Chapter 6-Awaken

I gasp for air as I wake up, I look around and realize that I'm back in the hotel on the sofa. My head feel like its falling so I rest it on my hand, have the lights always been on? I get up from the sofa and look at my arm, my tattoo of a dragon was glowing again, and I could hear a whisper coming from it, but it was clearer than it ever was before.

"Find him" I knew why it said that it's a reminder to me that I have to kill the entity one day.

I hear a thud it came from Samantha's room, I run to the room and barge in, I see her she's rolling on the ground holding her neck screaming but nothing was coming out. I run to her side and try to keep her still enough to see what was wrong with her but she's moving around too much, I swiftly grab her arm and pull it and that's when I saw it...a rune engraved on her neck.

I grab her neck covering the rune with my palm and think of the day, my tattoo begins to glow a bloody red and my hand gets lit on fire, she screams and hits me over and over with an object she picked up close to her. I tighten my grip around her neck then let go, the glow on my arm fades and my hand extinguishes. she stopped screaming, did I kill her? I place two fingers on her slightly burned neck and feel a pulse...she's still alive.

I look around the room its...a mess, I take her into the living room and lay her down on the sofa. I get a blanket and cover her and wait.

After two hours of enduring horrible movies, she finally wakes up and holds her neck clearly confused on what happened to her.

"You're finally awake" I told her as I switched off the TV and turn to face her

"What happened to me?" she asked in a worried tone.

"I helped you remove the rune" she looked eyes with me, her eyes narrow and her breath shaky.

"It's gone...for real." she smiled as she felt her neck more carefully.

"Samantha who did that to you?" I asked but she hesitated to answer.

"You sure it's gone?" she was still shaking from the fear that she still might die.

" have a family, right? a place to go back to, right? and you don't want to see anyone you love die, right?" she is wasting time, we all have a place we want to go back to.

"Yes" she said slowly.

"Then what makes us different" she was silent.

"Help me and I will make sure you and your family are safe" she looked down, deep in thought then she answered.

"If I tell you please save my father from them" that won't be a too difficult.

"He has white hair and blue eyes and has the same star tattoo on his cheek like me, his has a light brown skin and no facial hair and his body is defined." the description is easy to memorize.

"It was a man with dark hair and black eyes, he wore nothing but black and could disappear if you don't have keen eyesight and he is fast with his hands that's how he took the stone and carved the rune on my neck, and I only noticed it when it activated." black eyes could he be from the socket clan or-

"Did he have any noticeable scars?" the answer will decide.

"I think the was one across his neck" I looked at her startled it was them the shadows.

"Thanks for telling me" I stand up and woke to the door.

"You're going now?" I reach in my pocket and toss her the keys to her, she catches them.

"Come back here when you feel like in danger and bring your family along" I grab the door handle.

"What makes you so sure that we will be safe here" she yelled.

"Cause only the good hearted can enter this room and they will protect you." I open the door and it leads to a dark hallway which was never there before, but I know that.

"Who will protect me?" she said before I left and closed the door behind me

"No one but me." I began walking down the hallway and at the end of it was a room filled with weapons of all kinds and a counter with a man behind it.

" has felt like a century ever since you last came here. what can i do for you" I walk to him pull out my gun and place it on the counter.

"Jack you already know how to take care of my girl and get me a lava crawl scale grip and a reinforced dark edged blade." I smile Jack and he smiled back with a little chuckle.

"Nothing brings back memories like how you do" he said before tapping the table. I take out a gold coin and slide it to him.

"Let's see what you can do?" he grins and takes my gun and begins to work.