Goldie's Powerful Farts

"Whoa! What was that?", questions Mr Markell in shock.

He and his wife, Becky had been staring at Goldie at the time and had suddenly seen her wings completely disappear and then reappear within a split second. Just like a mirage.

"What?... What?", questions Goldie as her parents seemed overly excited to have seen something new and amazing.

"Your wings! They just… disappeared for a moment, and then they reappeared?… How?-", Mrs Becky Markell says in an utterly astonished tone.

"What was that just now?", she questions Goldie.


Goldie responds with speechless silence, blinking confusedly at her parents. She didn't even know what happened.

"What did you do right now? Your wings flapped twice and then disappeared. Did you do something?", questions Mr Markell.

"Di- Disappeared?!...", Goldie questions, baffled, her eyes growing wide.
