Where Goldie(s) Come From...

"I'm a UFO. I'm as good as a UFO. A nameless, baseless, purposeless UFO!"

At this point, Goldie's entire existence seemed baseless to her.

She wasn't even human. And neither was she from any known place in existence.

"So what you're saying is you don't know where I came from?!…", Goldie questions in shock.

"...That I just suddenly crash-landed onto the Earth from nowhere, Like Clark Kent?... Superman?

Oh God…".

A hopeless panic was beginning to set in. 

How could her parents not even know where she came from?

"Well… you are similar to Clark Kent, only, your pod was an egg which hatched. And you don't have any superpowers, thankfully.", responds her father, objectively.

"None that we know of so far, thank goodness. Imagine how hard it would be, hiding a superhuman child… haha!", he laughs.