Goldie's Crush

"Your skirt is backwards, honey.", says Goldie's mother to her casually, with a calm smile, mixing a fresh bowl of pancake batter.

At the same time, her father and Jasmine could be seen trying desperately to hold back their laughter.

"What?!!", exclaims Goldie, looking down at her short pleated skirt.

Indeed, her pretty, knife-pleated, high-waist skirt was turned backwards with the super cute front button pattern facing the wrong side in a rather ridiculous way.

In her haste, she had worn her skirt not just backwards but side-backwards!

Not only that, her tuck-in was done all wrong, and her black leather jacket was worn inside out.

"Ah!", Goldie exclaims in alarm, embarrassed as she takes a good look at her outfit.

Everything looked topsy-turvy, it was so ridiculous. She looked like she had just walked out of a tornado. Even her beautiful curls were messy.

"Whoa, Goldie…hahaha…", begins Jasmine, unable to hold back her laughter at her friend's shocking appearance.

It was way too funny and completely unexpected.

In just one glance, it was easy to tell that Goldie had dressed up in an insane rush, and had not even looked in the mirror before speeding downstairs

"Hahaha…", Goldie's father joins in, laughing.

Click! Click!

The sound of snapshots directs Goldie's attention to her father who was already taking pictures of her disastrous appearance!

"You look exquisite, dear. These pictures would be a great addition to your photo album...", he comments with a happy smile, taking as many pictures as he can.

Mr Franz Markell had made it a point of duty to capture every interesting moment of his cute, beloved daughter's growth, and catalogue it!

"Dad! No! No pictures!…", yells Goldie dashing off back towards the stairs to avoid her Dad's pictures.

Everyone roars in laughter.

"Haha… that's an excellent idea!", encourages Becky Markell. 

"Although I think the skirt is a little too shor-", before her mother can conclude the sentence, Goldie speeds right back up the stairs in a flash and into her room to fix her look quickly.

"Careful!", her mother calls after her, worried about her hurting herself with her quick running.

"I better go help her out-", begins a giggling Jasmine, rising from the dining chair to go help her friend fix her look.


Both Goldie's parents suddenly stop laughing.

Jasmine wanted to what now?

Go help Goldie fix her look…

And possibly discover Goldie's wings when helping with her tuck-in and jacket…?!!

Hxll No! 

They had to stop her immediately.

"Ah- No!"


Goldie's parents exclaim simultaneously, stopping Jasmine again from heading to the stairs.

Jasmine, shocked by the sudden chorus freezes in her tracks again.

'What is going on today?', she questions within herself.

For some reason, everyone seemed to keep yelling at her to stop doing stuff. It felt rather scary and a bit weird.

'What am I doing wrong?', she wonders, confused as she turns timidly to stare with a questioning gaze at the couple that just spooked her, yelling out of nowhere.

"You- you haven't finished your pancakes yet…", says Goldie's mother in a calm, collected voice, pointing to the nearly empty plate, like she had not just shouted out loud, agitated.

"Hm?...", Jasmine looks at the plate.

'So that's what it was…', she reasons, relieved. For a moment there, she had been worried about being yelled at again, thinking that she had done something wrong and upset Goldie's parents, but now, Goldie's mother's sweet, relaxed tone instantly puts her at ease.

There was no problem. They weren't mad at her. Jasmine is instantly relieved.

"Oh, that… haha! I couldn't take another bite if I wanted to. I'm too full already!", she responds with a happy giggle and a satisfied smile.

"Let me just go help-…", begins Jasmine, turning away from Goldie's parents to head towards the stairs.

'Oh no!', Becky Markell's heart falls, and she begins to panic as her distraction plan was no longer working.

She couldn't stop Jasmine from leaving!

'Ah! Stop!...', she screams within herself, watching Jasmine hop happily towards the stairs before suddenly, Goldie's father cuts Jasmine's speech off.

"But… But I need your help with this."

He calls at Jasmine, pointing to the weird contraption he's been working on with her help.


Jasmine hesitates, looking back at the contraption.

"Can you help me out?... At least until Goldie is finished?", asks Franz Markell, Goldie's father.

"Yeah, besides, Goldie is a big girl. She can fix her look by herself. I bet she'll be back downstairs in a minute." 

Goldie's mother adds, urging Jasmine to stay.

'That's true. Goldie doesn't really need any help…', reasons Jasmine, persuaded.

She wanted to go help Goldie speed things up, but that wasn't really necessary.

She would rather stay and help in the meanwhile since Goldie's Dad needed her help with his invention.

"Alright.", responds Jasmine, returning to bend over the weird machine with resuming curiosity.

'Phew! Thank goodness', reasons Goldie's parents heaving a collective sigh of relief.

'Disaster averted. For now.'

"When!", says Goldie's Dad immediately, resuming the button-pressing instructions.

Jasmine presses the red button. The machine gives a spark and goes dead.

"Good. Hand me the pliers. Now. Now. When. Now…", continues Goldie's father, as he randomly says words just to keep Jasmine busy, helping him fix his robot which he had meant to fix for a while now.

It was nice to be working with some help… he would take full advantage of Jasmine's presence, occupying her until she leaves.

Thankfully, in just about a minute, Goldie comes flying back down, looking like a perfect damsel.

Dressed in the same short, knife-pleated high-waist skirt, a slanted off-shoulder neckline clingy top, a black leather jacket, and shiny black leather boots to top it all.

She looked amazing.

"Ah… that's much better.", responds her father, looking up from working on his thing-a-ma-jig with his loyal assistant, a well-fed Jasmine, also bending over it in curiosity as she hands him tools from the toolbox.

Jasmine looks up at Goldie too and instantly brandishes a bright smile.

"Wow. You look pretty, Goldie.", she gives her friend a genuine compliment.

"Aww… thanks.", responds Goldie, twirling her hair in her finger to act cute for a moment.

"Yes, really pretty. This is much better. Except for that skir-", responds Goldie's mother, about to complain about the length of Goldie's skirt one more time before Goldie cuts her off mid-speech with a loud roar directed at Jasmine.

"Jasmine let's go! We're getting late."

Goldie had no intention of waiting around any longer. Especially as her mother had begun to speak about the length of her skirt.

She didn't want to be made to go get changed again.

Jogging over to the dining table, she grabs her packed meal in one hand and pulls Jasmine with her in the other hand.

"Oh!", exclaims Jasmine rising to her feet to leave immediately, with Goldie pulling on her arm.

But just then, she hears Goldie's father say "When", one last time before she is pulled away by her friend, Goldie and dragged off towards the door. 

Now, Jasmine, sweet sweet Jasmine could have just continued walking off towards the door with Goldie pulling her along, but what does she do?

Rather than leave instantly with Goldie, the trusty assistant scientist, Jasmine, detaches her arm from Goldie, travelling back to bend over the thing-a-ma-jig. 

'What the-?...', reasons Goldie with a question on her brow, wondering what her friend is doing.

Bending over the machine, Jasmine quickly presses the red button before she rises and heads back for the door to leave for school with Goldie, with everyone staring in speechless surprise at her.

"Goodbye Mr and Mrs Markell. Thank you for the pancakes!", announces Jasmine as she hurries out the door with Goldie.

Goldie's parents follow after them to the door to watch them leave.

"Goodbye! Have a great day at school!", Mrs Markell calls after Goldie and Jasmine as they hurry off to the black car waiting for them outside with the Simons family chauffeur and an escort waiting dutifully to drive the girls off to school.

"And say hi to your parents for us 'when' you get home!", adds Mr Markell.

At the mention of 'when', Jasmine suddenly turns back around to start making her way back into the house to press the red button on the thing-a-ma-jig, and Goldie, who has no intentions of going back, well, because they were getting late already, and because she didn't want to be made to change her skirt, grabs her friend, Jasmine by the shoulders with her elbow to the throat.

"Get- Get back here!", she commands in a funny, authoritative tone with clenched teeth as she pulls back her friend in a hilarious way.

"Bye, Mom! Bye, Dad!", she calls back at her parents in a sweet tone, pushing Jasmine into the car before going in herself.

"Bye, Mr and Mrs Markell…", Jasmine's muffled voice could be heard whilst crawling into the back seats of the car with her friend.

"Hahaha…", both Goldie's parents chuckle, waving back at the girls as they watch the entire hilarious scene play out.

Then Goldie's mother suddenly comments, squinting her eyes at her daughter's backside as she crawls into the car after her friend.

"That skirt really is short!"



***At School***

Once Jasmine and Goldie arrive at their school, they enter their large and prestigious school entrance, walking down the walkway, amidst the fresh fragrance of lovely flowers, welcomed by the exceptionally beautiful and alluring gardens of the school.

The layout of the school was an incredibly exquisite sight. With interesting details at every corner, showing that their school, the prestigious "Hugher High", was renowned for their excellent standards in every aspect, whether in quality of education or even simply in appearance. 

Students studying at Hugher High had cause to walk with their shoulders raised high because it seemed a school for the elite, and the best of the best from every background due to the high standards of qualification.

Even just the environment reeked of an air of class and elegance.

Strutting past gardens down the walkway to the front entrance to Hugher High, Jasmine and Goldie look exceptionally gorgeous, standing out against the backdrop of the extraordinary layout.

They had arrived in time, thankfully.

"Ten minutes until the first bell.", comments Jasmine, looking down at her watch, time-conscious.

"Nice! We made it in time. Better hurry and get our books before the bell for first perio-"

Goldie breaks her sentence mid-speech when suddenly, her eyes catch something amazing.

Walking by some trees in the gardens on the side was a dazzling bright sight. A glowing human too handsome for words.

His name? Ryan Muller. 

The hottest guy in school, and Goldie's crush!




Hello! I'm "SpilledInk", this book's Author. Welcome to "GOLDIE Is Not Normal" (G.I.N.N.)!


Thank you so much for choosing to read this book. I promise, you are going to absolutely love this story, because it will blow your mind, so keep reading!


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Check out my other book, "MORTAL GODS: Enouka". It is equally awesome.

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