Chapter 6 - The unplanned plan was a sucess

Sofia's POV:

I woke up and did my daily routine and wore my office suit and then check any emails left untouched and saw that there's nothing new so I then continue to have my meal and prepare myself to head out

Loud bickering noises are heard in the neighborhood since the elderly men are yelling across each other's apartment so I hurriedly start my car and drove off to the office

I then arrived and park my car in my exclusive parking space and start heading to my own elevator and went up and here I thought I was the early bird but I was wrong because there's a worm wriggling already inside my office

"Good morning Ms. Rose, here are your schedule of the day, and no meetings till further notice ma'am" she said while handing me my schedule

"Okay, I'll just call you when I need you to do something and since I don't have any you can go now" she then bow and went out and now I'm left all alone in my office

She was about to sit when she received a text message from her father about the meeting and it seems that another meeting will be held to discuss the agreed decision of the majority of the stockholders

"And here I thought I won't be busy, fuck" she cussed to herself and smack the table not so hard

She then replied to her father's message and said that she will prepare the meeting room

She then open her cabinet and pull a bottle of sparkling wine to ease her nerves with something sweet

She then pour herself a glass and sip and sighed

"How can I even explain the plan when I'm not the one who thought of it??" She drank the whole glass and pour another

"I will need to talk to her about it or else I'll make an embarassement out of myself" she sighed and fall to her chair

After doing so she pick her phone and start typing something to her PA

Third Person POV:

The air is somewhat gloomy today and a certain someone thought that this calls for a beer with chips or some sex

The said person start walking and went to a convenience store and bought some beer and condoms and head out

They then start walking towards a brothel or some sort of entertainment house which offers sex services

"Oh, an interesting customer what do you want? We offer a lot of services here, as long as you got the money then you get your honey for the day only"

"Well, I only want a quicky so I'll just do that and can I pick the girl? Or something" the receptionist chuckled and nodded her head

"Of course we do, well if you have the money then more services can be done to you, well pick your poison" she then show portraits of the girls who give services

"Ah, I want the one whose name is Olivia" the receptionist then called Olivia and told her to head room 5

The masked person then head to the said room and after a couple of minutes the assigned girl did arrive

"Hello, you must be my client for the day so what service did you acquire of me?" the Olivia girl asked

"Well, I only have this much so a quicky and I swear I won't come inside you since I prepared condoms" the girl then nodded and started to undress

"Did nobody ever told you how beautiful you are? Your black hair, with your sapphire like eyes that seems to pull me closer" the girl chuckled softly and nodded

"Well, yes, a lot complimented me about it but still thank you I appreciate it" the girl then starts to unbuckle the masked person's belt and she was stopped and that confused her

"I see, I guess it seems that my words sounds like a lie, I won't talk about it again" and the masked person then buckle the belt back and bow apologetically towards the girl

"W-wait, what are you doing????" The girl was confused as to why her customer is leaving so suddenly

"It's okay and I'm embarrassed about my size so I'm pretty sure you won't enjoy it" the girl pulled them and revealed a huge bulge

"I'm s-sorry I didn't me-mean to s-show you this" The girl heed no mind to the stuttering mess and start to feel it

"What are you talking about being small? This is by far the biggest I've yet to witness, 2 years of service and this is the most huge I have seen so far" she then pull the thick and long rod from it's cage and starts licking it earning a moan from the other party

"Y-you don't have to lie to make me feel better bout my size" the girl just sighed and continued

"How big are you ready so put this in me.." she said with anticipation

The masked person then lay her down and got on top of her and positioned

"14... I think..when..soft..I dunno..." Olivia gasp when her client suddenly shove their thing inside her making her moan a real one

"Mhnn...nhhngg...pwaahh...haah...aahh.." Olivia then starts to moan louder and lewder making it a first for her

Olivia can't contain her feeling of wanting to kiss her client but seeing the mask was in the way she pulled it slowly only to be stopped by her client

"W-what do you think you're doing??" The masked person asked and Olivia look at them with lust filled eyes

"I...I want to kiss you..please...even if you don't take it off fully..just let me kiss you.." the masked person then sighed and pull the mask up to their nose and starts kissing Olivia while pumping in and out

After 20 minutes or so they finished and the mask person then went and took a warm shower and head out after paying

Diana's POV:

Just finished my bathroom break and I feel like dying and since I don't want to smell awful I then took a quick shower just to be sure when I notice a message I then check the contents after drying myself and tidying up myself with new work clothes

I check the messaged and it contains about meeting the highness- I mean my boss and asked me about the plan I thought of the other day

I sighed to myself and hope that I won't get fired if problems arise because I sure know I don't wanna be involved in such matters

I then replied that I will be there in no less than 20 minutes after my bathroom break

I then went to her office and saw a bottle of wine or maybe a sparkling one to be specific

"Ma'am, I am here and you asked me about the plan I proposed of the other day?" She then look at me annoyed but then sighed and nodded

"Yes, and I need you to tell me more about it so I can present it to them more clearly and that it won't lead to any suspicion that 'I wasn't the one who thought of the idea but her PA did'

I nodded and I then sat to a chair across from her and then I start to explain about it and after half an hour of detailed explanation and briefing she then called the staff to arrange the meeting room by 2 :00 pm

===== TIME SKIP =====

all of the investors and stockholders are now present and my boss Sofia is now starting to discuss about her business proposal thoroughly and talk about the pros and cons, while there may be cons she promised that it will not be a hindrance and will just do minimal damage and the pros will overrule it and soon the whispers and debation has started

"Okay, seeing that the proposal is well done, I can't believe that such a woman like you is talented and wise enough to think of such thing" Mr. Shole one of the many stockholders of the company, the 8th most richest member of the country

"Yes, I couldn't believe myself as well but hearing and seeing it with my own two eyes means that it's all real and so I can't wait to see the end result" Mr. Gunn one of the stockholders and the 7th richest of the country

A lot more whisper and whatnot are heard around the meeting room while the one comment that made a head turn to all of the people present is Ms. Jade, the 4th richest

"It is indeed a nice proposal but are we really sure that it is her sole idea, from start to finish without the help of anyone? Well, I don't really mind the origin but I just hope that in the long run there will be no scandal regarding about this meeting

After the comment of Ms. Jade all of them nod and clap and then the meeting was then adjurned and one by one left leaving Sofia and me

"I thought I was going to get caught?! But thankfully it didn't happen and I hope that it will work out fine in the future" she then sighed and sat on her swivel chair and drank some water

"Well, I'm pretty sure you well, just don't lose hope is all" I said and leave her be till she wants to go home