Chapter 8-Rule 136

Rule 136

The are only two rules that apply here.

1. The creature is given an objective that keeps it materialized in the real world by its summoner but the summoner dies as a result to it being summoned. Destroy any nest you encounter and remove the heart of the summoner to kill demon.

2. The demon and summoner has a limit to how far they can be from each other the range is 10km and If you encounter the demon of the rail...Goodluck.

One of the ten immortal rules of the world. Ten years ago a man who had found and obtain a heart stone was raided by us but he used it before we could apprehend him, we took him in for questioning on how he got the stone but he said that if he told us he would be killed. I wanted to try and continue talking but before I knew it he was being tortured, every time I had convinced the captain to let me talk to him again, I would walk into a room of pain. The wall would become bloodier and bloodier each time I was the until the whole room was covered in blood.

Twenty years ago when I was still part of the SIA the was this man that had somehow obtain a heart sigil and was arrest by us, his name was Jake. He looked like a normal person but he acted weird in a way that you would think he is on the brink of a mental break down. I was one of the main interrogators when I worked the so I was called to come and crack him after the others failed to do so and where about to resort to force.

I enter the door of the interrogation room and look at him, his clothes had dirt stains on them and his right cheek was visibly red, I walk and take a seat in front of him.

"Hello Jake, I'm Michael and the one who is going to be the one dealing with you for a few weeks maybe even months if it goes that far but I hope it doesn't." I place the file that I carried with me on the table.

"I already told you guys I cant do that" he said with his head down while a tears ran down his cheek.

"Why is that?" I felt something off about him.

"..." he stayed silent for a while.

"I'm going to assume that you staying silent is a no." I opened the file.

"You're from a family of seven, you had four sisters and two brothers. You are the youngest out of all of them and was born with a mental defect, you moved out of your parents house as soon as you were old enough and lived alone for three years. You are twenty one years old your birth day is on the 8th of iris, You completely isolate your self after you moved out when you heard your parents had died. Is all of this true?" He lifted his head.

"Yes" he whispered, it was faint and barely heard it then he let his head fall back down.

"Listen if you stay here you might die, don't you want to see your family again?" I watch as he raised his head gritting his teeth with a furious face and tears flowing from his eyes.

"What family!? You think if I still had my family I would still be here! I need to live to continue my blood!" he yelled and began tries to untie himself.

I turn as the door open and watch as a man comes in and punches him knocking him out. I stand up and leave the room, I walk past two coworkers talking about torturing Jake and enter a room where Tyler stood in front glass wall looking at Jake through it.

"You have 2 weeks." he said while still looking at the window

"Tyler...if I fail to crack him please don't kill" this was a personal request.

"That depends on him" he turns around to face me. I leave the room and make my way out of the facility and go home.

Two months has passed and I wasn't able to break Jake mentally but I was given one more shot to save him. I slowly make my way to the interrogation room and walk past coworkers all talking about how Jake still hasn't died yet, I stand at the door and think of what they did to him before entering in fear.

What I see twist my insides and causes me to gag, the whole room what red... blood red. I touch the mass of blood one of the wall...still warm, slowly I turn to what was left of Jake and he was unrecognizable. His face was mashed and had bone sticking out while his arms and legs where gone, his boy was filled with bruises, cuts, stab wounds and most of his skin was scorched.

"Are you still alive?" I took a seat on the chair opposite to him whish was the only thing untouched by his blood.

"Yes" his voice was faint and dying.

"Please just tell us where you got the heart stone and I will make sure you wont die" he raised his head and somehow began to laugh.

"When we meet again kill me or I will never feel alive again" as soon as he said that the lights in the room went off then back on but he was gone. The was something on his chair, I picked it up and it was a letter written in blood "I am going to make a new family" that was what it said.

From that day on the entity of rule 136 was born.