64. Faye family

"What do you mean you can create top-tier health potions?! Even if you have the ability to do so, you only became a healer few days ago, how could you possibly manage to create 2 of them so soon?! The last top-tier healer this country had could only manage to create 5 top-tier potions in his entire life, only 2 of which we still have left in national treasury."

Said headmistress, but she didn't want to pry into someone's secrets too much. She then looked towards the 2nd bottle of false top-tier potion in her hands greedily, but then sighed and said

"I can't accept something like this from my apprentice, as a master it is my duty to provide the resources and give gifts to my apprentice, not the other way around."

But Andy didn't take back the potion from headmistress

"Master I've already gave it to you, if you don't want it to use for study purpose, then just use it on a critically injured patient when you see one. And actually there is something you can help me with."

"Yes, what is it?" asked headmistress with expected gaze, she didn't like to be in debt to anyone

"Master you see I am currently researching on healing meridians, but as you know a small blunder can permanently damage someone's fragile meridians. So can you help me out with the practice? In the entire capital you probably have the strongest meridians, so.."

Headmistress smiled slightly and said

"So you want to use your master as a lab rat is it? Don't you know art of healing meridians is long lost, and even in ancient text it was mentioned that healers who could actually do that in the ancient times required months to heal even a small damage to meridians, let alone rebuild someone's meridians from scratch like your mother's case. They would exhaust all their mana everyday during the healing session, so they could only focus on one patient at a time for months. Do you want to still try it?"

Andy then nodded and said

"I will definitely heal my sister and mother one day. So master regarding the practice.. If you don't want to-"

"It is fine, just be careful not to damage my meridians during your practice little boy.." but then she thought about something and slightly blushed

"And don't send too much of your mana inside my body during your practice."

"...Yes, of course master!" said Andy, but actually he was thinking 'Don't worry master, I will make sure you can't live without my mana within a few sessions!'

"Okay little boy, let's wake up this girls shall we?"

"W-Wait!" said mrs Astley

"Hmm what is it mrs Astley, don't you want to wake up your daughter?" asked headmistress with a raised eyebrow

"Thats not it, didn't this boy just mention that he will be able to heal someone's meridians soon? I want him to heal my daughter's meridians!" then mrs Astley turned towards Andy and said

"Little healer, once you learn how to heal someone's meridians I want you to heal my daughter first."

Andy was getting annoyed by her attitude even more and started losing his patience and said harshly

"At first you didn't even believe that I could treat your daughter, so how come you can suddenly trust that I will actually be able to learn how to treat someone's meridians, which is many times harder feat than healing your daughter? And even if I could learn it, why would I come to treat your daughter first?"

But this noble woman didn't take any offence to his tone and continued

"I will pay you any amount you want, your next 10 generations will not have any finance problems I can promise you that!"

"What can a no name noble family Astley can offer me? I haven't even heard about your family name before today"

But before mrs Astley could say anything, headmistress chimed in

"Little boy Astley is her first name not noble name, does the name Faye ring anything?"

"What?!" Andy's eyes widened immediately when he heard the name Faye. Since the Arden's family's decline, Faye family acquired 2nd rank among all noble families in this country. What was even more important that they were not famous for their physical prowess but for their financial status and they were the richest family in the entire country. The first ranked house of this country didn't even have a tenth of their net-worth.

And there was another very important fact, that Faye was one of the very few families which followed the matriarchal system and daughter of matriarch inherits the next matriarch position and her husband marries into their house.

The restaurant as well as the top clothing store where Andy took his mother and sister, were owned by Faye family also.

Andy was looking at mrs Astley with wide eyes for a long time, so headmistress reprimand him

"Do not stare at mrs Astley like that and show some respect. She is the matriarch of the Faye family you know"

"What?!" Andy was once again shocked, couldn't the headmistress tell him these important things sooner? Doesn't that make this noble woman the richest person in the entire country?! Not even the 1st ranking family mess with them, as they buy most of their resources from Faye family same as most noble families.

"Please forgive me for my rudeness earlier mrs Faye" Andy immediately apologised.

"No worries and please call me by my first name, hearing someone call me mrs Faye makes me feel like I am a property of some man surnamed Faye"

"Yes, understood mrs Astley"

'Hmm so it seems like this lady is a big time feminist, it will be fun breaking her and make her beg for my big brother' though Andy

"So little healer do you agree to healing my daughter as soon as you learn how to heal someone's meridians? I can pay you a significant amount in advance and provide all the necessary resources for your research. You don't have to worry about your regular job as a healer and just focus on this one thing."

Andy then bowed in respect to mrs Astley and said

"Thank you for your generosity mrs Faye.."

Hearing this a smile came to mrs Astley's face, there was no one who could resist the power of wealth. But then Andy said something which she never even imagined

".. But please forgive me, I will have to decline your kind offer. You see I am not up for sale."

'Hmph! Why would I accept such a crappy deal when I can just tame you and your daughter and everything will be mine anyway' thought Andy