Chapter 5-Nightmare

I wake up...I look around the room and it's an interrogation room. I'm in a police station? NO! the walls are all white and the lights...their tinted black, the black that creates elution's that play with the mind. that's what the SIA use to make their suspects break down even the strongest minded man will be broken down...even me.

I look down at my hands...their covered in blood...not my hand alone but my clothes as well. I look at the table and see the letters V+J curved into it in a heart, that's when it all came back to me, what happened and why I'm here.

"I need to-" the door opened and standing in the frame is a man in a black suit with blond hair, fierce red eyes that was the creator of the SIA, and the brains behind the agency and the only family I have left but he doesn't know that, and he doesn't need to.

"Michael please tell me." he closed the door and took a seat in front of me.

"Please tell me." he interlocked his fingers, rested his hands on the table and stared at me. I don't know what scared me more his aura or the fact that he wasn't smiling at me for the first time.

"Why did you do it?" I wasn't sure what he meant but for some reason I felt scared...angry...sad. I couldn't answer him.

"Answer the question, Michael!" I felt my heart rate spike when he shouted at me, he stood up his blond hair covered his eyes, his teeth griding against each other with fury, he raised his hand and slapped me. my head went spinning and my vision blurry, the pain on the side of my face felt like it was on fire, and it kept on growing. I composed myself and realized that was in a whole different room.

"Why did you kill them!?" I heard Tylers voice like it was a wondering whisper carried by the wind, I look to my left trying to get a hint to where I was but all I saw was the pain I had created that will forever haunt me till I die, it send shiver around my whole body, I felt tears rolling down my cheek at the sight of the body my rival and best friend James.

The was a bullet hole on his forehead and splattered blood on the wall behind him but I wish it was only him, I wish I didn't hurt the one I loved more than him, I wish I let them kill me...

I follow the walls in horror as they became bloodier then chunks of skin began appearing on the wall then flesh then organs which all led towards a decapitated body that had all its organs lying around it and had most of its skin peeled of and chunks of flesh missing, it was beyond recognition to anyone even to the best doctors except I Knew who it was.

"Why? what wrong did she ever done to you?" I... don't want to be here!...

"Look at her." I heard his voice again like a never-ending scream that won't let me rest then I felt two things one was familiar... was my gun the other felt like...

"LOOK AT HER!" I heard his voice like a piecing gunshot right next to my ear.

I slowly lower my head and when my hands are in my vision, I freeze I lose all sense of fear in me and is replaced by sadness, I see her...Veronica's head in my hands.

"WHY! TELL ME WHY YOU KILLED MY MOTHER AND FATHER!?" I was suddenly back in the interrogation room, and I could see Tyler crying on the chair on the opposite side of the table.

I know what he is feeling or maybe I didn't.

"Tyler" I finally said to him, he looked at me with his red eyes...same as mine when I still has them.

"I'm sorry" I don't have anything to say to him, only he can decide to forgive or not. he glared at me; his aura evolved from a raging flame to a to an unstable bloodthirsty flame. I wanted to say something, but I had the feeling that I already said enough. he stood up and left the room leaving me alone.

"I can't endure this..." I saw myself on the chair, did my spirit just leave my body or was I watching all that happen in his perspective. I stare at myself as I pull something out of his coat... I know what those are, the golden knife from the heart of the creature blade skin creature of rule 298, the blood red ruby necklace from Verges Shaw the richest man in the world who became too greedy and wished the necklace, and finally the heart sigil from the heart of the heart hunter.

I watch myself put on the necklace and place the heart sigil against the ruby and stab through the ruby and sigil, I felt a sharp pain in my heart and let out a scream and before I knew it... I was out.

it was dark I was flouting in a void then suddenly I was standing, and it was bright so bright I could see then I heard it, I looked up and I saw it the thing that has caused the world to go through so much suffering, so much pain and so many lives lost...the entity.