Let The Ship Sail!

'Ryan Muller likes Goldie Markell?!'

Instantly, all the girls buzz with excitement.

Ryan Muller who never, and I repeat, never showed any real interest in any of the cheerleaders before, was now suddenly interested in Goldie Markell!... top flyer and pretty damsel of Hugher High!

"N-No… don't be ridiculous. He couldn't be staring at me…", responds Goldie, nervous.

They had to be kidding! It wasn't possible that Ryan could be staring at her because he liked her, now, could it? 

'No… of course not!', she emphasizes internally.

"But Goldie, he is… look over there!", one cheerleader points over to Ryan Muller, and indeed, he WAS staring at Goldie.

He had not once shifted his gaze!

"Wow… look at that! He hasn't once shifted his gaze! I think he might really like Goldie!", yet another cheerleader exclaims with obvious excitement.