Who Is This Ryan?

"Wait, changing? Ryan? A boy!... That's who saw you naked?... 

Who is this Ryan? And what was he doing seeing you naked?!"

Mr Franz Markell starts to ask a lot of questions seriously as his protective side comes out.

"Hahaha!...", Becky Markell laughs, getting a kick out of her husband's hilarious reaction.

"Yes, but- No- I…", Goldie tries with difficulty to explain herself to her father's questioning gaze fixed on her.

"Ryan Muller. Heir to the Muller Industries.", Mrs Becky Markell starts to explain the situation better to her husband.

"She says he stumbled upon her topless… ha! Good times…", she cackles in thrilled laughter.

"Muller?... Muller's son saw her naked?!", Mr Franz Markell questions in disbelief, looking from his wife to his daughter in perplexity.

"…It definitely was not on purpose, though. It couldn't have been."

Mrs Markell explains further to save the children.