Did I Just Get Asked Out On A Date?

***Outside, In The Beautiful Gardens of Hugher High…***

It was rare. Absolutely rare for Leroy to want to talk to any girl privately. He was one of those guys that were so friendly and social, they were always surrounded by tons of other people.

Yes, Leroy was a social butterfly. A public fun figure. Always chilling with guys and girls around. 

Yes, he and Jasmine were childhood friends, but their relationship as they grew up was more like friendly acquaintances because Leroy was always surrounded by crowds and honestly, Jasmine wasn't one to always be amidst a bunch of people she wasn't very closely acquainted with, like Leroy.

So, it was natural that she did troupe around him. Besides, he was always with his guys. The other student-athletes. Mostly because of his duties as head of the basketball team. That didn't leave him much time for hanging out privately with her. And it was understandable.