91. Dealing with the Quire army

"Mmm?" Elenor started waking up after a while and noticed the embarrassing position she was in and also the spot of her drool she left on Andy's shoulder. She immediately tried standing up but Andy had a firm hold on her.

"Let me go, someone might see us~" said Elenor bashfully while looking away from Andy.

Andy smiled looking at her cute expression and said

"While you were sleeping many people came here looking for you but quickly escaped when they saw you like this"

"No Way! Let me go!~" Elenor once again tried resisting and standing up but Andy kept her in his arms.


Hearing Andy's reply Elenor's heart skipped a beat and nodded shyly and let him hold her like this. After sometime Andy moved her face towards him and gave her a deep kiss.

"Let's go check what is the status around the border. Don't worry about anything, let me show you one of my skills" said Andy and stood up together with Elenor and used his 'invisible man' barrier.

"What?! Where did you go?" Elenor tried looking around but didn't find Andy anywhere, then Andy went behind her and covered her eyes with his hand.

"Ah! when did you got so close to me without me even noticing"

"Hehe this is one of my skills, I can even turn you invisible, so we don't have anything to worry, no one will notice us. We can go near the battlefield and see what is the situation currently"

"Isn't this skill too strong? How did you even learn it, you haven't even started attending the academy classes yet! Hmm if this is the case we can go!" said Elenor with an excited expression and agreed to go near the border.

"Alright here we go" said Andy and created 2 'invisible man' light barrier around him and Elenor. On top of that he also created 2 matter barrier so that physical attacks will just bounce off their body.

"Elenor now both of us are invisible to the rest of the world, on top of that I have also created a matter barrier around us which will block anything of material form, but still be careful of any magical attacks accidentally hitting you. Once we reach the battlefield you can do as you please without thinking about any consequences as no one will see you."

'Just how many secrets is he hiding, his skills sounds even more dangerous than that girl's' though Elenor and agreed to Andy, then they went near the border, there they saw a lot of dead bodies lying around, most of them belonged to soldiers of Rhodes kingdom.

There was still some time left until the reinforcements for Rhodes kingdom arrives, so their army was just fighting a defensive battle, but somehow at this moment the soldiers of Quire kingdom started dying one by one at an alarming rate, some of them just dropped dead whereas others got incinerated on their own.

"What is going on?! Everyone retreat!" said the general of Quire kingdom and their army started retreating.

'Not so fast, you aren't going anywhere' thought Andy and purchased 800 agility points.

[Ding! Purchased 800 agility points for 800,000 essence]

After increasing his agility his speed became much greater than the general and he chased him down. Once Andy reached him, he touched him to disable his body and crippled his meridians, then immediately he casted an 'invisible man' barrier around the general and he himself shape shifted into the general.

"Halt! men lets regroup here" Ordered Andy after undoing the 'invisible man' barrier around him and soon all the remaining soldiers gathered in that place.

'It is time to try that theory' thought Andy and create a big matter barrier covering all the soldiers in it.

If Andy's theory was right then like inside a light barrier Andy can see anything, inside a sound barrier he can hear everything, then inside a matter barrier he should be able to.. touch anything.

Andy then thought about touching a soldier standing furthest away from him and used his essence heal to kill his brain cells and he immediately dropped dead without a sound.


"What happened, not this again?! General we need to escape further" said the 2nd in command of Quire army.

"Don't worry I will send all of you to a very far away place" said Andy with an evil smile and imagined touching all of them and started casting essence heal on everyone one by one to instantly kill them. It hardly took a few seconds for him to kill all of them as it only take a moment for Andy to cast essence heal.

Andy then returned to his original form and walked towards the general who watched everything and was glaring at Andy as if he killed his parents. Andy then disabled the 'invisible man' barrier around the general and touched his head and used [Memory Manipulation] on him to read his memories.

When Andy learned about the true intentions why they were here attacking the Rhodes kingdom his expression changed and he bought a dagger from system shop.

"You dare have thoughts about harming my woman?! I will let you experience a fate worse than death" said Andy and used heavenly touch to increased the pain multiplier of general to 100 times and slowly stabbed his heart. General's eyes widened in pain and he pissed in his pants but he couldn't even scream since his whole body was disabled including his mouth.

After experiencing the worst pain of his life, he was about to pass out and die but Andy healed him

"Hehe you see I am a healer, did you think you will get such an easy death?" said Andy with an evil smile and this time moved his dagger between general's legs.

"I wonder what hurts more, getting stabbed in heart of getting stabbed between the legs?"

General was looking at Andy with begging eyes but Andy didn't stop.


After Andy was done with the general he stabbed him in the heart once more and went back to meet up with Elenor. Since Andy got away from Elenor while chasing the Quire army, barriers around Elenor were already gone. Once Elenor saw him she threw herself into Andy's arms.

"Where did you go?! I couldn't even see you because of the stupid barrier around you! Don't scare me like that ever again!" scolded Elenor

"Sorry I just went for a walk and forgot to undo my barrier" said Andy while looking away.

"Liar! you went after Quire army didn't you?! Don't do something so dangerous every again!"

"Haah yes I understand"