Chapter 3-Friendly Welcomes

I lay back on the bench listening to my most popular song "LCFP". A police car pulls over Infront of me and a man with brown curly hair, blue eyes wearing a black shirt with a syringe on it, black trousers with white shoes, and a white coat comes out holding a med kit.

He runs to Monica and begins to inspect her then he stares at me, I remove my earphones and shive it in my pocket.

"Michael" he said before he picked up Monica walked to the back seat and put her in the back seat of his car. Even after saving his daughter life from a mind bender, he never thanks me but with what I did...I would do the same.

"James, I need a ride to STALKVILLE" I pick my plastic bag and walk to the passenger's seat of his car and tried to open the door, but it was locked.

"I'm giving you anything"

"I saved your daughter's life...a ride would really help right now" I know we hate each other, but he hates it more when he owes me more.

"Back seat" he grunted, I hopped into the back seat next to Monica. he flicked on sirens and sped toward the direction of STALKVILLE.

I take out my earphones from my pocket and put one of them on. I look through the window that separates the back from the front and on the dashboard, I see a clock, 6:30pm.

I sigh and lay back in the chair and focus my gaze on the buildings we pass for I don't know how long.

"How long has been since that day" I heard my voice; I turn and see myself on the other side of Monica, but his clothes were covered with blood and his head was bleeding from a minor wound and he was hand cuffed.

"It feels like it just happened yesterday" he continued; I kept quiet...I don't want James thinking I'm crazy.

"All of it...what was it even for?" I take out my ice cream, open it and begin to eat the sweet melting flavor of velvet.

"I shot him!" he said before letting the tear dam overflow.

"James! how's the two jobs treating you?" I said out loud trying to ignore myself.

"Do you want us to crash?! dont startle me like that!" he yelled but I could see what he was doing...driving on a clear road.

"Sorry I just want to have a small talk" not really, I want to annoy him.

"Fine" I heard him sigh.

"Being a elite detective has been good, I had saved 3 kids from kidnappers, and they are currently being interrogated" I don't know why but I feel like I'm going to regret letting him talk like last time.

"It's funny, you were the worst detective I have ever seen, really you never solved a A-rank case. How could you even be Mike's son-" he stopped himself from going any further. the car was silent for a while.

"How's the other one?" I broke the icy silence.

"It's fine, I saved someone's life earlier today. He had a 'blodder' and a big one in fact on his chest, if I made one mistake it could have exploded, and I would have lost my face." he said rather in a sad tone.

"I wish you did then maybe I could take Veronica" I laughed; it has been so long since I had a good laugh, and I was enjoying this one.

James began to complain about my laugh, so I decided to tell a really bad joke

"What do you say to a high pilot" I asked while still laughing lightly.

"What?" he gave in.

"You're sky high" he chuckled then burst into laughter

"That was the worst joke yet" he said while laughing, I actually enjoyed being with him...odd?

I got out of the car at the entrance of STALKVILLE, it's smaller than CURT, the city of my origins but bigger than SALENDA the city I left.

It's been a while since I last was here, it used to be a place where i would visit to see all the happy faces on the children and the families. I've made good and bad memories here but sadly their mostly good and fake.

I began my journey into STALKVILLE, everyone has a cheerful expression on their faces but something feels off. I walk in a circle to make sure of my suspitions are true and they are...I'm being followed.

I quicken my pace and begin to make series of turn then stop in the middle of the crowd and the two men walk past me, I turn began to run. I run through the crowd shoving people in the process causing them to fall then I run into an alley way that connected to another street, I ran to the end of it and waited.

Soon I heard the footsteps of the two and came out of hiding, I pulled out my gun shot them both, one in the chest the other in the gut. they began to scream in agony as I put back my gun in the holster.

I pull out my phone and send a text:

"Two bodies in STALKVILLE in an alley near-"I quickly poke my head out and notice the hospital but focus my attention on a sign.

"Nicton Street" I send the text to the "UNDERTAKERS" and look at the time- 7:50pm

"SHIT!" I said to myself as I began to run again.

"I'm not going to make it!"