Two For One


***Location: Hugher High School, Class 12B***


The school bells for first period go off in Class 12A.

Mr…. Goldie's homeroom teacher steps in, ready to take attendance of the students.

Ryan Muller eyes the empty seat beside him.

'She still hasn't shown up…', he reasons to himself.

Goldie, the unearthly beauty from yesterday had still not shown up in class, and it was already first period!

'Does she intend to be absent today?', Ryan wonders.

"The seat next to Ryan Muller is empty!"

A fuss was rising about the girls of Class 12A. The seat next to Ryan Muller was empty!

Just then, the homeroom teacher's voice calls the class to order.

"Alright class, settle down. It's time for the attendance. Answer to your name as I call.", he instructs.

"... Ryan Muller"

Ryan silently raises a hand.

"Alright… Goldie Markell."

"..." Silence.