Stain her hand's with blood.

The young man was so terrified that he couldn't stop staring at the Queen.

His saliva suddenly felt like needles inside his mouth and trying to force it down felt like he was trying to hurt his throat.

Harvey Lorcan didn't move an inch as he prayed for the Queen to retract her statement, although the Queen never retracts her statements when she's dead serious.

She smirks and leans away from Lorcan, causing him to exhale completely fresh air.

She arched her brows and demanded an answer this time as she stood up firmly.

Lorcan receives a ferocious stare from her. "So, little lamb. Why were you fixated on the Queen?" Finally, Queen Harlow Matilda inquired as to why Lorcan was staring at her.

Usually. Lorcan is aware that she does not mince words, and that he must respond to the Queen.

He's lying down on the couch, but he exhales while wrapping his hands around his neck. "I... I was only looking at you because of the image on the book you were holding." Lorcan stutters.

Queen Matilda scuff. "You don't understand how to read." She declared.

It's not a question because it's simply stating the obvious. "I don't." He mumbles as he stares at his fingers. "I can tell just by looking at the book that you want to build a market with bricks to protect your people from the rain," Lorcan said this with a low voice, infuriating the Queen, whose icy blue eyes show how upset she is.

Lorcan immediately put his hands on his mouth and acted as if he was about to pass out.

He's terrified because Queen Matilda's gaze can kill whoever it desires. Only the Queen has the authority to murder with her gaze. Her fierce gaze always says a lot. "How did you find out about it?" Queen Matilda was so upset that she felt compelled to murder someone right away.

"Your Majesty. The illustration in the book says it all, and I advise..."

Queen Matilda closes the gap between Lorcan and her and seizes him by the neck after hearing the word's advice.

Queen Matilda's hands were wrapped around Lorcan's neck, and she squeezed them, making it impossible for the young man to breathe.

He flaps his legs and realizes he has no right to touch the Queen's hand, so he allows himself to be strangled while fighting for air.

Queen Matilda's gaze remained fierce and cold. She let go of the young man when she noticed he was about to pass out.

Matilda laughed. "You're just a commoner." Matilda, Queen of Domansidor, spat. "If you advise me again, I will undoubtedly behead you. Your head would be fed to a vulture, and I never play with words." She said coldly, carrying a cold aura, and her voice was damn lethal.

Lorcan nodded slowly, both hands around his neck. "My apologies, your Majesty." He immediately apologized.

Harvey Lorcan is now aware that the Queen is upset with him, which means that he is already on the Queen's bad side, which gives him goosebumps.

Queen Matilda's lips curled into a thin smirk, and she rolled her eyes before returning to the bedside table.

Lorcan had previously distracted her, so she immediately began reading her book from the beginning.

After several hours, it was finally dark. Queen Harlow Matilda decided to go to bed early because she had a lot of things to do tomorrow.

She summoned some maids to help her get ready for the night by drawing the string in the iron bell. The two maids are aware that the Queen requires a night bath and have prepared warm water for her.

Matilda stood up from her seat, and it was then that she noticed Harvey Lorcan, who was fast asleep on the couch.

He appears to be sleeping peacefully, which is something Queen Matilda finds difficult to archive.

Shaking her head sideways, she made her way to the bathroom and took a bath, courtesy of her maids.

They styled the Queen's hair, and after slipping into the wedding gown, Queen Matilda was fully prepared for the evening. "Put a mattress on the floor for him to sleep on." She gave her maids a firm order.

They bowed their heads slightly and rushed to get a mattress per the Queen's request. Lorcan was placed on the mattress that was spread out on the floor.

He's such a deep sleeper that he doesn't even notice he's being carried to the floor.

Queen Matilda had no choice but to shake her head sideways as she approached the bed.

Climbing onto her bed, she was now left to wonder how she was abducted and no one noticed.

She scuffed, making her way to her dressing table, where she retrieved a book to read while pondering about her actions.

After a while of reading, she recalls that her younger sister Ivy had assisted her in preparing a nice bath the night before.

Queen Matilda has been so fun of Ivy that no matter how cruel she is, she always makes sure her sister is well cared for.

This is why Queen Matilda allowed Ivy to assist her with her bath last night.

Everything that happened the night before became clear to her.

Last night, Princess Ivy also assisted Queen Matilda in putting on her nightgown.

Last night wasn't Princess Ivy's first time assisting Queen Matilda, so the Queen was unconcerned.

Queen Matilda assumed her sister was acting this way because it would be difficult for a Princess to still come over to her sister's chamber to assist her with her bath after she married.

Ivy had used a different soap to bathe Queen Matilda, and when Matilda inquired, she had lied that it was good for a Queen's skin.

Queen Matilda now has an answer to her unspoken question because she is reading and putting all the pieces together.

Princess Ivy, her sister, drugged her with the soap and the incentive that she had left at the Queen's chamber.

Rage could be seen on the Queen's face because the one person she had placed her trust in was also her sworn enemy. Her sister has betrayed her, and Queen Matilda does not believe she is obligated to forgive her.

Princess Harlow Ivy, like everyone else, wants Queen Harlow Matilda dead.

She exhales as she places her book on the bedside table before retiring to bed.

Queen Matilda is terrified deep down. She is currently finding it difficult to even sleep with a commoner.

This said commoner had declared that he doesn't know how to read, and he had also mentioned trying to advise her.

He appears terrified in the wedding hall, but only slightly so in her chamber, and he also seeks death without making any notes about it.

Queen Matilda checked her sword, which she usually keeps beside her, and then closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Morning came by so quickly as the music of birds singing in the garden across her window could be heard.

She gets out of bed, pulling back the blonde hair that has fallen onto her face.

She yawned before slowly rising from the bed, and the first thing she did was check to see if the commoner she had married the day before was still in her room.

Lorcan was not in the room, just as Queen Matilda had assumed.

There was no mattress on the floor and no sign of Lorcan.

Queen Matilda rang the bell in her room, and a few maids made their way inside. She doesn't want the court maid to be by her side all the time because, according to Queen Matilda, she might develop friendly feelings for the court maid and, as a Queen, she doesn't want her emotions to drag her down.

She took a hot bath and then dressed in black leather pants, a black shirt, and a corset around her stomach.

She was dressed in a black booth and a shoulder cape that was also black.

Small skulls were designed to be worn around her waist as a belt.

The Queen was dressed entirely in black, and her attire screamed danger.

She isn't in a good mood, so dressing like this makes it clear that she doesn't mind beheading anyone who offends her.

Queen Harlow Matilda's blonde hair was parked into a bond, and she smirked devilishly at the standing mirror in front of her.

A lady with a deadly aura can be seen in the mirror's reflection. Her icy blue eyes were fierce, and you'd think she could turn anyone who got in her way into an ice sculpture.

She scuffed, blocking her nose with the tip of her index finger. After a few seconds, she withdrew her finger and grabbed a sword from the wall, inserting it into her scabbard and fastening it to her left.

Queen Matilda scuffed once more because she had to stain her hands with the blood of someone she was bonded to.