89. Elenor vs strange girl

Elenor got even more annoyed when she saw the girl was giving her handicap and decided to end this meaningless fight quickly. She raised her left hand and lifted a finger and a fireball shot out from it towards the strange girl.

But the girl did girl did not panic not got surprised even though instantly casting a spell with practically zero cast time was very rare thing and in the Rhodes kingdom only Elenor was capable of doing that. Within a blink of an eye the fireball reached close to her but still she didn't even move a single finger, then the fireball collided to something which looked like an invisible shield, but instead of scattering or reflecting the attack, the shield actually absorbed the fireball.

"What?!" Everyone in Elenor's team was surprised. Even though it looked like a casual attack, there was no one in the entire Rhodes kingdom who could possibly handle Elenor's attack this easily and would have to go all out to in order to survive.

Elenor squinted her eyes when she saw that weird shield which absorbed her attack, then opened her left palm and sent a much bigger fireball towards the girl, but the result was the same.

After absorbing 2 fireball attacks of Elenor's the girl licked her lips as if she liked the taste of her attacks, but then her expression turned grimed

"You are the strongest person I have ever met and your mana tastes good as well, but the power behind your attacks is severely lacking. There is no way for you to defeat me, I will let you and your team leave without killing you this time, this is a once in a lifetime offer, take it or leave it." said the girl and started walking back to the throne.

"Do you think that was my strongest attack? I was merely testing you!" Elenor was getting really annoyed by this girl's attitude and took out her weapon. When she took out her weapon temperature in the entire throne room started rising at an alarming pace.

"Ho? That looks like a nice sword, but can you even use its 10% of the power?" asked the girl, at that moment her eyes were glowing with slight green colour as if she could see though all of Elenor's secrets.

"10% is more than enough to deal with you!"

Soon the entire sword got engulfed in flames and even Elenor's body was now covered in flame armour which looked very elegant. It was due to this form of hers that she got the title of fire princess.

Once Elenor was ready she launched her attack, within a blink of an eye she reached close to the girl and swung her flaming sword at her, but when the sword got close to the girl, her shield instantly absorbed all the flames, not just on the sword, but even her flame armour and then the girl used a dagger to parry the ordinary attack using her left hand.

"What?!" Elenor couldn't believe what just happened, this was her strongest form and no one has ever survived it.

"Haah that attack was very sweet, can you use this attack a few more times pretty please? Hehe it was worth waiting here for you to arrive, come attack me a few more times~" asked the girl with an ecstatic expression.

Elenor backed away a bit after her attack wasn't able to do any damage and tried circulating her mana then she realised all her mana was already absorbed by the girl in the previous exchange. She then looked at the girl with wide eyes who was still waiting for her to attack again and first time in her life she felt fear.

Elenor then turned around towards her teammates and ordered

"Hurry up and get the hell away from here! Run!"

The first one to respond in Elenor's team was a knight who took a step back and was going to run in the next instant. But the girl lifted her finger and shot a fireball towards him. Before that knight could even respond to this attack his body was blown away by the scorching fireball in an instant. This fireball attack was even stronger than the one which Elenor used and much faster as well.

"I already gave you a chance before, but you didn't take it because of your arrogance, come the only way for you to save your underlings is by defeating me."

Elenor bit her lips as her whole body shook when she saw her teammate dying like that, he worked with her for years and they survived many battles together in the past. She was an orphan and they were her only family in this world. Elenor then turned towards the girl and said

"You can kill me if you want but please let them leave, you don't have any enmity with them"

The girl just smiled and turned to look towards the bodies of royal family lying in the room including king and queen's and said

"I did not had any enmity with them as well you know, it is just that I can't take it when other's are not able to play with me. Let's stop wasting time, as long as you keep attacking me and your teammates doesn't try to run away, I promise I won't kill them. Let's play"

Elenor then gritted her teeth and brought out a few high-tier mana crystals and started absorbing mana from them. Immediately her eyes turned red and her body started shaking as if she was in a lot of pain. Seeing this Elenor's team started crying, mana crystals contained very berserk mana and could harm one's meridians if they try to absorb its mana and is very painful since the mana in the crystal is not compatible with the body.

After Elenor regained some mana she one again activated her flame form but this time she didn't attack her head on. She knew this girl will absorb all her mana again if she touches that shield. Elenor then grabbed a pebble and heated it to high temperature and launched it towards the girl at very high speed to test her theory.

This time when the pebble reached near the girl, her transparent shield did not do anything to the pebble and then the girl used her dagger to deflect the scorching pebble.

'As expected she could only absorb the attacks which consists of mana, as that pebble was just a rock at high temperature and didn't actually contained any mana in it, her shield was useless against it' though Elenor.

As Elenor was formulating her plan how to fight her from a long range, the girl raised her dagger and in a blink of any eye got near Elenor and swung her dagger at Elenor.