

A fair beautiful lady was seen riding a black horse on the dry grass in the deserted area as the sun kissed the sky.

The blonde hair of the young lady cascaded down her back, dancing along with the wind.

The nightdress she wore blew up in the wind, and she could hear the sound of neighboring horses coming from behind her. Using her feet to kick the horse into speed, she released the reins and turned her gaze around.

Sighting the enemy closest to her she aimed her arrow with a swift and fluid motion, the arrow landed accurately in her target's chest, and unguarded, the man fell lifeless off his horse.

She was currently attempting to flee from a group of men who were pursuing her.

They were all dressed uniformly in black tunics with black trousers.

Their faces were concealed with white scarves leaving only their eyes visible, with fierce, deadly expressions in their eyes.

They galloped on their horsebacks in hot pursuit of her, their long tunics swaying with the wind.

They had kidnapped Queen Harlow Matilda, and she had no idea how they did it without her soldiers knowing.

Queen Matilda had never missed any shot, which made all her aims land perfectly accurate on her enemies.

Matilda turned to face the front, to ensure that she was heading in the right direction. She was still riding the horse when she suddenly felt something brush swiftly against her skin.

An arrow flew past her, and she felt a sharp pain in her arm as the arrow grazed her skin. "Ouch!" Matilda winced in pain as she turned around and glared fiercely at the person who had aimed the arrow at her.

Her gaze became ferocious, and in a swift and agile motion, she jumped turning around to face her pursuers.

She sat facing backward on the horse because that was the only way she could see those trailing behind her.

With years of perfected horse riding skills, Matilda rode her horse without looking in front of her effortlessly.

She pulled out an arrow from her quiver and aimed it at the person who had shot her just now, she was never known to let grievances cool off before striking back.

Before the man could even register her actions, the arrow landed squarely in his body. He fell from his horse, and the man's head was smashed by the feet of another horse racing behind.

Another arrow flew in the air toward her and she quickly dodged to the side to avoid it. Distracted by that, she didn't notice when one of the abductors appeared beside her and swung his sword at her.

Immediately becoming alert she drew out her sword from its scabbard and swung it at him parrying his attack. The man attacked her again, however, she was faster and more skilled with the sword as she swiftly dodged his every attack with one hand while maneuvering the horse with the other.

The man didn't even realize when her sword swiped across his neck as blood spilled out like a broken pipe.

"Heyah!" She declared kicking her horse by the side, which caused it to run faster.

Seeing her pursuers were still gaining on her, She quickly grabbed her arrow and aimed it at the person who was close to her horse.

They appeared to be everywhere because two men rode their horses closer to her after she successfully took down one of them.

They both swung their swords at her at the same time, but she was quick to pull the reins shifting the horse's direction to another side, as she kicked the horse again to accelerate its speed as it left a distance between her and the attackers.

She turned to face the horse's rear again.

It was hard for her to keep her balance due to the horse's speed. Having no other option, she hugged the horse tightly, and the man on the right tried to aim his arrow at her head because Matilda's horse was a little too far away from him.

The arrow flew over her head as she ducked lying on her back on the horse while still gripping tightly onto the reins.

However, the men had caught up to her this time as a sword slashed fiercely towards her catching her off guard, with no other way to dodge she had to roll off the horse falling onto the ground.

Those who had been pursuing Matilda surrounded her with their horses. "How about you all come down and settle this once and for all?" She commanded in an authoritative tone which she normally used with a devilish smile on her face.

One of them scoffed. "By staying on the horse, we can settle things." He started with a cold, emotionless voice that sounded muffled behind the scarf over his face.

Queen Harlow Matilda nodded her head in mock amusement and wiped the tip of her nose with her thumb. "You should all know that no one should mess with the Queen, and I will not take it lightly with anyone." She coldly declared, causing the man who had previously said something to laugh out loud like a nuance.

She was amused by the man's guts, but she wasn't joking with her words. They shouldn't have messed with her.

She ran towards the man who just dared to laugh at her, licking her lower lip.

They all anticipated her move as they took on a stance ready for her attack but she suddenly jumped up performing a backflip through the air.

Caught off guard, the men didn't have a chance to react when her sword swished through the air.


A severed head rolled on the floor and the man's headless body sat stiffly on the horse, blood gushing out of the neck before it landed on the floor falling off the horse. Her face was now covered in blood, which she wiped away with the back of her palm.

"Heyah!" She leaped onto the back of a horse whose owner's head she had just cut off before the other men could break out of their shock.

Matilda began attacking those around her, knowing she would have to take their lives if she was going to escape from there on time.

But she didn't notice when one of them aimed an arrow at her back, a searing pain engulfed her and she arched her back as the arrow pierced her skin.

A condescending smirk appeared on her lips not showing the pain, and she threw her sword at the person, landing it on his chest.

Matilda then shot an arrow at a nearby individual and grabbed his sword before he could even fall off his horse.

Soon, the only sound heard was the clashing of swords. She had killed a lot of them, and now there were only six of them left.

She mounted her galloping horse and began arrowing those who pursued her.

She aimed at the forehead of one of the men and she could hear him fall off the horse afterward leaving just one person left from the attackers.

Matilda aimed at his arm with her arrow and he kicked his horse and was about to turn around to flee when Matilda quickly rode the horse chasing after him, she cornered his horse stopping right in front of him.

Queen Matilda extended her sword forwards, aiming it squarely at his neck,


He scoffed after Matilda declared.

"Queen Harlow Matilda, in your dreams." He spat while disgustingly staring at her.

She smiled and sliced his right wrist with her sword, causing it to fall to the floor. "Arrrrhhhhhhh!" He screamed, but she didn't feel sorry for him. He brought it on himself, so she seized his other hand and jumped on his horse.

"Heyah." She restrained the man as she rode the horse,

The sun was shining brightly, and the wind from riding the horse caused the blood from the wrist of the man she was currently holding as her prisoner to splatter all over her entire body.

When she arrived at the castle, she was astounded to discover that there were no guards in sight.

Matilda wasn't sure if anyone had noticed her absence or if they were all too preoccupied with preparing for her wedding.

As she entered the castle, she tied the horse and dragged the man she was holding toward the castle dungeons. Fortunately, she only saw one guard who was in charge of the cells in the dungeons,

"Where is everyone?" She asked the young man in charge of guiding prisoners inside the cells. He was shocked seeing her at first and the protruding arrow on her back, but he bowed his head and placed his right knee on the floor,

"Your majesty. They're all getting ready for your wedding." Said the young guard.

Matilda gave a slight nod. "Lock this man up, and make sure he doesn't get away. I'll behead anyone who discovers I was outside the castle." She spoke in a cold and icy tone.

The guard was visibly terrified, but he still nodded. She left his presence and crept into her chamber.

Matilda was bleeding profusely because an arrow was still lodged in her back.

She let out a breath. Matilda believed the men who abducted her had inside information, so she would conduct a covert investigation. She pulled a string to ring the bells to indicate that she required a maid.

Within the next two minutes, five maids entered her room. Matilda pointed to one of them, "You clean the blood trails on the floor and call the royal physician, the rest of you prepare a warm bath for me and set up my chamber to be neat." She gave a firm command.

It wasn't long after, a young physician arrived removing the arrow from her back. Matilda only allowed the five maids to look after her, and she didn't need to warn them about hiding her injury from others because they were aware that if others find out, they will be beheaded, as well as their family members.

After the arrow was removed from her back, she took a warm bath and pondered how she had been abducted without her guard's knowledge.

Matilda wore a white bathrobe after taking a bath because the wound on her back was being treated.

Exhaling once more, she decided to go to her younger sister's chamber because she was the only one Matilda could honestly trust.

The first thing she noticed when she got to her sister's room perplexed her.

The door to her sister's room had been slightly opened when she heard a moan. "Ahhh, Albert." Matilda's sister moaned.

Matilda's brow furrowed because her sister only knew one Albert.

Prince Alfonso Albert was Matilda's soon-to-be husband, and as she peered through the open door, she was astounded to see him passionately kissing her sister, who was sitting on the bed.

As she watched the two of them, she became immobile. Matilda watched as

Albert smiled as he leaned away from Ivy, which was Matilda's sister's name.

"Princess Ivy, I love you," Albert spoke softly before sealing her lips with a firm kiss. Matilda scoffed disbelievingly.

Albert once confessed his love for her in the same manner, so hearing him say the same thing to her sister irritated her.

"I know you love me. Albert and I've successfully caged Queen Matilda, my evil elder sister, so all we have to do now is..." Albert stopped Ivy from finishing her statement. "Hush, love. I'm not going to marry your sister today, so you'll end up taking her place, and in the coming week, you should delegate me the task of searching for your sister, during which I will plan a wedding for the two of us. We're going to get married, and after the wedding, I'm going to kill Queen Matilda and bury her body." Albert declared in a sly tone, and Matilda clenched her fist.

Her icy blue eyes were bloodshot, and her nails dug inside her palm, injuring her.

Knowing that her sister and her soon-to-be husband were the ones responsible for her abduction, she smirked deviously, knowing that they will both be beheaded.