A Series of Unfortunate Circumstances

"Is that Ryan Muller?…"

"Yeah, it's Ryan…"

"What was that noise?"

The friends of the random male student who had just happened to hear the loud chaotic crash from the janitor's closet were growing curious by the second, and so, they begin to whisper the relevant questions amongst themselves, greatly puzzled.

"What was that noise?"

"Is there someone in the closet?..."

They thought they heard a loud crashing sound coming from the closet. 

What could it be?

And why was Ryan Muller just standing there?

Indeed, it was odd to see the great Ryan Muller proudly resting on the janitor's closet, plus, there was a clattering noise just now coming from it!... wasn't there?

Was something going on?

But why didn't Ryan flinch? Didn't he hear the loud noise too just now?