Face To Face With Ryan! 2

'She's done! Great!'

Hearing the squeak of the doorknob, Ryan stands erect, allowing Goldie to come out whilst the coast is clear.

Then he sees her sneaking out of the closet like a mouse. She had not noticed his presence yet.

Shutting the door whilst looking behind her to ensure no one was coming, she makes as if to run and steps right into Ryan, coming face to face with him, just inches away from his towering figure!


Goldie yelps, jumping back a little from shock.


It was Ryan!

She didn't expect to see anyone, but here was Ryan, standing right before her!


The moment Ryan spots Goldie, the previous image of her half-dressed instantly comes back to mind, bringing along with it, rogue thoughts…

She was still wearing the knee-high socks… and he could still see the skin of her thighs peeking out from above them, just beneath her skirt line.