Chapter 28 It Feels Like Home

Brandon drove Gabriella to her apartment the next day after she stopped by the office to clear out her desk. Brandon comforted her, saying it was just one chapter closed in the book and time for a new one to begin. Feeling heartened, Gabriella packed away all her stuff without remorse and walked out keeping her eyes ahead.

"Do you really need to check up on your apartment? You know you can stay at my place for as long as you like." Brandon whined, pouting his lip at her in the car as he drove to Perch Street.

"Brandon, I still have to find out how things are. The rent for this month is coming up and I need to speak with the manager about when I can move back."

"Why so soon? Do you want to go back to your place quickly?" He asked innocently.

"No – I mean – hey, you tricked me!" Gabriella gave him a look and he broke out in a laugh.

"No, I didn't. You said it of your own accord, Angel. And don't worry, it's not that I want you to leave. Quite the opposite, in fact."

"I know, Barry," Gabriella touched his hand as she spoke, "but there are still things I need to see about." Brandon gave in. As long as she didn't want to leave, he was happy. He had grown accustomed to waking up beside her every morning, cooking for her every night and simply enjoying her presence every time he came home. She brightened up his whole house and it was a feeling he wanted to keep forever. He hoped he could give her a reason to stay with him permanently soon.

The manager at Gabriella's building told her that the repairs were all done and that tenants could move back in. He had generously cut the rent for the days Gabriella hadn't stayed at her apartment due to the repairs, so that was a load off Gabriella's mind. However, she didn't have plans to move back in yet; after seeing the puppy dog look in Brandon's face earlier, she knew that was another dilemma she'd have to decide on soon. How could she leave when Brandon clearly wanted her to stay?

"So, where to next?" Brandon asked her in the car after they had left.

"I don't really have anything to do, so…"

"Well, since we have some time to spare, would you mind if we took a little trip? I have something to show you."

"Um, okay." Gabriella wondered what he wanted to show her. Catching the corners of his mouth tugging up, she guessed he had some pleasant surprise in mind for her. She sighed fondly at the thought. Brandon was always trying so hard to impress her, it was endearing. It was one of the million things about him that melted her heart.

He pulled up in front of what looked like a one-story cabin, a wooden building with large sliding windows and a wide set of double doors. A blank signpost hung above the doors.

"Brandon, where are we?" Gabriella asked upon getting out of the car. Brandon joined her, looking nervous.

"Er… Look, don't freak out okay?" He made 'stay' motions with his hand as he spoke. "I couldn't sit still when you said you'd consider the catering idea, so – welcome to your kitchen!"

"My… kitchen?" Gabriella blinked at him. Brandon explained everything at top speed.

"It's got everything you need, fits about eight people so you can hire however many assistants you need and it's ready whenever you are. All we need is a brand name and then I can start brand promotion using my advertising department and—"

"Brandon!" Gabriella said loudly. Brandon flinched, shielding himself with his hands, afraid she might be angry and not like it. But on seeing the wide smile on her face he breathed in relief.

"Do you like it?" He asked cautiously. Gabriella ran and flung herself on him in a hug.

"Like it?! It's the nicest thing you've ever done for me, and you sure have done a lot!" Gabriella laughed happily as she held on to him. "Thank you, Brandon. I never in my wildest dreams thought something like this could happen." Brandon nuzzled her cheek.

"Seeing you this happy makes me think I must have done something right," he said with a satisfied smile.

"Oh, you've come a long way since I met you, Barry," Gabriella replied fondly.

"Guess that book I got on trying to impress women worked," Brandon joked, and they both broke out in laughter.

"You know, starting a company is a pretty big task, I'll have a lot to do before I open it up, especially as I've never run my own company before," Gabriella said later as they took a tour of the kitchen.

"I got it all covered. You're not alone in this, Angel." Brandon reassured her. "I'll have advertisers, administrators, and assistants all lined up for you so that all you need to work on are some fantastic recipes."

"You really thought of everything, didn't you?" Gabriella nudged him playfully. He grinned.

"Well, not quite everything. There is still one very important thing I need you to decide on."

"What's that?"

"A name for your company."

"Oh, Barry, I wouldn't know where to begin with a name!" Gabriella shook her head. "I'm afraid I'm not much help when it comes to branding stuff."

"In that case," Brandon pulled out a small card from his breast pocket, "I did have one idea kept aside. My design team even came up with a logo for you to see what I had in mind." He showed Gabriella the card with a name and logo printed on it and she gasped. The name read 'Angel's Kitchen' and a little drawing of an angel holding a green branch with a plate for the background popped out at her.

"Barry, it's so pretty!" Gabriella took the card and admired it in delight. "How did you think of it?"

"Oh, it was easy," Brandon brushed off modestly, "A simple, memorable name was best, and since you're my angel," he gazed warmly at her, "I thought the name fitted."

"I love it!" Gabriella responded with enthusiasm.

"I needed your approval before I started mass producing it. You're really okay with it, right Angel?"

"It's perfect, I couldn't have done a better job myself."

"Great! Then I'll get my marketing team started on it right away. You'll need a website, a social media account, get some advertising out there…" Gabriella watched Brandon with loving eyes as he went off into an excited monologue about everything he would plan for her. This could be the start of a new chapter in Gabriella's life and it was all thanks to Brandon.

As Brandon undressed for bed that night, his thoughts went back to the first time he met Gabriella. He laughed to himself as he remembered how unsavory it was. He hoped he had made progress with her since then. He came to realize putting that angelic smile of joy on her face was a task he wanted to do for the rest of his life – he had seen her anxious, nervous, fraught with worry, saddened, maddened, and everything else. She had been through a lot and he wanted to help her put it all behind her forever. Seeing her smile was the reward he came to long for and today was just step one in his mission to make her happy.

His lips curled at the thought of asking her to marry him. He knew she wanted a proper proposal and by goodness, he'd give it to her, trimmings and all! He'd make sure to surprise her though. But there was something he felt he had to do before popping the question, something he felt he had to do before being the man who would belong to her for the rest of their lives. And that was getting approval from her family.

Brandon knew from his father that a proper gentleman always asked the girl's parents for her hand in marriage, receiving their blessing and approval before committing himself. He wanted that; his own parents were already over the moon with Gabriella and he wanted to be accepted by her family too. That way, when he had fulfilled his duty, he could be at peace knowing he had earned his precious angel and not just stolen her away. But how to broach the subject with Gabriella? Would she be willing to let him meet her family?

He went downstairs to get a glass of water. He had changed into his pajamas but didn't button his shirt up all the way as it was a hot summer's night. He was supposed to join Gabriella in her room later but was surprised to see her also in the kitchen, drinking a glass of water. She had showered and her damp golden hair hung around her bare shoulders in a golden wave. She was wearing a thin, short, light lavender-colored slip while a good deal of her neck, arms, and legs was exposed, and seeing her like that in the moonlight streaming through the windows, Brandon suddenly felt his temperature rise. God, she's beautiful, it's almost torture, he thought woefully to himself.

Gabriella turned on hearing his footsteps and paused on seeing him, part of his bare chest peeking out through his pajama shirt. Heat rose to her cheeks. She gulped the water she was drinking too quickly, choked, and coughed. Brandon was by her side at once, patting her back.

"Angel, why did you gulp like that?" He asked. Gabriella smiled nervously, her eyes trying vainly to avoid ogling him. Brandon noticed it and looking down at his chest, realized what jolted her. He smiled suavely.

"Oh, I see." He buttoned up his shirt. "Gabriella, Angel, it's not the first time you've seen me shirtless." She cleared her throat.

"I'm just not used to being around a man in the house," she said shyly. Brandon raised an eyebrow at her.

"And yet you're wearing things that drive a man crazy at night." He eyed her delicately clad figure and she gasped upon looking down at herself.

"Sorry! I should've put on a robe!" Gabriella retreated a few steps towards the stairs but Brandon caught up with her and pulled her into his arms.

"I didn't say I didn't like it," he whispered huskily, letting their bodies press warmly against each other. Gabriella stiffened at first, feeling aroused at the sensation, but soon she relaxed into his arms. Sensing her release herself into his embrace, he leaned in and began peppering kisses along her neck, delighted to finally touch her skin. She hummed softly.

"Barry, we'll never make it to bed if we do this," she said, although she enjoyed the delicious feel of his lips on her. Brandon immediately swept her up in his arms, making her squeal, and carried her straight to her bedroom. He deposited her in bed before resuming roving her body with his mouth.

"There. We're in bed. Now there's nothing else for you to worry about," he said in a sing-song voice, making her laugh. They gazed into each other's eyes for a moment before their lips reunited again.

"Brandon, you have work tomorrow…" Gabriella weakly protested, though she really didn't want him to stop.

"Just a little longer…" Brandon moaned against her neck, completely infatuated with her scent and silken skin. Gabriella stroked his back while he worked his lips on her. They reached her shoulder, hot and moist with kisses. Gabriella felt his tongue slide across her collarbone and gasped at the pleasurable sensation, shocked that he could make her feel this way. She shivered as his fingers caressed her hips. She tightened her arms around him, but soon they slipped to his chest. Brandon pressed her fingers to his body. They were cold against his skin. He moaned with her, letting the pure passion brewing between them have its way. He knew he had to control himself and not let things get out of hand, but he didn't have to stop ravishing her this way at least. She let her hand stroke his chest down to his stomach. She felt alert to the smoothness of his skin and it riveted her. Every breath, every touch, every sound from Brandon seduced her and it was something she craved even more, to her astonishment.

"Brandon…" She moaned as she began to feel light-headed from the sheer amount of affection Brandon smothered her with. She heard a little chuckle from him.

"Do you want me to stop?" He asked demurely.

"No… yes… I mean…" Gabriella felt incoherent. How could she say she wanted more when she wasn't strong enough for it? And what if she pushed Brandon beyond his limits? She didn't want him to have any regrets with her.

"Angel, you're winded." Brandon raised himself above her to see her face. Gabriella realized she was panting heavily like she had run miles. That was enough for Brandon to stop. She sighed.

"Are you disappointed I stopped?" Brandon asked her gently. She nodded.

"A little. But I was also worried about you. I didn't want to push you over your limit…" Brandon saw her pouting lip and lightly pinched her chin.

"Hey, you don't have to be afraid. Although I will admit that that nightgown is a destructive distraction for me," he smiled hungrily at her body, "I wouldn't do anything you're not ready for."

"But I want to be ready for you, Brandon. Some day." She cupped his face and gazed longingly at him as she spoke.

"Soon, my Angel, I promise you that very soon." He pecked her lips. A more contented sigh escaped her throat as she felt relieved that Brandon knew she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

"Being with you, everything fits so perfectly that I feel like – I'm home. Home with you."

"Funny, that's exactly how I feel about you," Brandon smiled at her. She smiled back, snuggling into his arms. He wondered if he could ask her about meeting her family now that he knew she wanted to get closer to him too. He tentatively called her name.



"Would you… Let me meet your family?" Gabriella lifted her eyes to him, guessing his train of thought.

"Hmm… would you propose to me again if I did?" She asked with a sly look. Brandon laughed.

"Of course. But it'll be when you least expect it."

"I guess I'll have to live with that," Gabriella gave a fake sigh of resignation and they both laughed again.

"So? What do you say?" Brandon asked when their laughter subsided.

"My Mom lives out of state, we'd have to travel a bit to reach there."

"That's okay. We can take a flight or a train, or I could drive us there."

"It'd take a couple of days at least."

"We can go on the weekend. Or I could take a couple of days off from work. So can we go?" Brandon looked so childlike and earnest with his puppy dog eyes it was adorable to Gabriella. He had all the innocence of a pure heart and all the passion of a man in love that it amazed her. She couldn't have found such a perfect combination in anyone else. Maybe that's why she was so attracted to him; he could go from childlike wheedling to hot-blooded necking in a heartbeat. She patted his cheek.

"Is it that important for you to meet my Mom?"

"Yes." He nodded vigorously. Gabriella smiled in amusement.

"Okay, then we'll go this weekend."

"Really? You're the best Angel!" And with that, his lips reignited on hers with boyish delight. Gabriella let him have his way, disregarding the time, and kissed him back with all her might. After all, moments like this with her darling knight were what made life all the more beautiful. And Gabriella couldn't wait for them to take the next step, together.