Change of plans.

When two loving souls meet and decide to become one, a wedding is almost always in the works. And a wedding necessitates a well-designed and well-made wedding gown.

Queen Harlow Matilda was seen wearing a white wedding ball gown. Her gown's hands were long-sleeved and made of satin and lace material which wraps around her wrist, shielding her from the cold.

Her gown's bodice hugs her chest and is fitted at the top, flowing from her shoulder to her waist.

It is cinched in at the waist and has a full bouffant skirt that extends from the natural waist to the ground.

Silk was used for the skirt and the gown flares beneath the bodice, kissing the ground.

Her gown is astonishing and beautiful because of the layers of tulle which were used in making the veils on her hair.

The gown is embellished with silver bead stones, which glistened as the light reflected on them.

Her gown was complemented by a white pearl necklace around her neck.

The feet of the Queen were supported by chunky high heels. The heel is shaped like a booth, and its length stops at her ankle.

It has a unique rope lace and buckle design and is made of white leather.


She walked elegantly and confidently through the church aisle, her gown kissing the ground, and a pianist suddenly began to play the piano.

The congregation is filled with people of all classes and sizes, and they all have bright smiles on their faces as they stare at her before rising to greet her.

The hall is so large that she didn't bother scanning the entire space while looking for her sister, known as Ivy because she knows she won't be able to see Ivy amid the crowd.

The lady's smile widened as she walked down the aisle slowly, taking care not to step on her gown.

Today is a big day for her, and at the far end of the church was her future husband.

He has black crew-cut hair that is neatly combed and kept intact, and the side parting on his hair shows that he had his hair cut recently.

He's currently dressed in a two-piece gray suit made specifically for him. He had a wide smile on his face and wore a black shoe beneath his foot.

He's currently staring at Matilda with a fake smile, wondering how the hell she escaped from his men.

To avoid drawing suspicion to himself, he had no choice but to act as if everything was fine when, deep down, he was terrified.

Finally, the lady approached him, and the entire congregation was taken aback by her beauty.

Prince Alfonso Albert removes the veil from Queen Matilda's head, revealing the beauty of her face to all in attendance.

She had applied some natural powder to completely transform her appearance, and her powder was used to conceal a few bruises on her body.

When the sun kisses the horizon early this morning, Queen Matilda fights with all her might to escape her kidnappers.

She got a few bruises, but luckily it wasn't noticeable.

Queen Matilda has beady icy blue eyes that are a bit whitish, or perhaps a glassy shade of blue eyes.

Her eyes sparkle as she stares at Prince Alfonso Albert, but when she meets his smile, she frowns and becomes immobile.

When Prince Albert noticed her frown, he raised his brows but said nothing.

The congregation took their seats, and the mass was to continue.

The piano playing in the background abruptly came to a halt as the priest approached Albert and Matilda.

The priest smiles as he looks at the couples who are about to marry. "You have all assembled to witness the marriage of Prince Alfonso Albert and Queen Harlow Matilda." With a loud voice, the priest stated.

He took a deep breath before continuing. "You must read what you see in the book and call out the name of your pattern where you see spacing." He said to Matilda, and Albert nodded slightly in agreement with his words.

The priest turns his gaze to Albert and Albert declares. "In the name of God, I, Prince Alfonso Albert, take you as my wife, Queen Harlow Matilda. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death separates us." Albert said this while maintaining a fake smile on his face.

The priest nodded toward Matilda, signaling her to read the book he had handed over to her. "In the name of God, I take you Prince Alfonso Albert to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish, until death separates us." Matilda read aloud with no emotion on her face.

It was difficult for the congregation to tell if she was saying her vows in her head or out loud.

The priest extends his hands forwards. "If anyone here knows of any reason why this couple should not be joined together, speak now or forever hold your peace." The priest said.

Matilda looked around the congregation and noticed that everyone was quiet.

Besides, it's difficult to disagree with the marriage. "Then you can both exchange..."

"I object!" A harsh, cold voice could be heard.

Because of the person's declaration, the priest was unable to finish his statement.

Everyone was taken aback as to who had objected to the queen's wedding procedure. "I object." The voice became more assertive, and it came from the Queen's mouth.

Everyone present began to murmur as they inquired as to why the Queen objected to her marriage. "And what are your justifications, Queen Harlow Matilda?" The priest inquired of Queen Matilda.

Queen Matilda turns around and gives a brief smile. "Last night, I was kidnapped by a group of people, and those who kidnapped me drugged my guards. I awoke around five a.m. and discovered that I was bound to a bed." With a solemn tone, she stated, her gaze fierce.

The entire congregation gasps in surprise and their whispers grow louder. "As you can see, I made it out alive, but..." Her voice trailed off, and she returned her gaze to Albert. "However, I'm trying to figure out why you tried to kidnap me." Matilda continued, her blue eyes reflecting her seriousness, and her gaze was intense, demanding an immediate response.

"No, I didn't... I didn't intend to kidnap you; it was your sister's idea." Albert stutters and raises both hands in the air.

Queen Matilda turns around and faces the congregation. "Did anyone hear me accuse him of kidnapping me?" Her brows arched slightly as she inquired.

They were all shaking their heads sideways. "Well. He said something that you all heard. Him and Princess Ivy plan to kidnap me with the intention of killing me afterward."

*Gasp* They all gasp, and their mouths are slightly open.

"Guards!" Matilda yelled in a commanding tone.

The lady, who used to have a smile on her lips, is now serious, and her gaze is lethal, as she carries a cold aura.

She removes the veil that is attached to the bond on her blonde hair, and she completely removes the hair from being in a bond, allowing it to flow freely on her back.

Albert fled quickly, but her guards did not let their guard down. They all shut the entrance door, and Ivy immediately stood up from her seat and screamed in terror. "Arrrrhhhhhhh!" Ivy screamed, and the guards in charge all grabbed her, rendering her immobile.

Albert ran from one side to the other, and when he realized that all exit doors were shut, he grabbed a sword and swung it into the air.

Albert is a skilled swordsman, so he began fighting Queen Matilda's guards.

She became enraged and grabbed a soldier's sword.

Matilda ran up to Albert and kicked him from behind, causing him to fall to the ground on his knees. "Arrest him and keep him from escaping from the castle dungeon. They will both be beheaded after an investigation into why they kidnapped me is completed." Matilda spoke in a cold, fierce tone that caused her guards to slightly bow their heads in agreement.

The entire hall is filled with whispers from those present, but Queen Matilda couldn't care less.

She walked down the aisle of the church, her face fierce and her icy blue eyes emotionless until she arrived at the altar.

There is no groom for her to wed because Queen Matilda has already ordered her guards to imprison her soon-to-be husband.

Queen Matilda observes those present for a while. "Silence." She said authoritatively, and all murmuring came to a halt as all of her subjects stared at her.

No one dares speak as Queen Matilda scans the entire place, because she is well known for beheading those who offend her.

Some refer to her as the queen who kills for fun, while others refer to her as the queen with a dead soul.

Queen Harlow Matilda became a queen when she was fourteen years old, and her first duty was to burn her parents' dead bodies.

The kingdom was under attack at the time, and the assassins' mission was to kill the entire royal family, but Matilda and princess Ivy were able to escape by running away.

Queen Matilda resented those who murdered her parents and planned to exact revenge from a young age.

She became ruthless and learned a great deal of material art, as well as how to rule her kingdom.

Matilda was a ruthless Queen, and no one dared to cross her path because she was lethal.

The custom of the Kingdom states that when a queen or king reaches the age of nineteen, they must start looking for a partner.

If a marriage has not be held until they reach the age of twenty-two whoever is sitting on the throne must abdicate.

The rule has been in history and was established by Queen Harlow Matilda's Ancestor, the late king Fernando Harlow.

Matilda is a ruthless Queen, but she does not disregard Kingdom customs to avoid offending her ancestors.

Many unmarried Kings and Princes from various empires and kingdoms sought her hand in marriage, but she did not seem interested in any of them.

They either talked about how wealthy they are, or brag about their wealth and some simply looked unappealing.

Prince Alfonso Albert was the only one who managed to pique her interest.

Prince Alfonso Albert was initially nice to Queen Matilda, and he is the nicest of the other kingdoms' princes and kings.

Prince Albert was overjoyed that he would marry the Queen, and Queen Matilda now understands why Albert was elated that he wanted to marry her.

Prince Albert, like everyone else in her vicinity, wants her dead.

Matilda is already twenty-one years old, and she must marry today or abdicate the throne.

Harlow Matilda, Queen of Domansidor, is ruthless, but her subjects prefer her rule.

Without Queen Matilda, the Kingdom of Domansidor would have been defeated by the opposing Kingdom for a long time, and Matilda isn't ready to relinquish the throne, especially since she hasn't discovered who is responsible for her parents' deaths. She wishes to rule her Kingdom until she dies or at least until she figured out the truth behind her parents death.

Queen Matilda exhales, deciding not to become enraged because today is supposed to be a good day for her. "As you can see, I don't have a groom, and a marriage is incomplete unless the bride has a groom." She stated coldly, and all eyes were on her, waiting to see what Queen Matilda would do next.

Her lips curve into a devilish smirk as she exhales. Her eye is bright, and she extends her hand forwards, pointing her index finger at someone in the congregation. "You." She called out before glaring mischievously at the person. "Stand up, Mister Man, for you will be my groom." She added in a commanding tone.

Everyone's gaze was drawn to the person she had pointed her index finger at, and everyone was taken aback.

A young handsome man riding a book slowly raises his head, surprised that everyone's attention is focused on him.