Chapter 2-Unexpected Visits

I opened the door to the bathroom of the store and walk into an alley way. I look back and I see a wall, I look around the alley way and see nothing just two dumpsters. I have enough time to make a pit stop.

I walk into the crowded sidewalk and keep my head down; the noise of all the cars and building irritate my ears so i put on my earphones and listen to my second most popular song "Lonely".

I walk into a graveyard and walk to the two gravestones in the corner of the yard, I look at them both and go on one knee. I start to dig in the dirt between them, I see a bag, I pick it up and open it and inside was a pistol. I pull it out, turn it to the side and gently brush the engravement on the gun, it was my father's name "MIKE". I sherd a tear and immediately wipe it away.

It is beautiful, a 24cm reinforced carbon body, a 10 cm iron steel barrel, a tactical red dot sight, I remove the magazine and inspect the bullets, and most importantly 31mm black tip ghost bullets. I put the bullets back in the mag and re insert the mag, I graze my fingers against the 10cm suppressor.

"Bring back memories...doesn't it" I turn around and see myself sitting on gravestone, but he was different, his hair was brown instead of black, his eyes red instead of purple, though he wore the exact thing I'm wearing he looked paler and thinner.

"I thought I told you not to appear when I'm here" I pushed back my coat revealing a holster and i place my gun in it.

"I know but you were about to leave without giving a flower to mom and dad" A pink rose appeared in his hand then he walked and placed it in between their grave.

"I need-"

"A favor" he finished my sentence

"You want me to help you face against the entity?" he added on.

"Will you?" I thought he might finally help me against it but-


"NEVER" he disappeared but the rose remained lying gracefully were he left it.

I walk out of the graveyard and join the crowd once more; I walk past a shop with a man that had blood red eyes telling people to enter his store. I wish I could warn them not to enter but people will only think I'm crazy again.


I walk to a parking lot; they aren't many who live near here but to the ones that do they know me as a cold-blooded murderer. As I'm walking on the sidewalk, I see a figure at the end holding what seems like a sword.

The figure begins to approach me and now were walking right at each other, the blur finally fades now I can clearly see her face, she was blond and wore a black suit with shades and had a wooden sword...she was young.

we walk past each other then we stop, I throw my plastic bag on a bench nearby.

"what's your objective?" I heard her voice, it sounded familiar.

"None of your business" I began to walk again

"Do not disrespect me!" she yelled then I heard running from behind me

"You're the one to talk" I turn around and go into a stance that left me wide open

she used her momentum from running to thrust her sword at me, I twist myself rolling around the sword and grabbing her wrist. she tries to pull me but even with the enhance speed and strength she is still weak; I twist her wrist causing to drop her sword then I let go and wrap my arm around her neck.

"What does your boss want to wish for?" I ask her as I tighten my grip around her.

"To be the new entity" she choked out

"Playing games are we" I pull out my gun and press it against her back.

"Black tipped ghost bullets" I whisper in her ear

she begins to struggle until she loosens my grip, and a faint white beam of light comes out of her mouth then suddenly she collapses. I turn her around and realize that it was Monica, I put my gun back in my holster and carry her to the bench and where I put her to lay on and sit down next to her.

"So... he finally figured it out" I chuckle, I pull out my phone and look at the time, 5:30pm.

"Well, the goes being early" I guess I'm going to have to wait while he comes. I look my phone and dial James number.