Stalking Your Crush

"Hi, Ryan…", the pretty girl with straight black hair begins in a cute, alluring voice.

"I… I have something important to say to you…", she stutters cutely, slightly flustered.

"...I like you.

...I like you a lot. I want to be the one you love, so I baked you cookies and wrote you a letter from my heart... 

These are my feelings. Please take it."

She stretches out her pink envelope and a beautifully wrapped package of freshly baked cookies towards Ryan.

Ryan's dim gaze does not flinch as he gazes speechlessly at the girl who is significantly shorter than him like she didn't just confess her feelings to him.

For him, it was just another Tuesday at school.

"Hah…", he sighs, exhausted at the number of times this kept happening.

'When would they understand that I have no interest in this?', he muses within himself, burdened with the chore of declining this new confession.

The girl looks up at him with hopeful eyes and a charming smile. No doubt she was a pretty one. But still, he remains unimpressed.

"I'm sorry, but I'll have to turn you down. I'm not interested."

Ryan directly declines the girl's offer, to her uttermost devastation.

"Huh?...", the girl retorts in shock.

"But I-", she begins in protest as she tries to proffer reasons to be with Ryan right before Ryan cuts her off.

"If I wanted to be with someone, I would go for them myself.", he responds blankly to the girl, summarily dismissing her before turning away and walking off.

"Wait!", she calls back at him, taking a step forward.

Hearing the girl call back at him, Ryan stops in his tracks out of politeness, standing in place without turning around with his back facing her as he waits patiently to hear her out.

His actions cause the girl to be a little flustered. He was rejecting her, yet he was so polite as to stop and listen when she called to him.

"Even-", her voice cracks a little as she struggles to hold back the painful tears building up in her throat.

'Why wouldn't he just accept me?'


She was so sad he had turned her down, so sad she could virtually hear her heart breaking at the moment, but if he could at least take her cookies and her letter and read it, then maybe…

"...Even if you don't want to be with me, can you at least accept my cookies?", she asks. 

"I put in all my heart and soul when baking them and…"

Ryan suddenly turns around to face the girl causing her to stop talking abruptly, stunned.

"Do you want all your time and effort… your heart and soul to go to waste?", he asks.

"No. Of course not. That's why-", responds the girl hastily in a troubled tone before Ryan cuts her off again.

"Then you should probably eat them yourself.", says Ryan before he turns back around and walks off with a cool gait.

The message was clear. Giving the cookies to him would be a waste because he would dump them.

He didn't think for a moment that he was being cruel. No, he was just being practical. He couldn't be with anyone he wasn't interested in. That would be painful for them. It was better to just reject them like this than to get their hopes up and then crush them to the ground.

Jasmine and Goldie watch Ryan walk away from the scene of the heartbreak crime, approaching the path they were on from the far right of the garden where he had been standing.

"Wow… another one. Ryan, two hundred. Girls, Zero.", comments Jasmine, shaking her head disapprovingly as she and Goldie watch Ryan walk away from the girl with black, straight hair.

"You know what I think?", questions Jasmine as the girls make their way gallantly towards the magnificent stairs that form the front entrance to the school's main building. 

"These girls are going about it all wrong. If you like someone, you should first get close to them, and grab their attention before you try to confess.

That way, it's easy.", comments Jasmine, intelligently.

Indeed, Ryan, the hottest boy in school had had countless confessions from various girls at school and had rejected all of them straight up. 

As handsome as he was, he seemed rather cold and heartless, rejecting several proposals, but girls would not stop trying for the sake of love.

Nearly every girl wanted to be the one Ryan finally chose to be with.

In Jasmine's opinion, it was silly. Yes, Ryan was super special as he looked like a fallen angel, was incredibly skilled, noble and kind, and was from an incredibly wealthy family such that at his age he already owned property and shares in top companies in Z State, but Ryan wasn't the only dashingly handsome and rich guy in school. 

In fact, she had eyes for his best friend, Leroy. A blonde hottie with the most remarkable, most mesmerizing blue eyes. Also a skilled athlete in school, and leader of the basketball team for two years running.

But then, even if one were to fall so miserably for Ryan, like her friend, Goldie, and half the girls in Hugher High, there were far better ways to win his heart than to opt for a silly public confession that was doomed to fail.

"That's why you have to find a way to talk to Ryan. Just simple banter to get to know him, and win his heart with your cuteness.", she educates Goldie, pinching her cheeks in a cute way.

"Right… Did you not just see that just now?", questions Goldie, narrowing her eyes sceptically at her friend, Jasmine with a raised brow.

"He didn't even give that girl a second thought!"

'Why would Ryan even entertain me, when I'm not even nearly as bold as that girl?', she reasons to herself.

"That's because he barely knew her! Obviously, she confessed like a total stranger.", argues Jasmine, stressing her point.

"And you're way cuter than her. There's no way he would reject you.", she adds, with way too much confidence for a person who had just watched Ryan decline a perfectly beautiful girl only ten seconds ago.

"Girls have to strategise! 

Play it cool and give him a chance to notice you himself. 

The occasional hi, with a sexy hair flip, you know… draw out and isolate the guy's attention, so he notices you!

That way, you can get close enough to him, like casual friends at first, but what you really are, is an undercover crush, out to find his interests and weaknesses, and then… Pow! You strike with your hotness when he least expects it, and he will be begging to have you!"

"Hahaha!..." Goldie reels in laughter from her friend's hilarious theory.

"If only it was that easy…", she begins when suddenly, Goldie's eyes which were naturally following Ryan's movement, suddenly find him turning into the path she and Jasmine are on.

"Oh, he's coming this way!"

Goldie exclaims with a gasp, holding onto Jasmine's arm nervously as she spots Ryan approaching.

And for a moment, it looks like Ryan is not only coming their way but is actually making his way towards them!

"Why does it look like he's coming to meet us?!".

