Most terrifying wedding in history.

The young man blinks his eyelashes a few times because he has no idea what the hell is going on right now.

Queen Harlow Matilda can tell from a distance that he hasn't been paying attention to the wedding, which means he isn't concerned.

From a distance, the young man appears to be a slave, which is one of the reasons Queen Matilda chose to point him out.

His expression on everyone was amusing because he had no idea what had just occurred. "Rise, young man, or are you refusing to marry the Queen?" Matilda inquired coldly, and the young man quickly shook his head sideways.

Queen Matilda smiles as she motions for him to get up from his seat.

Usually. A queen is not required to organize a church wedding to marry, but after reading many books and educating herself about marriage, Queen Matilda decided to try what other commoners do to get married.

A queen only requires the gathering of her subjects and a few elites from other kingdoms, and most of the time after a dance party, gifts are shared and everyone goes their separate ways.

Queen Matilda is regarded as a ruthless human being, but she is a Christian.

The young man scans his surroundings, but since the Queen has ordered him to stand up, all he can do is try not to defy the Queen's order.

He slowly rose from his pew and made his way towards Queen Harlow Matilda, as if compelled to do so.

The young man's tectonic-gold long hair, which he meticulously groomed, had a rippling quality, a sign of his poor health.

His hair falls to his shoulders and has a rough parting in the middle.

The mysterious young man has sea-blue eyes that draw you in like magic. They were almond-shaped, and they were like eyes that fire with passion.

His mariner-blue eyes darted around and around, gleaming with delight and the vigor of youth.

His Irish eyes appear soft, and his mind is now racing with confusion.

His eyes sparkled as sapphires dipped in milky pools. They were nothing like Queen Matilda's blue eyes.

He has bristly brows, a hawkish nose, fine cheekbones, and a concrete jaw. He had an aquiline nose that complemented his prominent cheekbones, a basalt jaw, and spartan shoulders that spoke of strength.

His brows were thin and narrow, like a crescent moon, and they furrowed in confusion, then in curiosity.

He walked with a purpose and possesses a latent, leonine power. The entire congregation could hear his every step.

The young man was dressed in a torn white shirt. It appeared to Queen Matilda to be a rag, and beneath him was a brown short that stopped at his knee level, while rubber slippers lay beneath his feet.

He moved with the grace of a leopard.

They were dazzled, which led to a curious look.

Everyone looks at him, commenting on his vivacious personality and strange nature.

As Queen Matilda stared at him without blinking, time stood still.

As he approached her, an earthy scent swirled around Queen Matilda's nose.

It was difficult for her to tell what it smelled like, but she did know that he smelled fantastic.

Finally, he stands directly beside Queen Harlow Matilda, and the young man appears homeless based on his attire. "You are free to begin," Matilda said to the priest, who nodded slightly.

Turning to the young stranger, the priest handed him a book so he could read it aloud. "You are expected to read what is in the book aloud, and where there is a spacing, replace it with your groom's name, Queen Harlow Matilda." The young man frowned even more as the priest spoke.

As he spoke to the priest, he lowered his back. "I... I can't read." He said, but unfortunately, his voice was a bit loud causing everyone in the hall to hear him.

They all gasp, and they begin to mumble, and Queen Matilda slowly turns around, her brows scrunched, and she glared at her subject with a deadly gaze.

They all became quiet as they forced their complaints to stay with them.

Matilda arched her brows because she thought she saw him reading a book while seated in the pew a while ago.

She turns around and stares at the priest, hoping he'll find another way out because her soon-to-be husband can't read. "How do I address you?" The priest inquired of the young man standing beside the Queen.

He pauses for a moment before speaking up. "My name is Lorcan." He responded in a baby-like voice.

Despite his appearance, he has a soft voice. "What is your complete name?" The priest interrogates him. "It's Harvey Lorcan. Harvey Lorcan is my full name." He said to the priest.

The priest nods and smiles at him. "Do you Harvey Lorcan take Queen Harlow Matilda to be your wife? To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until you both are parted by death." The priest stared at Harvey Lorcan as he spoke.

Queen Harlow Matilda glares at Lorcan angrily because any normal person would know that the appropriate response is 'I Do,' but the young man standing beside her just wishes to embarrass her even more.

"Your answer should be I do." Harvey nods as the priest assists him. "I... I Do." He stutters, terrified that if he doesn't respond, he will be beheaded right away.

The priest's gaze shifts to Queen Harlow Matilda. "Do you Queen Harlow Matilda take Harvey Lorcan to be your husband? To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until you both are parted by death." Queen Matilda didn't hesitate to respond to what the priest said.

"I do." She responded.

The priest extends his hands forwards. "If anyone here knows of any reason why this couple should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace." The priest said.

When Queen Matilda turned around, those who were about to stand up sat down again. No one wants to put their entire family members in danger, so they keep their mouths shut.

Queen Matilda is well aware that many people will have many things to say. For example, how come the Queen of Domansidor Kingdom marries a commoner just because she doesn't want to abdicate the throne, and she is marrying him against his will, and so on?

The priest continues because no one objects. "You two may exchange rings." The priest began.

Harvey Lorcan was visibly terrified, but he mustered the courage to take the Queen's hand in his, and he placed the ring on her finger, as beads of sweat formed on his brows.

When he succeeded in placing the ring on her finger, Queen Harlow Matilda did not hesitate to grab his hands and placed the ring intended for Albert on Lorcan's finger.

She was fortunate because Lorcan and Albert share the same ring finger.

His hands-on Queen Matilda was warm, and the ring fits perfectly on his finger. It sparked something in Matilda, but she ignored it and let go of his hand.

The priest flashed a bright smile. "I now declare you husband and wife." He said, and Queen Matilda turned around, forcing a smile across her lips. "You may now kiss..."

"Skip that." She said coldly to the priest, causing him to force his saliva down his throat as he ghastly nodded his head.

Queen Harlow Matilda walks up to Lorcan, forcing a smile on her lips and pecking his cheeks with her left hand on his shoulder.

Because the custom dictates that she marry before the age of twenty-two, Queen Matilda had no choice but to marry a commoner.

The Kingdom custom does not specify whether a king or queen should marry someone from royalty or a commoner, so Queen Harlow Matilda considers herself lucky.

Those in the congregation exhale a sigh of relief as the most horrifying wedding in history comes to an end.

Queen Matilda turns around and walks down the aisle with her husband beside her, as they both make their way down the grand hall because that's how Matilda had planned on carrying out her marriage with Prince Alfonso Albert, and since she have already made preparations then she just has to use it, but instead of using it with Prince Albert, she's using it with a commoner named Harvey Lorcan.

On getting to the grand hall, they were all stunned when they entered the hall and saw what was in front of them.