The King of Dorne

Hello, Drinor here. I'm happy to publish a new Chapter of A Dragon Kissed by Sun.

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The following 8 chapters are already available to Patrons.

Chapter 65 (The Meeting of Two Dragons), Chapter 66 (How to Seduce Your Aunt?), Chapter 67 (Love, Blood and War), Chapter 68 (The Field of Fire), Chapter 69 (The Twins and A Dragon), Chapter 70 (The Golden Company), Chapter 71 (Glass and Sand), and Chapter 72 (Wisdom in Wine) are already available for Patrons.

Jaehaerys knew he would need to wait for their arrival; a whole week had passed since his uncle had called the Banners. During that time, Jae had made sure to train with Ser Arthur and his father.

The two would train him until he was exhausted, and now he was good enough to defeat one of them, but not two at the same time. He was sure that even if he trained his whole life, he would never be good enough to defeat both his father and Ser Arthur.

After sending the letters to the realm, his uncle had sent letters to every House in Dorne, calling the banners for war. The Lords of every important House of Dorne were riding to Sunspear right now, and Jaehaerys wanted to appear at his best. A few of them had already arrived, and he knew more would arrive soon.

He didn't know them well; he knew Lady Ashara Dayne, Lord Allyrion, Lord Blackmont, and Lord Drinkwater. But he didn't know the others well, especially Lord Yronwood. House Yronwood was the second strongest House in Dorne. They were like the Boltons of the North, but unlike those in the North, Yronwood didn't flay people, and his father had reassured him that the Houses were all loyal to them despite the conflict between House Yronwood and Martell.

Yorick V Yronwood was the last king of the second half of Dorne and the last to be defeated during the Nymeria War. He remembered his father gloating about it when he was younger, calling Yronwoods cowards.

He wondered if the rest of Dorne would see him as guilty for what happened during the Tourney of Harrenhall and responsible for the deaths of Elia and...

"What is going on in that big head of yours?" Jae escaped his thoughts as his big sister knocked on his forehead as if it were a door.

"Nothing." Jae answered automatically without thinking, stepping back so her knuckles wouldn't keep hitting his forehead.

"I already knew that brother." Nymeria teased him with a smile before closing the small distance and putting her arm around his, making his bright purple eyes look at her eyes. "What is bothering you? Are you really that concerned about the meeting?" She asked with a comforting voice as they strode along the training yard, the sound of steel clashing steel faded into the background.

"Every House of Dorne will be here, sister. I don't want to make a fool of myself, but this is my first time in this situation. Our father said that when soldiers believe in what their leaders believe, they will go to hell and beyond for their King. I want the soldiers of Dorne to feel they are fighting for a better future, not just another King sitting in the Iron Throne." Jae confessed his insecurities to his sister. Out of everyone in his family, when it came to his own insecurities, he felt that Nymeria, Alyanna, and Arianne knew him the most. He felt the most comfortable with the three of them, and he knew he could talk whatever he wanted with them.

"Jae." She said smoothly, making him stop walking as she turned to face him. "You know how subborn Obara is right?"

"...Yes." Jae answered inexplicably, not understanding what Obara had anything to do with this.

"Obara doesn't even listen to our father, yet she listens to you," she said smoothly as she placed her hand over his heart. "If you can convince someone like her to support and follow you for more reason than just being her brother, then you can convince all those lords and ladies to follow you. You have The North and The Riverlands. Just because of who your mother was, that doesn't mean they will not follow you. You killed the Mountain, brother. Your name is already celebrated all over Dorne, many seeing you as the second coming of Nymeria." Jae was sure that was an overstatement but didn't interrupt her.

"So, don't sell yourself short, Jon. I know you will convince all of them that you are worthy of becoming King." She said comfortably, and Jae smiled sweetly at her.

"Thank you, Nymeria."

"Hey, it's my job to make sure your head is in there," She said teasingly before flickering her brother in the forehead with her index finger.

"You know, as King, I should have you punished." Jae teased her, and Nymeria giggled in amusement. However, their playtime was cut short when the two heard someone groaning. Turning their heads, they saw Ser Daemon Sand on the ground, with Obara standing on top of him with a proud look.

Jae watched as Obara helped him up before kissing him. He felt better knowing his sister was with someone she liked. He wasn't sure if their relationship would go anywhere, but he would be happy for them if it did.

"Your grace." He quickly turned to see his father with Ser Arthur rushing towards him; he knew this was important.

"We just received reports from the scouts that the last of the Lords are almost at Sunspear, Your grace. Within four hours the metting will start at the main hall." Ser Arthur informed him, and Jae looked up at him determinedly.

He was ready for this. He had waited for this moment for so long. It almost felt surreal that this moment had finally come.

"Thank you, Ser Arthur. I will take a bath first," Jaehaerys said before walking past them.

It didn't take long for him to reach his chamber. The sight of Arianne sleeping naked body on their bed made him groan. The curtains around the canopy bed were the only thing somewhat hiding her figure.

Since returning from the Wall, Arianne and Jae have decided to become more public about their relationship. Arianne started sleeping regularly in his chamber until two months later, when she had her things brought up in his chamber.

"Jae, is something happening?" Arianne asked from the bed as she stirred up after hearing the door open. She sat up on the bed, noticing Jae's haste as he started undressing himself. Soon, he stood naked before walking into the second chamber of their chambers.

This one held a large pool for them to clean themselves. Warm stones were placed in a little room below where the water was held to warm the water, and the servants would clean the water every day.

"They are arriving, Ari." Jae told her as he looked at himself in the mirror. A beard had started growing on his face, but Ari had made sure to let him know that he looked more handsome like this. He heard the door of the pool chamber open, and he felt her arms going around him from behind, her ample bosom pressing against his back, earning a groan from Jae.

"They will follow you, Jae. They all will follow you without a second thought." Arianne whispered comfortably, knowing her love was worried that he would mess it up.

"Nymeria said the same. I'm so lucky to have you both with me," Jae said softly before whirling around to face her, her lips close to his, almost touching. She was the image of beauty—she was simply beautiful—and her smile was the most beautiful thing in the world. Her eyes—he felt like he could drown in them forever.

"What are you looking at?" Arianne asked lovingly, trying to control herself as his thumb caressed her cheek.

"Did I ever tell you that I love you?"

"Hmm, I think I need to hear it more." Arianne teased him seductively before kissing him, taking his breath away.

"I love you too, Jae." she added amidst kissing.


Jaehaerys watched as lord after lord entered the main hall of Sunspear. He sat on the side, silently watching as his uncle and father greeted the Lords and Ladies of Dorne.

His eyes fell on Lady Ashara Dayne, who had come here with Alyanna. The Stark beauty had changed a little since he had last seen her. She seemed even prettier than before. Her long dark hair reached her back, and she had a short sword strapped to her waist.

"Lords and Ladies of Dorne. I'm pleased you all rode here for this meeting." Uncle Doran started, looking at their faces. "As you might have already heard. Dorne has declared war on Westeros, declared war to House Lannister, House Baratheon and any other house that might support them in this war." Uncle Doran started, immediately interrupted by Lady Yronwood as she stood up from her seat.

"In the absence of my husband, his leg is broken so I rode here instead of him. As Lady Kasandra of House Yronwood. I would like to know why Dorne decided to declare war to the entire Westeros. We might have pushed back against the Dragons, but I don't think Dorne has the soldiers, nor the food to survive against the entire rest of Westeros." Lady Kasandra said sharply with silver eyes like swords.

Lady Kasandra is a tall, slender woman with olive skin. She has silver eyes and ankle-length, dark hair with a waterfall braid.

She was wearing a long-sleeved, dark blue dress that fell just below the knees. The dress covered only the upper part of her arms and the underside of her breasts.

Another chair creaking was heard as someone else decided to interject. "The Lannister butchered Queen Elia Martell and her children, Lady Kasandra. We of House Blackmont will always remember Queen Elia. She was one of a kind woman, and they butchered her. We should have started this war years ago and not waited this long." Lord Blackmont roared but still looked at the lady with respect.

Lord Blackmont was a very handsome man with long dark hair that reached his neck. He had a scar on his chin that, based on his lady wife, only made him more attractive. Lord Blackmont was wearing boiled leather with the sigil of his House stamped on the chest area. The sigil of their House was a vulture with a yellow field behind it carrying an infant.

"Lord Blackmont speaks the truth, my Lady." Lord Fowler said, bowing his head towards Prince Doran before turning to face Lady Yronwood. "We of House Fowler have a code. You attack one of us. You have attacked all of us. Elia Martell was one of us and House Fowler will fight for her as if she was our own blood."

"That's admirable, but you are all thinking with your hearts. We can go about this another way instead of sending soldiers to fight and be slaughtered." Lady Kasandra argued her point.

"Lady Kasandra, this war will happen, do you have no loyalty. We cannot forget the past. Are we supposed to just bring flowers to their graves yet do nothing to bring them peace." Lady Loria Lake said passionately, glaring at Lady Yronwood, before turning to look at Prince Oberyn with a glint in her eyes. "Unlike someone else here who would rather forgive the enemy. House Lake will send everyone necessary to support you Prince Oberyn and Prince Doran." She promised, sending Lady Kasandra a smug smile, and she slowly turned red.

Before this conversation could escalate into shouting, Prince Doran decided to intervene, "That is an understandable concern Lady Kasandra, but I would haven't started this war unless I was certain of our victory, and I'm happy to introduce all of you to Prince Jaehaerys of House Targaryen."

Jae stood up with an air of grace around him, and he could feel everyone's eyes on him as he strode forward, keeping his head held high, looking at their expressions; many to read, some showed awe, some confusion, and some suspicion.

"You are Jon Sand! Prince Oberyn's son. I don't understand?" Lord Blackmont questioned with confusion, and Jae nodded his head.

"I have lived in Dorne for the past seventeen years. I have lived amongst you as Jon Sand, the bastard son of Prince Oberyn Martell. But that was never true. Seventeen years ago, Lord Stark found my mother dying at the Tower of Joy after she gave birth to me. My uncle knew that Robert Baratheon wanted to kill all Targaryens, so to ensure my safety, he brought me here, to be raised here in safety. So one day, Dorne can take back what they lost Seventeen years ago." Jae's voice boomed like a clap of thunder, and everyone present fell silent. Jae stopped talking, letting the information sink in.

"...Your uncle! You are Lyanna Stark's son with Rhaegar Targaryen!" Lady Yronwood concluded first with an incensed expression, and the same was true for many Lords and Ladies who had gathered in the main hall.

"You bastard! You dare ask for our help. Have you no shame?!"

"Prince Oberyn, how can you support this bastard?!"

"Get out of here, before we!"

One of them tried to use force, but Prince Oberyn moved in like a snake, and the lady who had tried to attack Jae stopped in her tracks, with Oberyn's spear pressing against her neck's soft, delicate skin.

Oberyn's spear was as sharp as Valyrian steel. Lady Dalt still having the head on her neck showed how much control Oberyn had over his hands and spear and he knew how much strength to put in his moves.

"If anyone else thinks of harming my son, we will go outside, and I will make sure it's slow and painful, so painful that even The Stranger will pity you." Oberyn promised in a tone that sent shivers down everyone's spine. His face had changed, showing a cruel smile that made many lords and ladies in the Hall flinch and step back. They all knew not to fight the Red Viper of Dorne.

"My-My prince, I'm sorry." Lady Dalt begged, holding her arms up, but the Prince didn't move his spear away, waiting for the order.

"Prince Oberyn, let Lady Dalt go. We are friends here after all." Prince Jaehaerys ordered with a charismatic smile, and the Prince moved his spear away. Lady Dalt gasped in relief, touching her neck with a shaking hand, but Oberyn didn't even leave a scar.

Now that it was silent once again, Jaehaerys cleared his throat to earn everyone's attention. "My lords and ladies, I understand your ire towards my mother. I understand that some of you might blame her and me for what happened. But blaming me won't bring back Queen Elia Martell. It won't bring back my brother and my sister, Aegon and Rhaenys. Some of you would like not to acknowledge this. But they were my brother and sister, and I want nothing more than to avenge them. To bring Justice. That's what we all want in this hall. If we fight amongst each other, then House Lannister and Baratheon will remain in power, and justice will never be brought to us."

"We don't need your help, Dragon. Dorne was able to push back against the Dragons, we don't need you." Lady Kasandra stated with a sharp look, glaring at him, but Jae wasn't bothered by their looks. He was no longer a boy. He was the Prince of House Targaryen. He was Jaehaerys Targaryen.

"I think you do," Jae said with mockery as he started walking towards the rows of lords that were formed in the hall. "Without me, Dorne would have to fight against six kingdoms. How do you think you can win against that?" He questioned like he was mocking them as he stepped closer. "Without me, the North and Riverlands would have never been on our side. Without me, justice will never be brought. You all will spend the rest of your days talking about justice, how Queen Elia and her children will be avenged one day, but you will never succeed. Without me, you all will be butchered like sheep against the entire Westeros." Jae was now right in front of them all, all carrying blades, but he showed no fear as he looked at them with a hard, cold stare as if daring them to do something.

Lady Yronwood stepped forward, staring back at him with a narrowed gaze. "And because of you, we will achieve... Justice. We will achieve victory. You. One single man can change everything?"

"Yes. Without me you will spend the rest of your days fighting a loosing battle, and I bring not only the North and the Riverlands to our cause. I bring the symbol of power with me. The reason why Targaryens are the most powerful House in the World. I bring Power made Flesh." In that moment, the sky above them roared with power.

A giant shadow engulfed the entire Sunspear, and with a mighty land, the Dragon landed right outside of Sunspear, her strength and size extraordinary. Rhaenix's red scales glittered like blood under the sunlight, and her eyes were purple. Her roar made the wind scatter away, and the ground shook from her strength.

The lords in the hall fell silent and looked outside the window in shock, their eyes wide at the sight of a creature that had disappeared almost two centuries ago.

"That's a Dragon!"

"How is this possible?!"

"Dragons have returned."

"Thank god we are on his side!"

As the lords and ladies spoke with one another slowly, they all turned to face Jaehaerys, who looked back at them. This time, Lady Kasandra Yronwood was the first to step forward.

"You promise us Justice. You promise us Victory."

"I do."

Lady Kasandra nodded slowly before unsheathing her sword. The Kingsguard moved in, but Jae raised his hand as she stabbed the floor with her sword.

"House Yronwood will fight for House Martell, and will fight for Prince Jaehaerys of House Targaryen."

A deep silence fell over the hall, soon followed by more swords, spears, and axes stabbing the floor.

"You have my Axe."

"You have my Spear."

"You have my Sword."

Jaehaerys watched as they all kneeled to him. He had never felt like this before.

"And my spear, son."

Prince Oberyn kneeled before Prince Jaehaerys, and Prince Doran bowed his head; his illness made kneeling impossible.

"Dorne is in your hands, your Grace. King Jaehaerys, the Third of his name."

"King Jaehaerys!"

"King Jaehaerys!"

"King Jaehaerys!"

"King Jaehaerys!"

The hall boomed with their echoes as the new King of Westeros was announced for everyone to hear.


After a long feast, Jae and Arianne finally found the time to be alone in his chambers.

"My king." Arianne purred as Jae pushed her against the wall, kissing her beautiful olive skin of her neck.

"My Queen." He called her, earning a moan from Arianne as his hands groped her large breasts, but before they could go further. She interrupted their kiss by pushing him a little, much to his confusion.

"There's someone who wants to join us tonight, My King." Arianne purred seductively, and Jae wondered who this person was when, from a corner of the chamber, he saw Alyanna stepping out of the shadow, wearing the same dress she had worn during the feast.

"Alya!" Jae said, a little surprised to see her here. Arianne had suggested before that they could invite Alyanna to their bed, so he wasn't as surprised, but after arriving back in Dorne, they had not seen each other as much in months, so the thought of having her in their bed had slipped from his mind.

"My King." Alyanna sauntered over to him, her eyes full of lust as she placed her hand on his shoulders. "I have wanted this for a very long time, Jae. Can you fulfill this wish for me?" She asked with a dreamy look, and Jae glanced furtively at his soon-to-be wife; her nod was all he needed. He liked Alyanna, but Arianne was the woman he loved, and he would never do something that could break their relationship.

"As your King, is my duty to fullfish the wishes of my people." Jae teased, earning a cute giggle from Alyanna, but before he could kiss her.

Arianne stopped him with a hand on his chest, much to his and her confusion. "I want to taste her sweet cunt first; then you can join us, Jae." She said, looking at Alyanna like a predator, and Aly was the prey. Jae looked at Ari with amusement before walking away, sitting on the wooden frame of their bed. He was quite eager to see what Arianne would do with poor Alyanne.

"Princess?" Alyanne tried to speak when Arianne's lips engulfed hers in a searing kiss, her breath taken away. Aly moaned from pleasure as Arianne's tongue entered her mouth, forcing her into submission.

Arianne enjoyed the kiss, but now it was time to see more of the Stark girl. Pulling away from the kiss, she started placing kisses on her neck on her neck.

"A-Arianne?" She stammered.

"Shhh, just relax! Soon, you will be screaming my name." Her mouth went lower, traveling down her beautiful body.

Arianne is now kneeling in front of Alyanna, her hands going for the waistband of her dress, pulling it down. Arianne smirking as her eyes set on Alyanna's cunt, dripping with arousal. Burying her face in between her legs, her nose brushing against the wet spot.

"You smell so good, Alyanna!" Alyanna's face turns red. "I could only imagine how you taste." Without warning, she sticks out her tongue, almost touching her glittering wet folds.

"Now then let's get a taste!"

Before she could say anything else, her lower lips met Arianne's wet tongue. Her tongue licked up her juices before slipping into her folds. Alyanna moaned in pleasure, the feeling of the warm, wet tongue slithering its way into her slick walls. Now, she was with Arianne's face buried between her legs, her tongue exploring her tight, wet walls.

"Ohhh, My Princess!!" Alyanna lowly moaned, trying not to make too much noise, leaning herself back into the wall behind her. One hand was on the wall while the other went to the top of Arianne's beautiful dark hair, the Princess moving her mouth to Alyanna's sensitive pearl. Her tongue flicked her clit, her hand coming up to rub the lady's wet folds as her mouth latched onto the small bundle of nerves. Licking and sucking was only part of the administration she was giving Alyanna, her hand coming up between her legs. Her fingers rubbed up and down Alyanna's wet folds before inserting two fingers into her warm, dripping walls.

"Ahh, ohh, Arianne!" Alyanna moaned, "That feels... That feels so good!" She moaned, trying to hold herself up. Completely lost in this new-found pleasure, she had forgotten about a certain Prince sitting in the room with them.

With Her attention on the busty Princess between her legs, she didn't hear the footsteps coming towards her. Grinding her hips into Arianne's face, she felt her shoulder bump into something hard, looking up to see half-lidded eyes looking down at her. Eyes widened, remembering that Jae was with them, enjoying the little show.

"Jae!...Ohhh, My Princess!!" Her voice was low, her body going still as her eyes took in his heated gaze.

One hand came up under her chin, the other on her waist; before she could utter another word, his mouth came crashing down onto hers. Their lips locked together, and a soft, low moan came from Alyanna. His tongue pushed at her lips as though asking to come in, opening her mouth and allowing the wet tongue in. Their tongues danced along each other, his hand on her stomach moving up until his hand grasped her breasts. Squeezing and messaging the soft flesh, she moaned into the kiss. Her breasts were as large as Ariannes, but they were quite beautiful and bountiful.

Jae pulled away from Alyanna to stare at her fully exposed body. Licking his lips and looking at her flushed, sweaty face, strands of hair falling down her face. Her eyes were full of lust, and her mouth hung slightly open. "Beautiful!" He said.

Without a second thought, his mouth found its way wrapped around her breast. His tongue rolled around the stiff pink peak, sucking and nibbling her sensitive nipple.

Jae took her hand and placed it on his hard member, her fingers barely able to wrap around.

Looking down, her eyes widening at the impressive length and girth of his cock, "you are so big!" Jae's hand moved hers up and down his length, grunts coming from him as he sucked on her breast.

Alyanna soon got the hand of stroking his cock, her hand now moving on its own. Her thumb rubbed the mushroom-shaped tip, smearing the cum leaking from its slit.

Alyanna could no longer contain her moans, her voice growing louder. Completely lost in pleasure, her moaning echoing off the walls of their chambers, no longer caring about the amount of noise. Her body being pleasured in all directions, her body tingling from the hands and mouths on her.

"Ahhh Arianne, Jae. Ahhh! Yesss!" Her body felt like it was about to explode, a fluttering feeling in her stomach. Her thighs clamped around Arianne's head as her loins tingled, her pussy clenching on the fingers thrusting in and out.

"Ohhh! YESSSS!!" She screamed from the pleasure.

She moaned as her body tensed up, her juices running down onto the Princess's fingers and her hand pumping in and out of her. Her grip on Jae's cock tightened, and a low groan came from the King.

Feeling as though her body would collapse to the floor had it not been for her two new lovers holding her up. Taking deep breaths, trying to regain control, she felt her leg being lifted up.

"Ah Jae!" Her body leaned sideways as her feet rested on Jae's shoulder, his hand on her leg pulling her closer. Trying to get comfortable in this new position, thanking her surprisingly good flexibility.

"I can't wait any longer!" Jae said, taking his hard member in his hand and aiming it at her dripping entrance. "I want to be inside you Aly!" He said, rubbing his tip up and down her lips, flicking her sensitive clit.

"Fuck me, Jae. Fuck Me. My King!" She begged, taking herself by surprise by how much she sounded like a whore, and maybe she was his whore.

Not having to say anything else, Jae listened to his friend shoving his cock deep inside her warm tight walls.

"My King!" She moaned, feeling him deep inside her. She had never felt like this before. So FULL!

He pulled his hips back, sliding himself out before thrusting back in. His hips moved at a steady pace as he slid in and out of her, her moans growing louder as she basked in this new pleasure.

"Ah-Ah Jae!" Calling his name as his pace quickened. His grip on her leg tightened, groaning from the feeling of her tight walls squeezing around him.

"Fuck, Alyanna, you feel so good!" He groaned, his hips slapping against her pelvis.

Arianne got up from her spot under them, standing next to Alyanna, supporting her upper body with hers. Her hands went to her breast, pinching and pulling at her pink nipples.

"Arianne." Her moans grew louder as his tip knocked at her cervix. Arianne took her mouth in hers, the two making out as Alyanna was fucked by their King.

"It feels so good, doesn't it, Alyanna?" Arianne asked. Her voice trailed off as Jae's free hand went to her neglected pussy, his fingers rubbing her lips. Shoving two fingers into her, his thumb rubbing her clit.

The two females moaned as their King pleasured them. His hips and fingers were pumping into their wet holes.

"Jae, I'm- I'm going to cum!" She moaned

"Me too, Alya." His thrusting became faster and rougher.

Reaching a hand around his neck and pulling herself towards him, her breast pressing against his hard chest. Their bodies rubbed together as they both reached their releases.

Alyanna moaned into Jae's neck as she came, her walls squeezing around his large and thick cock. Her juices leaked out onto his cock and lap, running down his legs and onto the floor.

Jae was no longer able to hold it in with her walls squeezing him; his hand left Arianne's pussy to wrap around Alyanna's waist, pulling her tightly against him. His hips went still after a few more thrusts, his balls tightening and pulling up, his cock twitching as he came inside Alyanna's warm walls. Filling her insides with his thick milky cum, her velvety walls taking everything he had to give.

The two were breathing deeply, trying to catch their breath. Jae held Alyanna to him, lifting her up and carrying her to the bed before plopping her onto the soft mattress.

Alyanna lay there trying to catch her breath. His cum leaked out of her and onto the bed sheet; Jae turned to look at her leaning in to place a kiss on her forehead as her eyes closed. Jae turned to face Arianne, who crawled towards him as he sat down on the frame of the bed, opening his legs as she settled between his legs; her hungry mouth opened wide before engulfing his cock with her hot, wet mouth.

"Ohh, Ari!" Jae drew in a sharp breath as she delicately traced the underside of his cockhead with the smooth warmth of her tongue, sending a jolt of pleasure through him. With a playful wink, she proceeded to take him deeper into her throat, engulfing him like a warm glove.

Jae moaned at the feeling of her taking him down her throat, her hand on his scrotum messaging and squeezing his balls. He stared down at the Princess, placed a hand on her head, and ran his fingers through her hair.

Removing him from her mouth with a pop, she looked up at him, a smile on her flushed face. With a wink, she returned to the task at hand, licking up and down his shaft. Stroking his long length and leaving kisses on his tip, the two were so immersed in their lewd act that they did not hear Alyanna get up.

Alyanna, now standing and crawling towards the two, she called their names, gaining their attention. Arianne continued stroking his member, turning her head to the other girl in the room.

"Alyanna, you're up. Good!" she said with a smile. " Come here; you have to try this; he tastes so good."

Without hesitating, Alyanna kneeled beside her friend, her hand slowly coming up to take hold of Jae once more. Wondering how she would do this, she remembered the books she had read in the library. At the time, she thought the act to be weird, but now, after seeing Arianne doing it, she couldn't help but be curious.

"Here, Alyanna just like this." Leaning her head, the Princess took the cock into her mouth again; Alyanna seeing this moved to do the same. She started by licking the part of his cock not yet inside the Princess's mouth.

Moaning their names, Jae stared down at the two beautiful women using their mouths to pleasure him.

Arianne pulled away, taking a deep breath before lowering herself to his balls and pulling Alyanna down with her. Leaning into her and telling her something, Jae looked down at the two as he waited for them to continue. Arianne was the first to move, her mouth going to his balls, kissing and licking them. Alyanna moved to do the same, and the two were now licking his balls. The Princess took a testicle into her mouth, sucking and pulling the loose skin; Alyanna took the unattended testicle into her mouth, moaning as she suckled him.

The two looking up at him, his face flushed and sweaty. Alyanna pulled away, a groan of disappointment from the loss of her warmth. He did not have to wait long as her lips wrapped around his tip, taking in his length as deep as she could, her hand stroking whatever she could not take in.

With both girl's mouths on his cock, Jae felt like he wouldn't last much longer. His hands-on Alyanna's head, pulling her down on him, surprised her as she worked to adjust around his length. His fingers dug through her hair, gripping it tight, pulling her head up gently, not wanting to hurt her. Her mouth almost left his cock before being forced back down, Jae repeating this.

Thrusting his cock into her mouth, going deep down her throat. Alyanna was doing her best to take him in, her saliva rubbing down his shaft.

"Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum!" She placed a hand on her head, holding her in place as he rocked his hips. Arianne moved under him and put a testicle in her mouth, suckling him, his testicle pulling up in her mouth. His release coming as his cock twitched in Alyanna's mouth, holding her head in place she let out a loud groan cumming inside her mouth.

His cum poured down her throat; Alyanna did her best to take all of him in but pulled away due to the sheer amount of cum. The last of his cum sprayed out uncontrollably onto her face and tits, moaning at the feeling of his hot cum on her face.

Jae moved back to stare down at his friend's cute face covered in his cum. Arianne moved up to Alyanna's side, her tongue licking up the cum on her face, pulling her into a kiss. The two swapping Jae's cum into each other's mouths, Jae stroking his cock at the sight of the eating his cum.

"More!" Jae said, kneeling beside the two, grabbing Arianne, and putting her on all fours. Not wanting to waste another second, getting behind her, took his cock in his hand and aimed for her puckered rosebud.

"H-hey Jae, what're you doing?" Startled at the feeling of his tip bumping her back door, looking up at him with a questioning look.

"Alyanna, bring me that bottle." Jae ignored her question, and Alya quickly grabbed a bottle of oil from a high shelf. She brought it to him, and he started dripping oil in his hands and her beautiful bubble ass.

Arianne moaned as his finger entered her ass hole, the walls closing tightly around his finger, soon joined by another finger. She moaned louder, and she watched as he stroked his cock with his oiled hands. After pushing his thumb and finger inside, Jae was sure his Princess was ready.

"I will fuck your ass!" He said, "You're the reason I'm like this, so you need to take responsibility. Also you need to be punished."

"P-punished?" Her pussy became wet from his words. "We haven't done this before. Perhaps another finge... ohhhh...

Not giving her time to finish, shoving his tip into the tight ring hole. Her ass clenching down on his cock, Jae grunted as he worked his way into the Princess's ass hole. Her walls squeeze down on the hard pole, digging into her ass at a slow pace.

Arianne took deep breaths, her ass feeling like it was going rip; thankfully, the oil was making her hole and his cock quite slippery and easier to shove inside. Jae slowly sank inside, the walls closing around his cock; he moaned from the sensation, but he made sure to be slow; he didn't want to make her feel pain. Never.

Alyanna moved beside Jae, watching his cock go in and out of Arianne's asshole. "He's inside her ass; I never once thought a penis could go into such a place! How is it even fitting in there, I wonder how it would feel?" She asked herself. Jae put his arm around her waist.

"Ohhh, Jae!" Arianne moaned as more of his cock sank inside her ass; slowly, slowly, soon, all of his cock sank inside, and Arianne let out a loud moan of pleasure. She had felt pain, but now, all that pain was turning into delicious pleasure.

"Ohh, Arianne," Jae moaned breathlessly, savoring the exquisite sensation that enveloped him as her tight walls grasped at his cock with fervor. With each slow withdrawal of his length from her, she expressed a silent protest through a pout, yearning to be filled once more. Only the tip of his cock remained inside her until he returned with a forceful thrust that ignited her senses, prompting a symphony of pleasure to escape her parted lips.

Her ass growing accustomed to the large cock slipping in and out of her. His hips slapped against her supple ass, her asscheeks rippling with every thrust.

He wrapped an arm around Arianne's waist, pulling her to him. Her back against his hard, sweaty chest, his hips going still. Arianne turned to him to ask what he was doing when Jae's arm tightened around her, lifting them both up on their feet still embedded in her. His hands went to the back of her knees, lifting her up, her ass sinking deep onto his cock.

Jae lifted her up and down; in this position, he was able to fit himself completely inside her. With his hand on her thighs, he moved to hook them together behind her neck, holding her body still before thrusting up into her. His hips moved at a rapid pace as he bottomed out the princess's asshole, lifting her up and down on his cock. The sounds of their skins slapping against each other, along with Arianne's loud moans echoing off the walls.

Alyanna was still there on her knees before them, staring up in amazement at the scene before her. Watching as Jae's large cock slipped in and out of Arianne's ass, her face with a happy expression enjoying the feeling of having her ass fucked. His swinging balls slapping against her wet lips, Jae could feel his release building up once more. Not remembering how many times he had already cummed tonight, all he knew was that he still had more to give.

"Fuck, Arianne I'm cumming!" He announced.

"INSIDE. OHH FUCKK!!" Arianne moaned loudly, not caring if the entire castle heard them.

A hot torrent of cum poured into Arianne's warm walls. The feeling of his cum pumping into her ass was enough to send her over, her ass tightening up around his cock as she came as well. Her juices squirted out onto the floor; the two moaned as they came down from their releases.

Slipping out of her ass, his cum leaking out onto the floor, holding her for some time before letting her down. Alyanna was ready to clean his cock as she kneeled before him.


After a fun morning with Arianne and Alyanna, Jae was ready to start his plans with his father and the lords and ladies of Dorne when the door opened, and the Maester stormed inside, holding a scroll sealed with wax and the Targaryen sigil imprinted on it.

"What is this?" Jae questioned with a narrowed gaze as the Maester moved across the hall and handed him the scroll. Everyone else quickly noticed the Targaryen sigil and wondered who could have sent it to him.

"What is this farce?"

"Who sent this?"

"This just arrived, My King. I don't know who could have sent this letter." The Maester informed him, ignoring the cries of the lords around him, and Jae quickly broke the seal and started reading, ignoring what everyone else around him was saying.

"To Prince Jaehaerys of House Targaryen.

To my nephew, Jaehaerys Targaryen. I heard that you are trying to conquer Westeros, and I'm happy to hear that I have more family in this world. Dear Nephew. I would like us to meet in the Arms of Dorne. I want us to fight together against our common enemy and take the Iron Throne together. This letter should arrive within nine days. The meeting will happen two days after you receive this scroll. I want to meet you and get to know you. I hope you are ready to meet a True Dragon.

From Princess Daenerys of House Targaryen."

As soon as he finished reading, Jae had only one thought in his mind...

She has her own dragon! Jae concluded with a shocked expression.

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