom in the distance like a tiny toy castle from her elevated vantage point.

"Jaehaerys, Thank You." He said gratefully, with tears in his eyes as Rhaenix flew higher. Aemon smiled throughout the entire time. He understood why his ancestors always said that.

'Like their dragons, the Targaryens answered to neither God nor Men.'

Daenerys Targaryen

Sweat on her forehead, her throat drier than a desert. She could not remember the last time she had felt like this. But despite the fear she felt in her heart, she didn't want to cower in fear, not anymore.

'I'm the blood of the dragon,' she reminded herself.

"Have no worries my Princess. Cannibal will not harm you." Kinvara told her reassuringly from behind, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Daenerys wanted to believe her, but this was the same dragon that had eaten other dragons and every dragon seed who had tried to mount him.

A week had passed since they arrived in The Red Temple. The High Priest of the Red God had seen Daenerys as worthy and had told her that she could be the rider of Cannibal.

Despite her brother's protest, Daenerys agreed to their plan to find Cannibal so she could be his rider. She didn't know where she found the courage, but she did, and now here she was, before them, in a land engulfed by fog where Cannibal was often seen.

"Dany, we don't have to do this; we can just return," Viserys said, worried sick. He knew Targaryens rode dragons; everyone knew that, and he wouldn't be this concerned if it was any other dragon besides Cannibal.

"Daenerys Stormborn will ride Cannibal, Prince Viserys. I have seen it in the flames. She will become the first rider of Cannibal since his birth four hundred years ago." Kinvara claimed with a sense of pride in her voice, trying to ease her brother's worries.

Daenerys's eyes widened at the thought that Cannibal could really be that old. She wanted to reassure her brother that all was well, but the words died in her throat when she heard a loud thunder in the sky.

As Dany stood beside the river, gazing up at the twinkling stars in the dark night sky, she bellowed the name "Cannibal" at the top of her lungs.

Her voice reverberated through the empty expanse of the river and the surrounding land, the echoes bouncing off the trees and hills in the distance. There was nothing but silence for a few seconds as Dany stood there, catching her breath and waiting for a response. Suddenly, a loud clap of thunder boomed overhead.

Suddenly, one of the horses started whining and panicking, causing Dany to turn to face him with concern. She could feel the sweat on his coat, and his eyes were wild with fear. "Calm," she spoke with a calming voice, petting his head gently, but the horse let out a loud, panicked voice before he started running away, leaving Dany. She watched as the horse ran further and further away, his silhouette shrinking into the distance.

A deafening roar echoed through the darkness. It was a large black dragon, its eyes glowing like embers in the night. Without any warning, it breathed fire, and a green inferno engulfed the horse, scorching its flesh and melting its bones. The horse died instantly, without even letting out a single scream of agony. The dragon was quick to grab the horse by its neck with its massive jaws, and with one swift motion, it swallowed the poor creature whole, leaving nothing behind but a trail of ash and smoke.

Despite feeling terrified and intimidated by the gigantic creature, Dany bravely stood her ground and didn't allow herself to back away. Kinvara, Viserys, and the other soldiers who had accompanied them slowly back away from Daenerys.

As the dragon landed in front of her, the ground shook violently, causing Dany to stumble and almost fall.

However, she regained her balance and stood in awe as she gazed upon the magnificent beast. The moonlight reflected off the dragon's scales.

The dragon startled every animal, big or small, and scampered away in a frenzy. The birds, perched on the treetops, took flight in unison. Her gaze fell upon the dragon, who stood tall and proud with emerald eyes that glimmered like Wildfire in the darkness.

Daenerys felt a warm, familiar breath on her body. As he leaned his massive head closer, Daenerys could feel the heat emanating from his nostrils, and she closed her eyes, savoring the moment. Despite the darkness of the night, Dany could see the outline of his enormous body, illuminated by the moonlight. He was as large as a castle, with razor-sharp claws and majestic wings that spanned two ships' length.

As Dany looked at the fierce dragon before her, she couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and amazement. With a bright smile on her face, she called out to him, using the name "Cannibal."

The dragon raised his massive head up into the sky, recognizing the name. As he gazed down at Dany, the dragon let out a deafening roar that echoed for miles around them, causing the ground to tremble beneath their feet. The sound was so powerful that it seemed to shake the very air itself. Dany stood her ground, feeling the rush of excitement.

With a curious glint in her eye, Dany tentatively reached out her hand, yearning to feel the prickly texture of Cannibal's scales against her fingertips.

"Gīda, Cannibal. Gīda (Calm, Cannibal. Calm)," Dany spoke out firmly towards the black dragon. The dragon's response was a low rumble that emanated from deep within his throat, a sound that sounded similar to a growl.

As Dany gazed at Cannibal, she felt her heart pounding in her chest. Her eyes widened in terror as the beast opened his gaping maw, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth and a fiery inferno brewing within.

"Dany. Get Away!!" Viserys cried out, ready to run towards her, but the soldiers quickly stopped him, and Kinvara looked at him with her red eyes.

"He will not burn her." She claimed before turning her attention back to Danyx

Daenerys could see the green flames building at the bottom of his throat. She felt a cold sweat break out on her forehead.

"Dohaeragon. Cannibal. Dohaeragon (Serve. Cannibal. Serve)," The words echoed through the air as Cannibal observed her intently with his piercing green eyes. At first, his mouth remained open, but then he closed it as if pondering her request. Daenerys felt her heart racing, almost bursting from her chest, as she recalled the moment when Cannibal had almost burned her alive. Despite the lingering fear, she couldn't help but feel relieved as the dragon finally complied with her command.

Cannibal crouched down on his powerful legs; his head lowered towards Daenerys as if beckoning her to climb upon his back. With a glint of excitement in her eyes, Daenerys took a deep breath before carefully placing her hands on the dragon's rough scales and slowly climbing up. Her heart was racing with anticipation as she felt the warmth of Cannibal's body beneath her. As she reached the top, she let out a gasp of awe at the breathtaking view of the vast and endless sky above her. Cannibal spread his massive wings.

Her fingers curled tightly around the dragon's rough scales as she surveyed the horizon. She knew that Cannibal was waiting for her command.

"Sōvegon (Fly)," she cried out, her grip on Cannibal's scales tightening. With a mighty roar, the dragon began to move. His massive feet thudded against the ground, each step sending shockwaves rippling through the earth. She knew what was coming next.

With a powerful beat of his wings, Cannibal leaped into the air, soaring up into the clouds. Daenerys felt the wind rushing past her, whipping her hair around her face.

Together, she and Cannibal rose higher and higher until they were soaring above the world.

Two Years Later - The Red Keep - 300 AC

Robert groaned as he drank more wine from his cup, yet the sweetness never came. Usually, at this time of the day, he would be deep into a whore, but not this day. Jon Arryn. His foster Father was lying sick in his bed, and the Maester had told him that he might not live through this one.

So, instead of distracting himself with another whore, this time, he decided that wine would be his distraction.

As he drank the wine from the cup, he expected the headache to come, or the numbness, anything to make him forget, but even after four more cups of wine. It didn't make him forget that his foster Father was dying on his bed, and his brother, in all but blood, was as far away as one could be in the bloody North.

Robert coughed violently when someone knocked on the door, spits of wine coming out of his mouth. "Open the Damn Door Already. Why the fuck are you knocking?" Robert shouted with anger.

The door opened, revealing the corpse-looking Maester Pycelle, his grim look. Robert already knew the words that would come from his old lips as he stood up with difficulty from the chair.

"Your grace. Jon Arryn has passed away." Pycelle informed him grimly.

Robert closed his eyes momentarily, remembering the first time he had met the man, the first time he had yelled at him, and the first time he had been truly furious with him. Good Times, Robert mumbled under his breath before opening his eyes.

"Take care of everything then. Make sure the Silent Sisters take care of him," Robert ordered as he walked past the Old Maester and out of the chamber. He made his way over to Jon's chamber, and despite knowing there would be no answer, he still knocked on the door before entering.

And there he lay, despite knowing that he was dead. Robert expected the man to open his eyes and yell at him for doing something foolish again, but he knew he would never open them again.

"You took great care of us, old man. Everything I have right now is because of you. When that mad fucker ordered you to hand him me and Ned. You did not listen to him, but you fought for us. I will never forget the day you told me that you would never let me and Ned get burned by the Mad Fucker." Robert said with melancholy as he slowly strode forward, letting out a rueful laugh until he loomed over Jon, standing near his bed.

Robert kneeled to his level, looking down at his face. "Thank you for everything. You were the best Foster Father to me and Ned. The Very Best. Even better than my own Father. May your soul rest in Peace."

One Week Later

"In the NORTH!! Have you lost your Wits!!" Cersei screamed at him as she walked around the chamber like some snake waiting to strike, sending daggers at her husband, who tried his best to ignore her.

"I lost my wits the moment I married you woman." Robert growled back at her, getting annoyed by her antics.

Cersei huffed, looking like she wanted to cut his throat. "My Father should be Hand of the King, and you know it. People in King's Landing still speak of the days Tywin Lannister ruled over Westeros. Much better than the Mad King." She boasted with the same proud smile that all Lannisters seemed to have.

"Those words died the moment your Father sacked King's Landing. All he's remembered for in King's Landing is butchering this city and doing a better job than the Mad King on ruling..." Robert burst out laughing until his belly hurt before looking back at Cersei, who looked at him with disgust. "I'm sure even Lancel can do that much, so don't insult your father like that again," Robert said, scolding her as if she was a child.

Cersei fumed. Sometimes, she wanted nothing more than to stab him in the belly just to see how much filth was inside him. But she knew Robert wouldn't agree to make her Father Hand of the King, but someone else could still take that role.


"Huh!?" Robert said in confusion, not understanding why she was suddenly bringing up the Kingslayer. "What about him?"

"Made him Hand of the King." Cersei continued with a self-satisfaction smile as if patting herself on the back for thinking of this good idea.

Robert looked at Cersei as if she had gone mad, and knowing she was Tywin's daughter, that could be the case. "The day I make Jaime fucking Lannister Hand of the King, is the day I eat my own balls." Robert claimed, sounding disgusted.

Cersei wrinkled her nose and turned on her heels to leave the chamber when the door opened without a knock, revealing Maester Pycelle holding a scroll with his shaking hands, looking paler than usual.

"Are you a peasant? Why didn't you knock first?" Cersei questioned with a harsh glare at the old Maester, who was left a little stunned and seemed not to know what to say.

"Ignore the Mad Woman. What do you want?" Robert asked, getting tired of this foolishness, unless Maester Pycelle was bringing him news from the North or his brother, who had decided to exile himself to the Dragonstone. Sometimes, Robert genuinely wondered if he and Stannis had come out of the same womb.

"Your grace. I just received this letter. It has the Targaryen signature." Those words made even Cersei fall silent, but Robert quickly gathered back his composure, standing up like a man possessed; he yanked the scroll from his trembling hands in a rush. And just as he had said, the seal of House Targaryen was on the scroll.

If someone was playing games, he would send their ass to the wall. Without thinking, he broke the seal and read the context within the letter aloud.

' To the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, my name is Jaeharys of House Targaryen and House Stark. I'm the trueborn son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. The rumors of my father kidnapping and raping Lyanna Stark are not true. She married him under God's Wood and the Faith of the Seven and became his second wife; theirSepton Torheit blessed their marriage. I have proof of their marriage as the True Heir of the Iron Throne. I ask Robert Baratheon to surrender now or face the wrath of House Targaryen. Fire and Blood is the saying of my House, and that's what the False King will know if he doesn't surrender. I expect an answer from you within two weeks. Dorne has known me as Jon Sand, the son of Oberyn Martell, for the last seventeen years, but I have never been a Bastard. This will be your last chance, Usurper. Give up, or your entire family will know why the words of my House are Fire and Blood.

From Jaehaerys Targaryen, the True King of Westeros.'

At that moment, Robert let out a scream that was heard throughout the entire Red Keep.

"Dragon Spawn."

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