Little lamb.

Queen Matilda gently pushed the hall door open. The splendor of the hall was breathtaking.

The crystal chandelier lights were turned on, and the reflected light shone brightly throughout the hall.

The hall is generally quite large, with higher ceilings than other hall's within the castle.

There is space for each perspective individual to dance in, and music is being played in the background.

Lyre, oud, violin, saxophone, accordion, marimba, harpsichord, and other musical instruments combined. They all combine to create pleasant music that is pleasing to the ear.

The hall wall is gold and white, and each large table has a fountain of wine filled in a glass cup.

The maids are all dressed up and each holds a tray with various types of extravagant meals on it.

The air was crisp, and Queen Matilda exhaled before proceeding further inside the hall.

Those who had trailed her all followed from behind her, and they also entered the hall. The entire hall was quickly filled with people from various classes.

Queen Harlow Matilda advanced and took her seat on the throne.

There was another throne beside Queen Matilda's, but hers is more beautiful.

"May… may I take a seat?" Lorcan inquired, drawing Queen Matilda's attention to him.

She bowed her brow, perplexed because she didn't hear what he had said earlier. "Sorry, could you rephrase your statement?" Lorcan became immobile as he stared at her with a terrified expression when she asked.

Queen Matilda intended to request that he repeat his previous statement, but he misinterpreted her words as a threat. Lorcan was convinced that if he repeated his statement, the Queen would behead him.

He didn't hesitate to bite his lower lips as he turned around, ready to leave her presence. "Are you not going to sit? We have to dance later, so save your legs for later." The Queen spoke up, her voice firm.

Lorcan turned around and slowly sat down on the throne. He was unsettled, but he tried not to show it.

Queen Matilda watched as everyone at her wedding got involved in one thing or another.

She turned around to Harvey Lorcan after thirty minutes had passed. "Let's do our first dance right now." She asserts.

Lorcan wanted to ask why they wanted to have their first dance so soon, but he restrained himself. Lorcan has a long day ahead of him tomorrow, and being punished by the Queen is not something he wants to happen.

Lorcan and Queen Matilda both rise from the throne.

Those who had been dancing moved aside to make room for them, leaving the dance floor empty.

The music that was previously playing was interrupted, and a completely new song began. To the ear, the rhyme was soft and melodious.

Lorcan stands in front of the queen, unsure of what to do next. He had felt extremely fortunate when he took the Queen's hand at the altar during the ring exchange.

The Queen despises being touched by others, but Lorcan has touched her hands and is still alive, so he is terrified that if he touches her hands again, things will not go well for him.

Queen Matilda looks at the commoner standing directly in front of her. She rested her hands on his shoulder, her icy blue eyes fixed on him, and he returned her gaze.

Queen Matilda is so close to Lorcan that she can smell him. He has the scent of a newborn baby, and it twirls around Queen Matilda's lungs. He seems as if he had applied baby powder to his skin. "Can I…"

"You dare not." She declares coldly that her gaze was barbarous. Even though he didn't finish his sentence, she had guessed what he was going to ask her.

Lorcan holds his breath as he forces saliva down his throat. Queen Matilda, on the other hand, began moving slowly from one end to the other. "Follow my lead." Lorcan quickly nodded in response to her command.

He quickly caught up, and their steps matched the music.

Lorcan was still walking, but he stepped on the Queen's gown by mistake.

Queen Matilda immediately came to a halt, and the terrified young man wished for the ground to swallow him whole. "I'm so sorry your Majes..."

"If you dare to irk me right now, you shouldn't expect to see the next sunrise." Queen Harlow Matilda said this with a stern tone, and she was dead serious about it.

Lorcan felt goosebumps all over his body as if he were freezing. Fear made his stomach crunch and his mouth dry. "Are you really that bad at dancing?" Because Lorcan is immobile, Queen Matilda inquired out of curiosity.

As he nodded, he bit his lower lips and tears welled up in his eyes. "I'm… I'm scared, Queen Matilda." She was taken aback by his stuttering.

She has never imagined that a grown man would be so terrified of a lady that he wants to cry. "Hey!" She called out to Lorcan in a commanding voice, and the man shivered even more.

Queen Matilda exhales because it appears that she had been assigned a difficult task: caring for a man who is as scared as a baby.

Queen Matilda made her gaze a little gentle with a forced smile on her lips. "Hey." Lorcan was called out again by Queen Matilda.

He still looks at her, terrified. "I will not behead you as long as you obey my commands." Queen Matilda declares.

He was silent for a while before nodding his head. "Can you tell me how old you are?" She inquired trying to start up a conversation with him.

Queen Harlow Matilda knows very little about Harvey Lorcan, so she decided to question him about himself because he is already her husband.

She expected the young man to be less terrified, but her question appears to awaken his terrified hormones, as he shivers. "Hmm... What is your father's name?" She inquired, deciding to change the subject.

Like before, the young man shivered in terror, and his actions enraged Queen Matilda.

She comes to a halt, staring at him with a deadly expression, and she immediately emits a cold aura that everyone can feel.

The music in the background stopped playing, and everything became so quiet that if a needle fell on the ground, everyone could hear it.

Everyone became tense, and the young man finally sobbed.

A bead of tears falls freely from his eyes, prompting Queen Matilda to exhale because he's just a commoner and she believes that in the eyes of the young man, she is a beast.

Queen Matilda exhales and leans in closer, resting her elbow on his shoulder and she frowns greatly. "If you keep crying, you should not expect to see your family members because I will kill them." Despite the fact that she is unfamiliar with Lorcan family, she threatens.

Lorcan swallows hard, forcing himself to keep his tears at bay, despite the fact that they were threatening to fall from his eyes.

Because everyone can see that Queen Harlow Matilda hasn't finished dancing with her groom, the instrumentalist begins playing the music.

Others soon began dancing on the dance floor with each of their patterns.

Queen Matilda smiles as she leans away from him. "Little fierce one right?" He arched his brows as she mumbled because he doesn't understand what the Queen is saying.

"Does your name Lorcan mean 'little fierce one?" Queen Matilda asks her question again with an infuriated voice.

He gives a nod. "Yes, your majesty," Lorcan responded, doing his best not to make eye contact with the Queen.

She cracks a devilish grin. "Should I refer to you as a little lamb?" She inquired not because she needs his permission, but because she needs to maintain a conversation with him even if she has nothing important to say. She wants to do this before returning to her throne.

Lorcan raises his head slightly because he has been staring at the floor for some time. "Your Majesty. You can call me whatever you wish to." He stated politely. "Little lamb it's then." Queen Matilda made a firm declaration.

They both continue to sway their bodies from one end to the other, their steps echoing the rhyme of the instrument being played.

Harvey Lorcan continues to bite his lower lips as he stares at the floor. "I'd like you to look up Lorcan." Her voice is cold as ice as she declares.

Lorcan quickly raises his head, and they both lock their gaze on each other.

The blue eyes of the two couples lock. Lorcan finds it difficult to look into the Queen's eyes, but she has ordered him to do so, so he must obey.

Lorcan sapphire's blue eyes, on the other hand, captivated Queen Matilda.

Looking into his eyes, one would think that a drop of the deepest part of an ocean gemstone had been placed on his eyes, causing them to glow.

His eyes sparkled and were breathtaking, making Queen Matilda struggle to look away. His eyes were mesmerizing.

Her eyes were blue with a gold fleck, but Lorcan's eyes were different. This is the first time Queen Matilda has seen someone with rare sapphire eyes.

"Queen… Queen Matilda. Kindly excuse me. I need to use the restroom." Harvey Lorcan said, jolting the Queen back to reality.

She blinks quickly and removes her hands from his shoulder.

Lorcan excuses himself by bowing his head slightly.

Some of the people present despise her for marrying a commoner, while others couldn't care less. Queen Matilda is cold, but she is the only one who has kept the kingdom safe from attack, for which a few people are grateful.

Queen Matilda can see some of the princes from other kingdoms who were among her suitors.

She can tell by the look in their eyes that they are dissatisfied with her decision.

They all appear to be those who intend to murder the commoner she has chosen, but she couldn't care less because she is only concerned with herself.

Queen Harlow Matilda walked up to the throne, watching her people dance and have fun.

She notices that some young ladies were able to meet handsome men with whom they are now friends, all because of the celebration.

She eventually exhales in weariness. "The wedding reception has come to an end." She declares, oblivious to the fact that many people are having a good time.