
Following Queen Matilda's statement, those present began to leave the venue.

She sat on her throne and watched everyone leave. The hall quickly became empty, and she was the only person left.

Queen Matilda exhales as she mulls over her actions.

'Marriage to a commoner isn't such a bad idea.' She thought within herself.

Her late parents died because they both believed in love, and their love has so far led to their deaths.

She exhales again and looks down at her finger, which is now adorned with a beautiful ring.

Queen Matilda is now the first Queen in history to marry in the presence of a priest, as well as the first to marry a commoner.

It's nice that she's breaking records in history, so she cracks a smile. Generations to come will never forget Queen Matilda because she is the first ruthless Queen of Domansidor Kingdom. "Your Majesty," A baby voice draws Queen Matilda's attention away from her thoughts.

She slowly shifted her gaze to the source of the voice and noticed a young handsome man with sapphire blue eyes.

She raised her brows at him, and he smiled softly back. "Your Majesty. I'm heading back to my house, and I thought it would be best to notify you." Harvey Lorcan said this while staring at the floor.

"You are now married, so you must remain with the Queen. Tonight, you have to spend the night with..."

Because the young man fell to his knees, Queen Matilda was unable to finish her statement.

His right knee is on the floor, while his left knee is raised slightly. "Your Majesty, I dare not defy your chamber with my filthy body," Lorcan stated as he stared at the ground.

Queen Matilda's brows remain arched as she wonders why he's suddenly acting this way. "Come with me." He nodded slightly before rising at her command.

Harvey Lorcan trailed Queen Matilda as she led the way to her chamber.

He was terrified, and his gaze was fixed on the ground the entire time Queen Matilda led the way.

When Queen Matilda arrived at her chamber, two guards opened the door and she slowly entered her chamber.

She sat on the bed and drew a string to ring the bell that indicated she needed maids.

Within one minute, five maids entered her room and assisted her in preparing for the day.

It's still afternoon, and she has some financial matters to attend to, and one thing she despises is slacking off on her duties.

A maid prepared her bath, while the others assisted her in removing the powder from her face. Queen Matilda was naked in no time and made her way into her bathroom, where she did not hesitate to dive into her bath.

The water was warm and refreshing, which helped to calm Queen Matilda's nerves.

The maid in charge of giving her a bath scrubs the dirt off her body.

Queen Matilda exited the bathroom, grabbing a white towel to clean her wet hair while a maid assisted in cleaning her body.

She wore a female tailcoat that was short in the front and long in the back.

The coat has long sleeves that reach the wrist.

Queen Matilda wore a v-neck waistcoat as well. It's made of fine fabric and has a v-neck that exposes part of the chest, and it has beautiful buttons on the side.

A waistcoat covers the chest to the waist level.

Queen Matilda sat in front of her dressing mirror, dressed in white breeches and leather pants.

Her maids tie her hair in a bond and use a golden pin to secure it perfectly.

Queen Matilda stood up and walked towards her door, only to find Lorcan standing beside it.

She had no idea Lorcan was not in the room until this very moment. "Remove your slippers and get in."

Lorcan did as she instructed, and as he entered the room, he gasped in admiration.

He'd never seen anything like it before, so he couldn't help but stare.

Queen Matilda dispatches her maids, leaving her alone with Lorcan.

She told him to take a seat on the couch with a firm smile on her face.

Lorcan continued to gaze around the room as he took his seat. The room's walls are painted white, and sword frames are used to decorate it.

The chamber was decorated with three beautiful chandelier lights and a split bed covered in red clothing. A bedside table with a white bedside lamp stood beside the bed.

"Don't touch anything inside my room, and most importantly... don't do anything that will make me angry." Queen Matilda said in a stern, cold tone.

Lorcan nodded, and the Queen of Domansidor Kingdom excused herself from the chamber, making her way straight to the meeting hall.

When she arrived, all of the executives were present and waiting for her. "Your Majesty," They all greeted her as soon as they saw her approaching.

The Queen's face was expressionless as she finally closed the gap between them.

She put her hands on the table that they were all gathered around and immediately began the meeting. "When there is a heavy downpour during our market day, the people of my land suffer, and we need to find a way to protect them from the rain. They can't sell in the rain, so they won't be able to pay tasks." Queen Harlow Matilda explains.

"Why don't we build a small house for them to use when it rains?"

The queen immediately shook her head sideways. "If we build a house for them, they will have to wait until the rain stops before they can sell what they are selling. It's no different than standing in the rain." She spoke up in opposition to the previous speaker's idea.

"Then providing each commoner with an umbrella to sell in the market would be beneficial."

"I believe we should provide them with clothing to keep them warm when they sell in the rain."

"No. We should move the market day to…"

"Enough!" The queen declares as she prevents everyone from finishing their statement.

She points her index finger at the main market square, which is depicted on the table around which they are all gathered. "I'll start a foundation with bricks that should be raised to form a long building. There should be a roof over the heads of those selling so that the market ground does not get wet when it rains. The ground would be cemented, and the structure would extend from here to there." She indicated where she wanted the building to end.

Everyone in the hall nods in agreement with what the Queen is saying. "Each individual can sell whatever they want and pay up their taxes for the buildings." She added before setting the book she had carried with her on her way here, as she placed it on the table.

"The structure will look like this, but it will not solely sell food." She elaborates.

She had shown them a picture of a restaurant in another Kingdom made of bricks rather than wood.

Queen Matilda wants the new market to be built of bricks like a restaurant, but it will be so large that it can sell anything.

Her statement made everyone smile in amusement. "The meeting is over, and I'll set a date for the construction of such a structure." She said this as she walked away.

Queen Matilda made her way to her chamber, where she took a seat in front of the dressing mirror.

She opened the book and began reading the book she was still holding. She is enthralled by her idea, but she is unsure whether she will be able to carry it out.

"What are you doing?" Queen Matilda finally asked Lorcan, who had been staring at her since she entered her chamber. "Your Majesty. I… I was watching you," Lorcan responded sincerely with a casual tone of voice as he stuttered.

Queen Matilda arched her brows and rose from her chair. "You are watching me? Why is that?"

He bites his lower lip to avoid making eye contact with the Queen and he finally realizes he shouldn't have spoken to the Queen in such a manner. "It is... nothing." Lorcan stutters and he's terrified. "It's something." She stated coldly with a fervid gaze. "Now speak," she commanded.

Lorcan gets up from the couch he has been sitting on and looks down at the floor while playing with his fingers.

"Your Majesty, it's not…"

Lorcan was speechless, but what happened next caught him off guard.

Queen Matilda closes the gap between them, and the closer she gets to him, the more Harvey Lorcan steps back.

He kept taking steps back until he collapsed on the couch behind him.

He was unable to reclaim his freedom because Queen Matilda had encircled him with her hands on the couch, causing him to close his eyes.

She arched her brows and smirked. "Little lamb." Lorcan slowly opened his eyes after she called out.

He looked at Queen Matilda when his eyes were fully open. He recalls her telling him she was going to call him 'Little Lamb' on the dance floor.

The two married couples exchange glances. Queen Matilda leaned in closer to Lorcan, almost as if she was about to kiss him.

The young man stiffened as he held his breath, his heart racing fast because he had no idea what the Queen intended to do to him.

As she whispered, Queen Matilda let her hot breath caress his skin. "Little lamb. You were staring at your Queen while she was busy. Do you know the punishment for that?" With a soft voice, she inquired.

He shook his head sideways, and Queen Matilda scuffed, her gaze fierce. "You're going to be immolated." She asserts.

"I... I don't know what that means." He stutters, tears well up in his eyes, and his body is trembling.

She leans in closer, her breath hot as she opens her mouth to speak seriously, while her gaze is cold and deadly. "Little lamb. It implies that you will be burned alive." She finally said this while smirking mischievously.