chapter 1-the world of rules

Chapter-1 the World of Rules

Rule 101

If you ever find yourself in a situation where you looked into a man or women with pitch black eyes, avoid him/her until you reach home. When you are at home barricade your windows and lock your doors and follow these instructions:

1. If you hear scratches coming from your window or door, ignore it, when the noise turns to banging ignore it, when you it turns to yells and screams stay calm, you're still safe for now.

2. During your slumber if you are asleep, you will feel breathing on your neck, do not turn around and do not open your eyes in a situation you are awake close your eyes and walk to your bed and cover yourself with your sheets, and do not leave your bed once on it until morning.

3. When its morning you can remove your barricade and go back to your normal routine but once you hear a faint cry you have to leave, the cry will come from under your bed or from your closet, go back to your home only after 2 to 3 hours that's when you will be safe.

CF58-Entry 120 saved

I lie back in my chair, grab the bottle of water on my table and gulp down the little amount left in it. *VVRR* I look at my phone and see the text notification, I press on it and the message pops up from Robert.

"The deal will happen in STALKVILLE at 8pm. don't be late Michael"

I exit the app and shove my phone in my coat pocket, as I stand up, I hear a faint cry, I look around my room and lock my eyes at my bed. The cry was coming from under it. I sigh and walk to my door, grab my bag next to it and leave my apartment.

I enter a convenience store; I look at the counter and see an old man with sunglasses behind it. I pick up a shopping basket and begin to browse the shelves, the place is pretty big, and it seems to be stocking up new products. The store is cold enough for me to see my breath when I exhale.

The is no one else in the store but me, the man and a woman who's on a phone call next to the refrigerator. My body shivers the smell of blood is in the air and I hear a whisper in my ear. I slowly duck down to a crouching position and hold my breath, I have two minutes, but I only need one, the double doors open.

I feel a tap on my shoulder, I act like I never felt my current position I could see the lady searching for something in one of the refrigerators, she pulls out a can of "deaths wish" while still talking on her phone, she turns around and her body explodes. I close my eyes and turn my head bracing for the blood to hit me, but it never did, I open my eyes and see all the walls, windows, and shelves covered in a mixture of blood, feces, organs and shattered pieces bone. I hear the double doors open but I don't move and continue to hold my breath until I hear them close.

I stand up and walk to the counter as the blood begins to sip into the store, I put down my shopping basket on the counters and hand out my item which I wanted to do until I realized that I had nothing. I pick up my basket and fill it up with pre-made pop tarts, ice cream, cookies and 2 cans of deaths wish.

I walk back to the man after stepping over a lung and pull out my items to be scanned.

"How's the business going Robert" i asked the man as i notice him wearing a ring.

"Nothing much, just been killing some hunters" I look at him with a plain expression but with flaming eyes.

"He was not part of them" He quickly said

"Good. do you have the items i need for the deal" He stopped scanning and crouch and stand up holding a box. I take the box and place it in my bag

"Michael don't mess this up ... the heart sigil is extremely dangerous and is the one thing we need to make our wish" he looked at me worried then stretched out his hand.

"Central Northwest of town, door" I pull out my wallet from my pocket and give him 200 dollars. Pick up a plastic, put all my items in it then walk to the bathroom door.

"And Robert keep the change" I leave