Mom! Save Me!

The more anxious Goldie was, the more she could feel her wings fighting to tear away from their silvery masking tape binds. 

Even after being held down at all the edges possibly reachable by Goldie's hands with the masking tape and safely and securely tucked away under Goldie's cheerleading uniform top, Goldie could still feel her wings moving under her shirt… vibrating and gradually shaking themselves loose.

It was unsafe to have them moving so much. And she was sure. It would only be a moment before they broke out again… just like a ticking time bomb!

In Goldie's exaggerated imagination, she felt she looked something like the "Hunch Back of Notre Damme", If the large hump on his back was moving around like some horribly sickening creature was attached to him…

'Ugh!... gross!'

She had to leave! She had to leave this place immediately!

'Moooom… get me out of here!...'