The Truth is Revealed

Hello, Drinor here. I'm happy to publish a new Chapter of A Dragon Kissed by Sun.

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The following 8 chapters are already available to Patrons.

Chapter 64 (The King of Dorne), Chapter 65 (The Meeting of Two Dragons), Chapter 66 (How to Seduce Your Aunt?), Chapter 67 (Love, Blood and War), Chapter 68 (The Field of Fire), Chapter 69 (The Twins and A Dragon), Chapter 70 (The Golden Company), and Chapter 71 (Glass and Sand) are already available for Patrons.


Olenna watched and hummed as her granddaughter talked with her cousins in the garden.

Growing strong, she thought with a smile. Her granddaughter was a beauty, but she had more than just looks to aid her. She was smart and knew how to talk. Olenna knew many people who had no idea how to use their mouths, including her own son.

She shook her head. Sometimes, she wondered what possessed her to fall in love with her husband, but then she remembered. Her husband was incredibly handsome when they were younger, and he had managed to seduce her and make her use not her brain but her heart for thinking. From that day, she had learned that using the heart to think was one of the worst decisions one could make in one's life.

She heard someone knocking on the door, but before she could tell whoever to just enter, the door opened, and she quickly turned to see her oldest grandson storming in, holding a letter with his hands. For one who used a cane to walk around, Willas strode quite fast, and from his face, she knew that this was something important.

Out of all of her grandchildren, Willas and Margaery were the brightest. Unfortunately, Loras was very emotional and often didn't think with his brain. For someone like Garlan, he gave too much importance to honor and his duty as a knight.

"Grandmother, you should read this. I just got this letter from the Maester," Willas said a little breathlessly, handing her the letter. His voice sipping with concern, and she knew that wasn't good.

She quickly grabbed the letter from his hands and looked it over, line after line. Her heart beat faster the more she read.

"To the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, my name is Jaeharys of House Targaryen and House Stark. I'm the trueborn son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. The rumors of my father kidnapping and raping Lyanna Stark are not true. She married him under God's Wood and the Faith of the Seven and became his second wife; the Septon Torheit blessed their marriage. I have proof of their marriage as the True Heir of the Iron Throne. I ask Robert Baratheon to surrender now or face the wrath of House Targaryen. Fire and Blood is the saying of my House, and that's what the False King will know if he doesn't surrender. I expect an answer from you within two weeks. Dorne has known me as Jon Sand, the son of Oberyn Martell, for the last seventeen years, but I have never been a Bastard. This will be your last chance, Usurper. Give up, or your entire family will know why the words of my House are Fire and Blood.

To the Reach. I hope you remember which house put you in the seat you are right now. I punish the traitors with death, but I reward those loyal to me and my House. House Tyrell supported my house during the Rebellion. Support my House once again, and I will make sure you are rewarded for your loyalty. But if you side with the Usurper. I will burn Highgarden to the ground. It will become the second Harrenhall.

I am also announcing to the whole realm that the Royal children are bastards born of incest from Cersei Lannister with her Uncle Tygett Lannister and her Cousin Lancel Lannister. You are welcome not to believe my words but to read the books about the History of House Baratheon, and you will know what I mean.

From Jaehaerys Targaryen, the Rightful Heir of the Iron Throne."

Olenna still could not fully believe what she just read, but she quickly regained her composure. This needed her whole attention. They had a new player in the game, and she needed to know all the cards he could play.

"Grandmother, what should we do?" Willas asked when she slid the letter away.

"Tell Maegaery to come here and tell the Maester to bring the book about House Baratheon," Olenna ordered, and her grandson left to do what he was told.

Now that she was alone, her mind went back to this 'Jaehaerys Targaryen.' The son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. She wasn't foolish enough to believe the silver prince had really kidnapped her and raped her. The Prince was good-looking, and he was kind to everyone. So, it didn't take her by surprise that the two might have had a child, a Trueborn, but what took her by surprise was that he was apparently raised in Dorne.

She remembered Jon Sand when Prince Oberyn rode to Highgarden for Margaery's birthday. The only reason she even remembered him was because her granddaughter had mentioned him a few times, and Olenna had known she liked the boy, but she remembered what happened during the Tourney.

The Mountain that Falls, she remembered how much his name was spread around Westeros after Jon Sand killed the Mountain, Ser Gregor Clegane. She remembered how much boom that Tourney had caused, people around the Reach and beyond had mentioned his name far and wide. Many wanted to meet him. Everyone in Westeros hated that monster, so people were happy to hear that he was dead and killed by Prince Oberyn's bastard.

Olenna had thought someone like Prince Oberyn would hold a grudge against House Stark, maybe even put the blame on them for what happened to Elia and her children, but to raise Lyanna's son as his own. Olenna had to admit this had caught her off guard. Raising him like one of his bastards was the perfect way to hide him from the world until he was ready.

But he was never one, Olenna reminded herself as she tried to remember his face, but nothing came to her mind. She soon realized that it was pointless to try and remember him; what she needed was that damn book and her granddaughter being here.

Soon, the door opened, and her dear flower walked inside, looking concerned. She was followed by Willas and the Maester, who was holding a heavy book with his old arms.

"Grandmother, are you ill?" Her granddaughter was quick to ask as she passed the entire room to sit beside her on the comfortable long couch.

"I'm fine, my dear." Olenna reassured her with a pat on the cheek before looking at the old man. "Old rat, place that book on the table, and leave." She ordered sharply, and the old Maester plopped the book on the table before leaving the chamber. Once the door was closed, her granddaughter's face changed.

"What is really going on, grandmother?" She quickly asked sharply.

"Read this." Olenna handed her the letter before turning to face Willas. "Open the book, and I want you to read the description of every damn Baratheon in that book." She ordered, and her grandson opened the large book; a loud thud echoed as the front of the cover hit the table; flipping through the pages, he quickly found what he was looking for.

Olenna listened as he read the names and what they looked like.

Black of hair and blue eyes, black of hair and blue eyes, black of hair and blue eyes, black of hair and blue eyes...

"Ormund Baratheon, black of hair and blue eyes, married to Princess Rhaelle Targaryen. Their only child. Steffon Baratheon, black of hair and blue eyes, married to Cassana Estermont. Their children Robert Baratheon, Stannis Baratheon, and Renly Baratheon. All black of hair and blue eyes. Joffrey Baratheon, Margaery Baratheon, and Tommen Baratheon. All golden hair and green eyes." Willas said quietly at the end, slowly closing the book before turning to face Olenna.

So it's true, she thought. She always had suspicions, but she never thought that Cersei Lannister could be foolish enough to try and do something like that. It seemed she had overestimated her.

"So he was the true Heir this whole time." Olenna turned to face her granddaughter, looking down at the letter with a hurt expression, mumbling to herself.

Olenna had known that she fancied the boy for quite a while, even after the tourney, but she never expected her to get sad over a boy. Gods, I hope the same doesn't happen again, she prayed, knowing that a heart in love was doomed. The moment love entered the game, you were already a player at a disadvantage.

"Margy." Willas said, concerned, as he walked up to her.

"I'm fine, Will. I remember his voice, and his purple eyes. I always knew there was something more. The way two soldiers always followed him behind, the way he talked and walked. I knew that he was hiding something and that he wasn't just a bastard, but I never thought that a Prince was right in front of me, and I had no idea." Margaery said in slight disbelief, appearing angry with herself for not being able to see something that was right in front of her.

"I was there too, and I saw nothing." Willas commiserated.

"No one saw it, my dear. The King himself was there, and he didn't notice the son of the man he hated the most." Olenna said lightheartedly, trying to lighten up the mood, but they remembered what they needed to do.

"What should we do, grandmother? Even if the royal children are truly bastards. That doesn't change as much as he might have wished. Whoever wins will write the truth of how it was," Margaery was quick to ask, knowing this was an important point in their lives.

"You are right, Margaery, but this does matter. House Lannister will try to unsurper the Throne for themselves. I was in King's Landing last year, and the Red Keep was crawling with Lannister soldiers, and servants that were hired by the Queen and Tywin Lannister. I think the Queen, if she is smart has a plan in mind in case the King finds out the truth. Robert is not known for having a calm head, and he might try to do something drastic when he finds out, but if the Red Keep is full of Lannister soldiers, they will take the Lannister's side. In the end, I think the only one truly affected by this are Stannis Baratheon and Renly Baratheon." Willas concluded, and Olenna nodded at her grandson, glad that the two had not taken after their father.

"Maybe that's what he wants," Margaery said in a quiet voice, a look of realization on her face.

"What do you mean?" Willas asked before Olenna could.

"If Jon is half as smart as I think he is, then he might know about Renly's desire to sit the Throne. Loras told me that Renly thinks he would make an excellent King, and says his brother won't live long because of his health."

Olenna scoffed at that. "I need to pull that boy's ear one day. Renly knows how to talk pretty, but he's nothing but a doll, people like Varys and Littlefinger will play him like a fool. But Renly might fool Loras, convince him to fight for him. When this information becomes public knowledge. Renly might declare himself King, which will force Stannis and Robert to deal with him."

"We should talk with Loras, he knows Renly and will have his ear." Margaery added.

While Olenna thought about it, she wondered how much support this King had. If he was smart enough, he would never start this war with just Dorne on his side.

No, he must have more than just a land full of sand, she thought. She wondered if this boy was hoping that Lord Stark would side with him and fight for his nephew. Usually, she would scoff at the idea that Lord Stark would never betray his honor, but this was his nephew, and she knew people break their own rules for people they care about.

"Willas, Margaery. We are not making any decisions until we know for sure the cards they have. This boy might be young, but we cannot underestimate him, and we know Tywin Lannister shows no mercy to traitors. We need to wait for now, and tell everyone to come here." Olenna ordered, knowing she would need to talk with her son before they made any big decisions.

But another knock on the door caught them off guard. The door opened, and the Maester trudged inside, looking even more worried.

"What now?"

"My lady, a letter came from House Tarly." the old Maester said, looking confused and worried.

Olenna didn't like the sound of that.

The North

Ned read the letter and smiled to himself. After so many years, the time had come for him to keep his promise to Lyanna.

' "Ned, is that you?"

"Yes, it is me, Lyanna,"

"I'm sorry, Ned, it is all my fault. I want to live, Ned. I'm not brave,"

"Is not your fault."

"Give her some water,"

"No, listen to me. His name is Jaehaerys Targaryen. You have to protect him. Promise me, Ned, promise me," she begged as her breathing grew shallow.

"I promise, Lya. Your child will be protected. And . . . And I will help him with everything he might need. You have my word," '

Ned closed his eyes, taking a deep breath; he knew Catelyn and Maester Luwin were waiting for him to say something.

"My Lord, what should we do?" Maester Luwin's voice broke him out of his reverie.

"Call the Banners. The North will support the True Heir of the Iron Throne." Ned claimed with a booming voice. The Old Maester listened to him and left the chamber to do as he was told.

"Ned, what about Robb?" Catelyn asked, sick with worry. She knew war meant that her family might never return; this time, Robb was old enough to fight.

"Robb is coming with me, Catelyn. While we are gone. Bran will rule Winterfell in our stead, he will have you and Maester Luwin to help him." Ned said in a final tone, making it clear that Robb should come with him and that this wasn't up for discussion. "The Lords will bring their Heirs to this war. I will do the same. It's time for Robb to earn a name for himself."

"Wait, Ned. I need to be there for my father, and uncle." Catelyn reminded him, she had gotten a letter from her uncle that her father wasn't doing well.

She knew her father was old and growing iller by the day; her uncle even said that sometimes he wished his suffering would end, saying he was barely alive but alive enough to feel the pain of his illness.

"I need to come, Ned. My uncle and brother will be there, and my father. I want to be there until he draws his last breath, and to talk with my other family."

Ned gave her a long look, and from his expression, he seemed ready to deny her request. "What about Bran, he is too young. He will need his mother. I will ride to war, and you will ride to mourn. We might not return for a whole year, or longer, or we might never return. Bran will need one of us here, Cat. Rickon is only three name days. He will need his mother." Ned reminded her with his hard look.

Catelyn knew that much. Her Bran was the bright smile of her life; despite being the most mischievous son she had, he still had a way of making people smile, and his attitude earned favors. "I will not stay there long, Ned." Catelyn changed her plan. "I will stay there for a month and then return home where I belong and can help Bran rule Winterfell until you and Robb return."

"Very well, my lady. But no longer than a month. You are to return to Winterfell, to our children, wearing black, or wearing blue. You are to return."


"Father, why are we here?" Robb asked as he and his father stopped before the Weirwood Tree. His father didn't answer him, so he sat down on one of the trunks of the trees before looking at Robb and moving his head downwards.

Robb sat down, and his father looked at him with a smile. "Robb. I'm sure you will learn it soon, but I felt this was something I needed to tell you myself."

Robb prepared himself; he wondered if something was wrong. "Is someone ill?" he asked, remembering Rickon's bad fever last year.

"No. Do you remember Jon that visited Winterfell with Alyanna?" Ned asked.

Of course, Robb remembered that; he also remembered fancying after Alyanne, and even after a month she left, he still found himself imagining her in his dreams, her mouth around his cock, and she would call him...Robb didn't like remembering that.

But after getting to know Lady Wynafryd Manderly, his dreams slowly changed. Soon, he started dreaming about Wynafryd. Sometimes, her sister would join them, but Robb was relieved that he no longer lusted after his half-sister.

"Yes. Are they coming here again? I would like to meet my cousin again," Robb said with an uplifting voice, almost laughing at his father's shocked expression.

"You knew?" His father asked after a moment of silence.

"Ghost, a Direwolf became his, of course; I knew that, and I think he looks a lot like Uncle Brandon. I might have never met him, but you always said he was hot-headed, and liked sleeping around." Robb said with a chuckle of amusement. He knew the Princess of Dorne and his cousin had something going on; it was as easy as day to see that much, but when his father's face changed, and the shock was replaced by amusement, he realized he must have gotten something wrong.


"Jon is your cousin, but he's not Brandon's son, neither Benjen." His father said cryptically, looking at him, waiting for him to figure it out on his own.

Robb fell silent, and he remembered Jon's face. He looked like a Stark, but if not his father's son, not Brandon's son, and not Benjen's son, then...Oh No, he had purple eyes...Robb concluded with a horrified expression, and it seemed his father could understand what he was thinking.

"Is not like that, Robb. Lyanna was never raped." His father interjected as Robb opened his mouth to shout something, and his father's words gave him a pause.

"I don't understand," Robb said, admitting defeat. Everything he knew about Aunt Lyanna was that she was kidnapped and raped by Prince Rhaegar.

"I will tell you the truth."

Robb sat there and listened as his father told him a story about a woman denying Robert Baratheon and accepting her love for another. This love started a war, and his cousin, Jon Sand, or Jaehaerys Targaryen, was the child of their bond and love. How, after the rebellion, he found him in the Tower of Joy, and he gave him to Oberyn Martell. To be raised in Sunspear.

"Why didn't Aunt Lyanna just tell someone? It could have prevented this whole revolution." Robb couldn't help but ask. He understood that love made people do stupid things. That much was clear. He, too, had been close to doing stupid things, but this one mistake had caused thousands of deaths.

"I will admit that my sister and Rhaegar could have done things differently instead of just running of and marrying each other, perhaps, in another world. The Rebellion never happened, and your cousin was raised with his family. I would have been the Lord of some keep in the North, and my brother would have been the Lord of Winterfell. But, I had years to think about this, and I have learned that sometimes is better to just let go, son. What happened can never change. The lives lost will never return, and is better to break the chains of the past." His father said with a grim look, remembering the thousands of deaths because of that bloody rebellion. He knew ever more people would die because of this war, but he had made a promise to Lyanna, and he would keep it to his last breath.

"Father, why are you telling me this?" Robb asked after a long moment of silence.

"Because we are going to war." Ned replied.

"What?!...Wait...You said Aunt Lyanna married him...Jon wants the Throne, doesn't he?" Robb asked, feeling dumbfounded for not realizing it sooner.

"Yes. I promised my sister on her deathbed that I would support her son; if he wanted to live a life as Oberyn's bastard then I would have supported him, and if he wants to claim the Throne. I will still support him all the same." Ned claimed determinedly, and Robb knew they could not break an oath they had made.

"So, I will fight alongside you."

Ned quickly noticed the growing excitement in his eyes, and his tone of voice made it clear that he wanted to taste battle.

Ned frowned. "War is not a play, son. I want you to understand that many people will die in this war. I might die in this war, same for everyone else. So, do not lose your head out there, stay close with your troops, and fight, do not run off on your own thinking you are some hero. Every man on any battlefield thinks they are the hero until a hammer crushes them or an arrow was just in the right trajectory to puncture their eye, or maybe a sword cleaved into their chest. Do you understand, Robb?" Ned said with an apprehensive look.

"I understand, father. I do." Robb said after a moment of silence, and Ned accepted his answer.

"Very well. I have already sent ravens to our banners. Once they arrive, I will tell everyone about Jon and our plans to support his cause. The Riverlands will support Jon, and in return, Edmure Tully will be offered a place in the Small Council, and maybe in the future, a Tully might marry a Prince or a Princess." Ned informed him, and Robb felt a little relieved knowing they had a lot of support, but he quickly noticed that he failed to mention one.

"What about the Vale?"

Ned grimaced, still remembering Catelyn's words about her sister.

' "Ned, she is still breastfeeding her son." Cat said, horrified; from her face, it seemed as if she wanted to puke.

"Isn't he four name days?" Ned questioned, looking mortified.

"Yes." Cat drawled before drinking water from a jug.'

"I'm not sure what the Vale will do, but Jon will come out victories even if the Vale decides to support Robert."

"How can you be so sure?" Robb questioned, not understanding why his father was confident about their victory.

His father seemed like he wanted to say something, but instead, he closed his mouth. "Nothing. Now come with me. I want to see how good you are with a sword."

Daenerys Targaryen

' Daenerys felt their warm hands, their touch, and their lips felt wonderful. She could not see their faces; their faces were engulfed in shadows, but she moaned as a pair of lips licked her royal cunt down there, and a pair of purple eyes looked up at her before returning to his duty, making her moan again from pleasure.

She couldn't see their faces, but she knew the one between her thighs was a man, and the one caressing her small breasts and trailing kisses along her neck was a woman. The woman's eyes were dark with lust; they looked down at her before kissing her fully on the lips. Daenerys moaned from pleasure, her hands grasping the mysterious woman's ample bosom...'

"Ohhh!" She moaned, feeling someone between her thighs; for a moment, she thought her secret lovers were with her, but she quickly remembered who could be between her thighs at this moment. Kinvara looks up at her lustfully, before crawling up to her face like a predator, trailing kisses along her body.

Daenerys moaned from the sensation of Kinvara's lips, tracing the line of her jaw. "Mmm, good morrow princess," she murmurs, voice low and still sleep-soft. Kinvara kisses down Daenerys's throat and inhales deeply at the joint of her neck and shoulder. Now that Daenerys is awake, she slides a hand up Daenerys's stomach to cup her breast and brush her thumb over the stiffening nipple. Daenerys's breath catches, and Kinvara adds a hint of teeth, nipping at the sensitive skin over her collarbone.

Kinvara rolls Daenerys's nipple between her thumb and fingers, and arousal sparks and catches deep in Daenerys's belly, her body roaring to life at Kinvara's touch.

She surges up, and Kinvara lets her, rolling easily onto her back and looking up at her with dark, hungry eyes. "Impatient this morning?" Daenerys asks.

She expects Kinvara to return the tease but gets only a fast, urgent nod. "Yes," Kinvara breathes. "I'm always hungry for your body—"

Daenerys cuts her off with a kiss, and Kinvara opens her lips with a moan that makes Daenerys's head spin. Her mouth is soft and easy, yielding sweetly as Daenerys deepens the kiss. This is a different mood for Kinvara, and Daenerys finds herself liking the taste of it in her girlfriend's kiss. She curls up along Kinvara's side, hooking her thigh over one of Kinvara's to spread her legs. Here again, Kinvara goes easily, shuddering as Daenerys strokes between her breasts and down her stomach, fingernails scratching through the trail of hair below her belly button.

Kinvara outright whines into her mouth when Daenerys's fingers dance over the lips of her pussy. She's wet here, far wetter than Daenerys expects, hot and silky beneath her fingertips. Daenerys breaks the kiss—Kinvara cranes her neck to chase after her lips—to sit up and look, and sees the gleam of it all over Kinvara's pubic hair and inner thighs.

"Kinvara, you're soaking," Daenerys says, awed. Surely, all this isn't just from a few sleepy kisses. She slides two fingers into Kinvara without another thought.

Kinvara cries out and arches up, clenching around Daenerys's fingers in a hot, tight pulse. Another gush of wetness coats her hand and the blankets beneath them as Kinvara comes with long, loud moans, her entire body tensing up with the force of it. Daenerys hasn't even touched her clit.

"How can I serve you, my Queen?" Kinvara questioned as she panted, trying to regain her breath after such an amazing orgasm.

"Serve your queen, Kinvara." Daenerys ordered, and the Red Priestess's mouth found her cunt, and started her feast.

"Ohhh! Good girl!" She praised her with a moan, closing her legs around her head, making sure the Red Priestess wouldn't go anywhere until she pleasured her Queen.


After having fun, Kinvara and Daenerys made their way to the dining room. Upon entering, she saw her brother feeding his little dragon with a piece of meat.

"Rhalla, Dracarys." Viserys said sweetly at the purple dragon sitting on the table. The dragon was the size of a pony, and Dany knew her brother should have her sleep in the caves soon enough to have more space and grow stronger and faster.

The dragon let out a roar, a burst of purple flames engulfed the ham, and Viserys clapped in joy before noticing Dany and Kinvara had walked inside.

"Good morrow, sweet sister." Viserys walked around the table before embracing her and kissing her forehead.

"Good Morrow, Vissy." She replied joyfully, watching as Rhalla swallowed the hem. She paid little attention to her, but she smiled when Viserys sat down with her again.

Months after Daenerys claimed Cannibal, or, as she called him, 'Bloodfyre, ' the dragon laid three dragon eggs. Two of them were placed in the Great Fire of The Red Temple until they hatch.

Daenerys had given one to Viserys, and for many weeks, the egg didn't hatch, and she was sure the dragon would not be born.

But one night, her brother had slit his own hand with a knife, letting the blood drop on the egg. Within minutes, the egg had hatched, and the Dragon was born, with Viserys claiming that he would name her Rhalla after their mother.

Now, they were waiting for the dragon to grow larger. Within two years, she should be large enough to fight armies and not be harmed by arrows.

Daenerys and Viserys broke their fast together, with Rhalla occasionally grabbing food from their plates. Despite being a dragon, Rhalla often acted more like a little puppy than a dragon. Especially when Viserys played with her.

After breaking their fast, Daenerys wanted to ask her brother what he would do for today when a knock on the door made her turn her head.

"Enter, " she ordered, and Kinvara walked in, holding a letter in her hands and looking worried.

"What is it, Kinvara?" Dany asked with a hint of authority as she stood up from her seat.

The Red Priestess didn't answer her right away; instead, she handed her the letter. "Your grace, someone in Westeros is claiming to be your nephew, " she announced, and Daenerys felt her blood go cold.

"WHAT?!" Viserys shouted in anger as Daenerys started reading the letter.

Word after word, she could not believe it. Raised by Oberyn Martell?

Once she was done, her mind tried to make sense of this. "Rhaegar married Lyanna Stark and had a child with her, and now, he's starting a war with Westeros for The Iron Throne!" She said incredulously, giving her brother the letter.

Viserys read the letter, took a deep breath, and looked at Kinvara. "Who gave this to you?"

"Our spies at Westeros heard about this and stole the letter he had sent to Riverlands." Kinvara explained, and Viserys closed his hand around the letter.

"This can't be... Rhaegar had Elia. That Stark witch must have seduced him." Viserys claimed with rage in his voice, and Rhalla let out a screech of anger.

Daenerys remained silent as she thought deeply about this. Her mind went back to the two secret lovers in her dream. A part of her was telling her this was just a dream, but a dream had never felt this real before.

If this one was a liar, she would burn him with her dragon. She had Bloodfyre for a year now. She would have tried to conquer Westeros by now, but Kinvara had convinced her to wait, saying she needed an army first.

Now they had five thousand Dothraki and Unsullied on their army after Daenerys burned a foolish Khal who tried to attack Volantis. She would have attacked Westeros, but then Rhalla was born, and Viserys wanted to wait until she was old enough to fight, saying she was vulnerable and if someone betrayed them. A guy with a sword could easily kill Rhalla. So Daenerys had decided to wait despite her desire to conquer Westeros.

But now, she could wait no longer. If this man was a liar, she would never allow someone like him to sit on the Throne.

If this man was truly her nephew. She knew she could marry him, and their children would rule Westeros one day. With that in mind, she made the decision.

"Kinvara, how long it takes for a spy from Westeros to deliver that letter to us."

"They use our red Hawks my Queen. So a week, to nine days to fly here."

"Then I will fly to Westeros with Bloodfyre." She quickly decided, ready to prepare her things for the long travel, until Viserys grabbed her wrist, stopping her.

"What! Dany, you can't go there alone." Viserys said inexplicably, making her look at him.

"I won't be alone, Bloodfyre will burn anyone who dares to touch me. I want to see if this man is truly our nephew." Daenerys said determinedly, and Viserys cursed under his breath for having such a stubborn sister.

"Sail with a ship then. You need people with you. Bloodfyre cannot protect you if you are inside a castle." Viserys told her before letting her wrist go, and Daenerys seemed to be thinking about it, becoming much more pensive.

She knew if she took that route, it could take two months to sail from Volantis to Dorne. It was too long for her to wait until an idea formed in her head, and she turned to face Lady Kinvara.

"Lady Kinvara. Which is your fastest messenger?" She asked with a fire in her eyes.

"Mygana, our fastest eagle." Kinvara answered with a growing smile.

"Good. Send a letter to Sunspear. Tell this Jaehaerys Targaryen that Queen Daenerys Targaryen wants to meet him. The meeting will happen on the Broken Arm of Dorne one week from now, and be prepared to meet a Real Dragon."

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