90. Defeat


Elenor was surprised just how fast this girl was, she was much master than her. Elenor quickly took a back step at the last second to dodge the girl's attack, but still the attack grazed her arm a little.

"Aaaaaahhh!!" Elenor screamed at top of her lungs just by getting a shallow cut from the girl's attack.

"What is going on?!" asked one member of Elenor's party, no one understood how could Elenor who wouldn't even flinch after getting stabbed in the gut could scream out like that with just a mere cut from a dagger.

After seeing Elenor scream out like that a pretty smile came to the girl's face

"Did you like my little gift? Come on now it is your turn"

Elenor bit her lips to endure the most intense pain she ever felt and looked at the girl with red eyes, her body was still shaking due to pain. Elenor tried circulating her mana to prepare for next attack but once again realised that all her mana was gone. She took out even more high-tier mana crystals this time and quickly replenished her mana while the girl patiently waited.

"Jenny quick give me your bow and arrows!" said Elenor to one of her party member without even looking at her and Jenny quickly threw her bow and quiver to Elenor.

Elenor then raised the temperature of one arrow and fired it towards the girl. But the girl wasn't impressed and shook her head in disappointment and simply took one side step to dodge the incoming attack.

"Is this the best you could do? Do you really hope to defeat me with these cheap tricks without using your full power? My turn now"

The girl once again readied her dagger, but this time her dagger started burning in flames and her body was covered in flame armour same as Elenor.

Everyone on Elenor's side were dumbfounded looking at that except Elenor who already noticed earlier that this girl could imitate the attacks after absorbing them. The girl then took a step and immediately appeared in front of Elenor even faster than the last time and swung her flaming dagger at Elenor.

Elenor had no time to dodge and she brought her sword in front of her body to defend, but before the dagger could touch her sword, once again her flames and mana were absorbed by the girl's invisible barrier.


As flaming dagger landed on Elenor's sword an explosion sound rang out throughout the room. After sometime once the dirt and smoke cleared everyone saw Elenor lying on the ground with her entire clothes burned up and her charred skin.

Elenor was in immense pain, much more than last time but didn't scream this time. Although she was the best healer in the entire kingdom of Rhodes, without her mana she couldn't do anything. Once again she thought of using mana crystals to replenish her mana but the girl immediately appeared near Elenor and stopped her hand from taking out mana crystals by stomping Elenor's hand with her foot.

"This is getting too boring, just admit that you have lost" said the girl and bent down and took away Elenor's storage ring from her finger, then she continued

"How about this I will give you all a choice, you can either save fire princess and everyone else dies or I can spare everyone here and just kill fire princess"

Hearing this Elenor's body relaxed, she was fine with giving up her life to save her people, but even before she could say anything everyone in her party said

"Please spare the life of sister Elenor, our lives doesn't matter compared to her!"

"What are you guys saying?!! I should be the one to die here, it was because of my stubbornness that we are in this situation!" screamed Elenor

"Then it is decided, majority has voted in favour of sparing your life" said the girl while looking at Elenor with an evil grin and raised her palm towards Elenor's team.

"No please wait! Please just kill me and leave them alive- Nooo!"

But before Elenor could finish, the girl fired a fireball attack from her palm and incinerated Elenor's entire team.

"I will kill you! I will fuc*ing kill you!!" roared Elenor and tried standing up, but couldn't due to her severe injuries and fatigue.

"Hehe do you want revenge? Then get stronger and come back. I will be waiting here. But if you don't appear before my patience runs out, then I will come for you." said the girl and dragged Elenor by her hair outside the royal family mansion and threw her in a carriage and asked the driver to take her near border.

After Elenor was thrown inside the carriage she lost her consciousness soon while cursing the girl and when she regained her consciousness she realised she was in Rhodes camp near the border and a healer somewhat healed were burned skin.

"Are you awake Elenor? Can you tell me what happened?" asked the King who was sitting close to her

Elenor bit her lips thinking about how her entire party died and tears started falling off her eyes. It was the first time the king saw her crying.

"I am sorry his majesty, I've failed" Elenor then explained everything to the king.

The king was very shocked when he heard about that strange girl, how could anyone defeat Elenor so easily and kill her entire team? After thinking for sometime, the king said

"Since that girl said that she will keep waiting for you, we can for now assume that she has no intention of directly attacking us. Let's make up a story that you raised hell in their royal family grounds but got injured in action and fled. And also let's end the fight here on a draw if Quire army agrees to truce."

"Yes his majesty" said Elenor with a dead voice.

"Alright I will leave now, try and get some rest. You have been through far too many things in past few years especially in the last few days. How about you retire as my army general and become headmistress in Magic academy and spend some time raising children who are the future of this kingdom?"

"Yes his majesty" Elenor's mind was completely blank at the time and she agreed to whatever the king said.

"Thank you for all your services and sacrifices you made for this kingdom" said the king and left the camp to let Elenor rest.

After the king left Elenor once again started crying and after crying for a few hours fell asleep.


As Elenor told her story to Andy she hugged him and started crying on top of his shoulders. Andy was clenching his fists and had red eyes as Elenor told her story. After Elenor was finished Andy kissed her cheek and said

"Elenor do you trust me? I promise you will get your revenge very soon. The amount of pain that she caused you, we will return it back 100 fold"

Elenor simply nodded with a blank mind as she was already half asleep after crying so much while telling her story and soon fell asleep in the embrace of her man.