Chapter 5 - a genius or a clown

Diana's POV:

I  woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm and turn it off and then slowly stretch my limbs and went to do my bathroom routine and make breakfast and ate and finished clearing the table and head out to the company

The buzzing sound of the morning rush can be heard in my neighborhood despite being quite isolated it is still close to the city and I then continue to head to the building and went to the elevator and arrive early and then opened the door and waited for her to arrive

A minute or two footsteps was heard and surely it only can mean one thing and the boss have arrived and she then opened the door and was kinda surprised to see me already inside and glared at me because I cause quite a fright to her

"Ugh! Fuck...why did you stand there like some stupid mannequin, gosh you almost gave me an heart attack you dumbass?!" She pressed the bridge of her nose and went to take a seat

"I wish you did" I whispered but it seems she have some strong hearing capabilities she sent me glare

"What the fuck did you just say?" Her face starts to turn into a ripe tomato which looks hilarious by the way

"I said nothing ma'am, and also here is your schedule for the day ma'am, you will have two meetings, one today at 9:30 and another at 2:30, so I already went out and ordered you your meal so that you won't have to head out and eat, do not worry it will be delivered at lunch time so it will be fresh and warm

She looks at me like I've grown two heads and just stared at me for a couple of seconds before turning away

"Okay, you can leave me for the moment and just come in when I need you for something" she then starts to flip pages of the document she's reading

I then went to the mini lobby that she have because her office is ridiculously big, enormous I would say

I heard my phone rang and read the message and it was from the restaurant I made a reservation with saying that the  order is already done, just gonna wait for the signal to be delivered so I just turn it off and starts to read some documents

My phone then rang so I checked and saw that Elem was calling me so I answered

"Hey, how are you? I know you must be busy but would you mind if I give you something, I made some chicken corn soup and some karaage" I heard her say on the line

"Oh, yeah..sure I would appreciate it if you do, thanks a lot Elem" I say and I can hear her chuckle and I smile softly

"Anything for you dude, I mean we're family right so of course I will always be there for you so you can count on your big sis okay" I heard her fake a sniffle then I chuckled because she's such a drama queen

"Well, let's just talk later since I will be dead if I'm caught slacking off" she then laugh softly and we said each other goodbye and end the call I then continued what I was doing earlier

Sofia's POV:

I was mad because everytime she open her mouth she always have something to say and I can't even make a good comeback and was surprise to know that she already act her part as my personal assistant and she was good at it, even ordering my lunch despite not asking her to

"I know, and also William can we talk later? I have no time for useless chit-chat so please let's do this another time" I said on the other line talking to my fling who's secretly obssess with me

"But Sweets, I thought you said we will have our date later..I hope you won't cancel and move it to another date again it's getting tiresome you know" I heard him sigh and I just feel my blood boiling but I need to be calm or else it will ruin my mood

"I won't okay, just stop bothering me for now I have a meeting to attend to so I am busy so please refrain from disturbing till later, okay?" I heard him sigh but agreed and then he end the call making me sigh a long one

A couple of hours then pass and the meeting was done, it was quite tiresome to debate with the others on which investments would really help the company grow and prosper because some think the first company was better and some think the second one was so I am now currently wacking my brains off because it's my first meeting and I felt like my brain is gonna explode with all of the pressure

"Ma'am, your lunch is delivered and so here it is please do enjoy and just call me if you need something, I'll just eat my meal downstairs with the other employees" she put down the food and then starts to take a step when I stop her from taking another step

"No, you're not going anywhere so eat here with me..." she look at me and nodded softly and then went a bit away from where I am and then she opened up her food and I don't know why but I'd rather have her meal than the one she ordered for me

She continued to eat like it's her last meal

And she looked at me waiting for me to speak up and so I did

"Can I have some of your food? I'll e-exchange with mine..." she looks at me and nodded and then she pulled up another set of lunch boxes and then put it in front of me

"Here, you can have this instead, it's still the same thing but since I often have a big appetite my sister brings me a second" she looks at me and then continued to eat her food

We then ate in silence and then finished it afterwards and we then put out the mess and clean up and then went to the office once again

The second meeting then started and I almost lost my shit because the people who are in front of me are underestimating me because what I'm a woman and a young one at that? They think I couldn't handle the company work is that why they're making fun of me by not trusting me with the bigger investment talk

My PA then put an organizer in front of me and I was confused as to why she did it and then said the words

"Ma'am, here's the plan you organized earlier about the two investments with each of their pros and cons and I heard you said that the second one is more better for the company" she said and gesture that I opened the planner and I did

I look through it and read it and was shocked that the plan was absolute and perfect if I would say

"Gentlemen, it seems that you must've been troubled because I'm new to this but I would say that my plan will help us lead to victory" I said confidently and then went to the front and demonstrate the said plan

After demonstrating it to them they clapped and gave me nods of approval

And then after talking and finalizing the meeting was then adjurned

The men then leave one by one and there's only me and her left, she then start to walk and I called her making her halt and turn to me waiting for me to talk more

"Yes ma'am? Is there something? Or is there any problem?? Do you want to talk about something or do you want me to do something?" She looks at me waiting for my response

"Why did you help me there, or rather how can you be sure that it will be a victory for the company and it won't flunk?" She looks at me and blink a few times and scratch her neck

Wait a fucking minute does this mean she doesn't even know shit?! OMG! What am I gonna do if it will make the company go downhill my father would kill me

"Oh, that? Let's just say my guts said that's it...but I assure you it won't be a failure" she then bow and went out leaving me all alone and I gather up my things and head out as well

===== SKIP TIME =====

Diana's POV:

"Damn, the rates of murder are getting higher and higher, we should be careful" Elem said while munching on some fruits and look at me and hand me some

"I know right, and also is the suspect haven't been found or like, why is the suspect getting away everytime? But still it is quite scary that there's a murderer on loose and starts to prep our dinner

"I know, that's why you should always bring a pepper spray or a taser gun so that you can protect yourself" she then continued to bite the apple

"Yeah, don't worry I already made some and a taser gun too so you don't have to worry that much about me and you should also bring some on you too, we don't know when we will need it so it's better to be prepared" I continue to cook the food for our dinner

The news then stated that a group of five men was killed in an abandoned building with their guts out and it seems that these men are drinking before they got killed because their blood and their insides was then put in sandwiches and their blood in their cups, it was a gruesome sight and there hasn't been a clue or any evidence that will track the killer, the crime was done under 8-10 hours prior