Chapter 7 - Drink, drunk and dicks

Elem's POV:

A month has passed by but she still send me death glares whenever she can and getting stared at by the tiny human makes my life a little bit of fun because of how funny she acts towards me and so I then prepared myself to head to my job at the cafe

"Good morning handsome, wanna go bar hopping later? Since a friend from abroad is having a 2 week vacation here so I want you to come with us" Ty said while smiling and I nodded since it would be fun to cool down now and then

"Okay sure, I'm down for it but I won't go hard on the drinks since I need to head home" and I then head to my station and prepared my stuff

The cafe doors opened and reveal my favorite human in the world, The tiny princess called Faye

"Hey, Ty what's this invitation for? Omg, are we going bar hopping later?? Omg I cannot wait I mean it's been so long right so I am very excited" Ty nodded and I just shrug and she then sent me her deadly glare

"Well, I'm inviting you, and Elem here and also you can invite others, like Sofia let's invite here so she can destress as well" Faye clapped her hands like she just heard the most wonderful idea

"I almost forgot my dearest friend omg, okay I will inform her about it...omg I can't wait to be wasted" she then hurriedly tap on her phone and hid it back in her purse after she's done

"Also, reason as to why I said that we will be bar hopping is that my friend of 6 years is having a 2 week vacation here, his name is Jin we were classmates in uni so yeah" after hearing it Faye's expression kind of change but turns back afterwards

Customers then start filling up the place so we started to work to provide them a magnificent service

After a 30 minute break I then head out to buy some bread for mine and Diana's consumption for the week and I also need to replenish our stock especially our meats and dairy

After walking for 5 minutes I then hear a loud scream in the corner and saw a man with its guts out and I hurriedly pick up my phone and dial the emergency number hoping that he can still hold on

The call connects

"What's your emergency?" The caller asked

"A man is out with his guts and he is lossing a lot of blood, and the place is xxx-xxxx- street please hurry" I told them with panic in my voice

After a minute or so the ambulance arrived and I was brought to the interogation room to be questioned and so I cooperate since I'm pretty much innocent on this matter

After making sure that I was noy involved with the crime the authorities let me go so I went to the cafe and slump on the break room to take a breather for a bit

There was a knock on the door and Ty went inside and asked why was I late so I told him the whole story and he hugged and patted my back to cheer me up

Hours passed its closing time and so we all went our separate ways and meet up later at 8 pm at the bar's entrance

"Hey, come on you guys let's go and also, you guys are dressing up for the night aye~" Ty tease both me and Faye since Sofia can't make it due to her being busy this week

"Haha, well it would be sad if you're the only one dressing up for tonight" Ty nodded but Faye only glared at me

"Well, what are we waiting for let's go" Ty showed our tickets and seeing that it's vip so he let us in in a jiffy

The three of us went to a private room upstairs and we head inside a room like area and saw that someone is already inside

"Oh Ty! Here, here..come take a seat you guys" the guy said patting the seat next to him and Ty sat down next to him while Faye sits a bit close to Ty while I'm near the door because I'm awkward

Faye's POV:

I sat next to Ty because well if we both get drunk here then some miracle might happen and I can't wait for it

" so, Faye and Elem this is Jin and Jin these two are my friends, Faye my friend since hs and Elem a new friend also my employee of the cafe" Ty introduce us to him so he offer his hand to shake and so I did and linepost as well

"Nice to meet you guys I hope we can get along well" Jin smiled and starts to chug on his drunk

Yeah, same here Jin..hope we can get along.." why do I feel something off about him but maybe it's just my imagination

We've been drinking drinks for a whole hour and so we decided to move to another location and so it happened 4 times and most of us are pretty wrecked by the alcohol but I can still hold myself

I see people dancing and grinding on each other and saw people eating their faces off like its the last night of their life

I was about to drink another glass when I notice the linepost with a girl and it seems that they're heading to the bathroom so I decided to follow them

As I was following them both of them started touching their skin and starts kissing while walking further into the bathroom

"So? How are you gonna satisfy me hmm?? You know I don't really play with girls since then don't have a dick?" The bitch girl said to linepost and linepost just chuckled

"Hmm? You don't have to worry about a thing hunny, for I will blow your mind" The linepost said earning a ugly giggle from the bitch

"Hmm, I like to see you try~~" linepost chuckled and push the bitch gently on the wall and linepost grabbed something from their pocket and saw that it was a condom

A condom???? What? Why? What is it for??

"Ohh, did you bring a strap on? Hmm?" The bitch asked and linepost shushed her with a kiss and then put the condom on her dick

"Much better than a strap on hunny, a real one" linepost chuckled and rip the sealed off and open it and aligned it and wrap her dick with it

Her dick??! What??! A dick???!!

In one sweep she shove her length into her making her groan in the process and since she's too big for her she can't really put all of her thing but she still starts to move and grind in and out and get rougher and deeper

" me more roughly.." she then follow the wish of the girl and so she moved more rough and seems to hit all of the good spots making her shudder in pleasure making her reach her high faster than all of her fucks no one can compare from today's one night stand

As they were continuing on their activity a certain someone went back to the room and saw that both Ty and Jin are unconscious or out drunk so she just wait till she sober up

An hour or so Elem then went back and saw that Ty and Jin are already passed out and saw that Faye is drowsy and so she gently tap her and this made Faye awake

"Hey, so would you like to help me take care of the two of them? Ty brough his car right so I'll drive you guys to your places" as Faye was contemplating on what to do she give up and just nodded

Elem told Faye that she should wait at the shotgun seat already and so she did and after Elem set them up nicely in the car she start the engine and drove to their destination

"Since, Ty and Jin are friends they should stay together and since your house is farther I will take you there after I settle the both of them" Elem said to Faye and she just sighed and nodded

After taking them home Elem is now heading towards Faye's place

"So, you really don't like guys right? I mean, I guess you did told me but I was just making sure" Faye facepalm herself because of embarassment

"Yeah, I don't like guys, I like girls and so you don't have to be alert when it comes to Ty and I's relationship because it will always be of friendship" I nodded and we arrived at our destination and I hurriedly went to my room and jump on it

I can't believe I thought of her dick as yummy earlier what the hell is wrong with me