Chapter 7- Bleeding City

I stand the looking at my gun and all its glory, it was cleaned, the grip given a wipe, the barrel tightened, and the most interesting part was a gem as blue as the sky attached to the side.

"What's up with the gem?" I asked clearly showing it piqued my interest.

"That is a time crystal, it allows the user to stop time and move in it for five seconds." he explained.

"When did someone wish for this?" I had never heard of this's odd.

"Remember when the SIA was robbed of the heart stones ten years ago." I remember that day it took a lot of money to repair the damage caused in battle.

"One of the wishes was the creation of crystal that the person that made the wish create and as long as he is alive it will work." I froze, if I had known about this earlier, I could have made him create a crystal to bring back the dead and not have wasted the last stone we had...they had.

"Why didn't you tell me about this information before!" I pointed my newly tuned gun at him.

"It was supposedly a made-up story, but I took some time looking into it and found him about two weeks ago. He is a guy and is cautious with people, I was able to become friends with him and he made me the time crystal." he explained in a calm tone not even showing any sign of worry of the gun being pointed at him.

"Fine" I slide my gun back in my holster.

"He is a smart fella; he might even be listening in to our conversation right now." he quickly glanced at the wall of weapons and before he noticed I was exactly where he glanced looking at a sword that lightly emitted a white glow.

At the moment he had glanced I quickly tapped my holster, and it activated the crystal, everything was frozen in place, my vision turned blue, and I felt light. I managed to get the exact place he was looking at and moved there and that's how I found the sword.

"Hello, if you're listening to this, I would like to meet you one day and I hope that day comes soon." I notice a small spark from the tip of the sword fade.

"it's the real deal" I chuckle and walk to entrance of the hallway, everything around me fades into darkness as I walk through the hallway, the only light is the glow of my tattoo under my sleeve. I reach out and grab a handle, twist and open a door.

I cover my eyes as the light hits me as I walk through the door and onto a sidewalk. I look around and see no one but buildings, I'm standing in front of a cafe with its doors closed but I see people through the window destroying the place. Ten... that's how many they are, maybe I could...

"Hey you!" I turn and see a man walking to me

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" he stopped in front of me and extended his hand.

"Those are illusions, most who enter never come out" I extended my hand and shook his, he looked at me for a while.

"You're new here. Let me give you piece of advice" his grip tightened

"Get out of this town but you won't be using it" His head began to increase in height and in size, his mouth split open as rows of teeth and fangs slowly revealed. It began to laugh as it threw me into the air and opened its mouth. I look down upon the rows of teeth and fangs covered in blood and saliva and notice a child's head stuck in-between two fangs, I felt something in me that blazed and the next thing I knew was tapping my crystal and everything stopped.

I descend down into its mouth grab a curved fang pulled myself out and landed behind it, I pulled out my gun and aimed at its heart. Time unfroze and its mouth snapped closed but tasted no blood, I pulled the trigger and my gun roared. The creature flopped over to its side and laid the dead.

I notice the people causing havoc in the cafe disappeared and were replaced by people being tied up by intestines unconscious. I walk into the cafe holding my gun and see an eye the size of door and shoot it, the coils of intestine let go of the people and retreated to the far corners of the cafe.

They all begin to wake up and make their way out of the cafe and I leave last as the building burst into flames.

"Who are you?" One of them asked

"I'm the ghost of the dead" They all begin to walk, and I followed until they reached a subway, they entered and led me through the tunnel then entered a door and on the other side was a barricade and beyond it where people in military armor.

They made a small opening and let everyone enter except for me.

"No outsiders allowed" One of the five equipped men said.

"Wait he saved us" One of the females in the group yelled.

"He can be a spy for all we know, and you led him here!" Another man said

"What can I do to prove I'm trustworthy" They looked at each other before one of them yelled.

"Kill the demon of the rail"

"What?" I asked trying to get more information on the creature

"It's a demon that kills anything that goes on the rail, it scares away the Shadows, so we've been using it to our advantage, but it found us and we're not sure how long we will be safe for." I look at the time on my phone 12:00pm. It's the creature of Rule 136...this should be interesting.