Chapter 4-Too Late

5 minutes...I have 5 minutes to get there, or I will lose it, I can't let that happen.

I'm used of running long distances and running for my life but what I'm running for is more important than my own life...the heart sigil.

I turn a corner and crash into someone, we tumble down to the floor and look at each other...the blue eyes, the beautiful light skin and the green hair and most importantly the black star tattoo on her's the dealer.

I notice people starring at us, so I mouthed "get up" and got to my feet then extended my hand to her.

"Are you okay?" I say putting on a worried face, she grabbed her left ankle and looked at me with teary eye and said:

"I think I twisted my ankle." I saw a smirk form on her face as people began to whisper.

"I'm So Sorry! um I'll carry you the hospital isn't too far from here" before she could protest, I lifted her off the ground and walked in the direction of the hospital.

we walked through the crowd, or you can say they all made way for us because everyone in this city cares about each other. we reach the street I killed the two stalkers and its completely empty, I walk into an alley way a good distance away from the bodies and drop her.

"OW!" she yelled, I took this opportunity to inspect her, she wore black ripped jeans and a black and white shirt that matched her sneakers and had a shoulder bag which she was holding onto the whole time I carried her, but she looked too young like she was still settling with cruel reality of life.

"So" I knelt down in front of her and stared into her teary blue eyes, I could feel the fear in her, it was basically radiating from her body.

"Do you have the stone?" I need to know if I got lucky or she was all my luck.

"I don't know what you're talking about." she sounded scared, well I did just abduct her.

"Listen this is no time to play around-"

"What's your name?" she just interrupted me, she has guts I'll give her that.

"Michael..." wait...what is my full?

"Michael who?" she started to slowly edge away from me.

I Knelt the staring at her for a while then I stood up, walked to the wall and punched it. fuck my memories are still fading and now I can't even remember my own surname. I felt a sharp pain as I withdrew my fist from the wall, I look at my knuckles and I see blood...I'm bleeding. not good.

I remove my backpack and pull out a bandage and wrap the wound with it.

"Stand-up" I finally said to the girl

"Why should I listen to you?" she protested

"Cause if you don't the blood suckers will find you" I put on my backpack and stand up.

"What?" I hear a faint growl

"They will be here in 10 minutes" she looked around as the growls grew louder, I began to walk away until I heard her cry out to me.

"Please don't leave me! I don't want to die!" I walked back, picked her up and carried her away.

I had to make my wallet cry by buying a room in a hotel that had the lowest death rate in town. I pulled out another bandage, two A-rank pills, and ointment, I walk up to her, she was sitting on the bed with tears running down her face.

"Sorry about your ankle, I didn't mean to twist it" I slowly apply the ointment on her ankle, she pulled her face into the pillow to muffle out her scream. I wrap the bandage as soon as I finish applying the ointment.

"Alright I'm done" I stand up and stretch-out my hand with the pills to her, she lifts her head looks at the pills and take them.

"You need water?" she nodded so I get the cup of water on the table and give it to her.

"Thanks" she whispered loud enough for me to hear, she took the pills and drank the water then gave the cup back to me which I place back on the table.

I take a chair and seat down in front of her but a few steps away from the bed and stared at her waiting for her to slowly crack until she did.

"My name is Samantha...Samantha Skywell" she sounds relaxed

"What's yours?" I pulled out my wallet and took out my ID card and showed her.

"My name is Michael Sinstar, former SIA Detective and you Samantha Skywell have an item that we need and is unbelievably dangerous in the wrong hands, it can cost people their lives." she tensed up, I could see it.

"Samantha please co-operate with me...Did you give away the heart sigil?" she shook her head, and I could see tears forming in her eyes again.

"I don't know wha, wha, you're ttttalking about?" she stuttered, she looked like she was in pain but the A-rank pills I gave her should have eliminated any pain...unless.

"Samantha...I think you should get some rest; we will continue this conversation tomorrow" I stood up, walked to the bed and grabbed a pillow.

"I'll sleep on the sofa" I walk to the door and leave her in the bedroom room.

the rest of the place was huge, the walls where all white and the floors were nice Ocasio wood, the dinner table took up a bit of the space but not as much as the living room it even had a black carpet with the words "COMFORT" engraved on it maybe I will come back here sometimes it's always nice to relax. I throw the pillow on the long black sofa and lied down, I say a few words of thanks to the entity as one day...I will kill it, I slowly make my way into the dream world and hope it doesn't happen again.