Chapter 29 The Millionaire Meets the Mother

Gabriella and Brandon made their trip to Kansas to meet her mom the following week. Brandon had taken a few days off from work, true to his word, as he intended to make a nice long trip to get acquainted with her mother. That she understood; the only thing she didn't was why he booked a train instead of a flight to Kansas. The latter took only three hours; the former took a day. But Brandon said he was looking forward to spending more alone-time with Gabriella on this trip, so why not? Gabriella didn't have the heart to argue logic with a sentiment like that.

And it wasn't like Brandon hadn't secretly reserved luxurious first-class seats for them and played innocent when Gabriella talked about getting on the regular coach. It wasn't until they entered the train and Brandon guided her in the opposite direction, where the first-class coach was, that Gabriella realized what he had done.

"Brandon! You didn't even tell me!"

"What? I've never even traveled on a train before. There's no way I'd go in an ordinary class coach and I wanted the best for you. Besides, now we can have some privacy." Brandon's matter-of-fact reasoning left Gabriella with a mix of amusement and mild vexation. Still, it was very comfortable in first class as she had never traveled that way before.

"Okay, let's find our seats." She conceded.

"No need, that attendant over there will guide us." A woman in a neat red and white uniform with her hair tied in a tight bun came forward and greeted them. She met Brandon's eyes and smiled widely.

"Welcome, sir! Please follow me, Mr. Whiteley." Gabriella didn't miss the fact that she got left out of the greeting. She frowned.

"I didn't know trains had attendants," she whispered stiffly.

"It's first class, Angel. Only the best service for you," Brandon replied, unaware of her irritation with the attendant.

"And how did she know who you were?" Gabriella asked.

"I guess she read the tabloids, or saw the news."

"I suppose…" Gabriella muttered. They sat down in their seats, Brandon taking the aisle while Gabriella took the window.

"Would you like any refreshments?" The attendant appeared again, sashaying her hips as she approached them. "We serve lunch at twelve o'clock, today's menu is roast chicken, tomato gnocchi, and leek soup. But we serve snacks at all times of the day."

"Angel?" Brandon immediately inquired of Gabriella.

"Sure," Gabriella replied, keeping her eyes fixed on the attendant who was gazing ardently at Brandon. She went and brought in a trolley laden with food. She served them orange juice and warm nuts before going away, promising Brandon with her widest smile that she would serve them lunch on time. Gabriella huffed after she left.

"I don't like her, she seemed – a bit too forward," she commented to Brandon.

"Gabriella, you're not actually jealous, are you? She's just an attendant. It's her duty to smile at passengers, make them feel welcome."

"Too welcome. How would you feel if I was in her shoes, smiling at passengers, especially single male passengers all day?" Gabriella asked with a cocked eyebrow. Brandon snorted with a laugh but quickly turned it into a cough.

"Oh Gabriella," he patted her hand, "I didn't know you had such a sense of humor!"

"I'm not joking," she said seriously. "Sassie used to work as a waitress and I know there were days that Phil didn't like it because some male customers always dropped one-liners or made passes."

"Angel, do you really think I'd be swayed by anyone else? I've dated supermodels for crying out loud. No one, absolutely no one, can compare to you. And who says I'm single? I am very much taken by my exquisite Angel." His hand found its way into hers and he threaded their fingers. Gabriella sighed.

"Thanks for saying that. But sometimes I wish—"


"Well…I almost wish you'd get jealous for once. It's not like you ever had competition," she mumbled, to Brandon's amusement.

"If that's what my girlfriend wants, it's what she'll get," Brandon said lightly, knowing it would tease her. "But you should know, I have gotten plenty jealous. Nearly drove me crazy with it for you."

"What do you mean?" Gabriella asked in surprise.

"Meredith's wedding. I nearly had a fit when I saw you dance with that lounge lizard, Archer. I had a good mind to smash a bottle of champagne on his head just for touching you!" Gabriella's eyes widened before a little laugh left her throat.

"Really?" She asked, feeling flattered all of a sudden. Brandon rolled his eyes.

"What did you think? I happen to be a possessive male too." He leaned close to her and kissed her full on the lips, molding his with hers in a sensual way. The attendant came back with a tray of moist towelettes. She stopped short when she saw the couple in lip-lock. Brandon saw her out of the corner of his eye and waved his hand for her to leave them alone. She turned around and walked away without a word, her jaws clenched. Brandon felt satisfied; she definitely wouldn't try to attract his attention anymore.

Gabriella suddenly realized that people might be gawking at them and pulled away.

"Hey, what gives? I was enjoying that." Brandon pouted.

"Maybe we should save that for when we're alone," Gabriella mumbled.

"Angel, there's nothing like a little publicity to ward off single women. It did the trick just now." Brandon nodded toward the attendants near the front of the train.

"She saw us?" Gabriella whispered.

"She caught us making out and is probably slamming cups down in the kitchen. She'll think twice about making a move on me now. Wherever we go, Angel, I'm gonna show the world that I belong to you." Brandon squeezed her hand as he spoke.

"Oh Brandon, you and your cheesy lines," Gabriella laughed contently, glad that the attendant wouldn't flirt with Brandon anymore.

The rest of the journey passed by blissfully, Brandon making it clear to any approaching female that he only had eyes for Gabriella, chatting heartily with her and cozying up beside her. By nightfall, he led her to a private luxury cabin that looked very like a mini bedroom replicated to look like a hotel suite with a full double bed and stocked mini fridge.

"Brandon, really?" Gabriella gave him a disbelieving look although her eyes showed amusement.

"What? I'm not about to spend one night away from you." He caressed her hips as he spoke. She laughed as she got into bed with him.

"You know my mom's gonna put you in a separate room at home," she said as they cuddled together under the quilt, Gabriella nestled in his chest. Brandon looked dismayed.

"She will?"

"Of course! You didn't think she'd let you sleep with me under her roof, did you?" Gabriella had to bite back a laugh at the woebegone look on Brandon's face.

"I guess I'll just have to survive for two nights," he sighed. He hoped he could get her mother's approval soon – the act of waiting to ask Gabriella to marry him was killing him and suddenly he just wanted the whole trip to be over. That way, he'd be one step closer to making Gabriella his. But first, he'd have to make a good impression on her mom…

The next morning found Brandon awake and lying in bed beside Gabriella, his eyes fixed on the window as the countryside whizzed past. He turned when he felt Gabriella stir.

"Are we there yet?" She asked.

"Almost." She gazed out the window with him, the sunlight illuminating her honeyed hair to a golden glow. His eyes shifted from the window to her.

"So pretty," Brandon said softly.

"What? The countryside?"

"No, you," Brandon said straightforwardly. Gabriella blushed.

"Oh, Barry. That's sweet of you, but don't try flattery on my mom, okay? That won't work on her."

"What? Then how am I supposed to win her approval?" Brandon asked in alarm.

"Just – be your charming self. It worked for me."

"Um, okay. Any other pointers?"

"You might find country life a bit – different. Don't let her catch you complaining."

"Okay, I got it, no complaints." Brandon braced himself. The train slowed down as it approached the station. The two of them disembarked and caught a taxi. Gabriella directed the driver to her house, which wasn't too far from the station. They soon arrived at a quaint two-storey cottage a little worse for the wear but pretty nonetheless, with honeysuckles growing all over the walls. Gabriella led the way up the garden path before stopping in front of a worn, peeling door and knocking on it.

"Ma! I'm home!" She opened the door, which was unlocked, and walked in, followed by Brandon. A blonde woman in her early fifties with hints of what was once a good figure appeared. She beamed on seeing Gabriella and rushed to her.

"Oh! My baby! Come here!" Her mother enveloped her in a tight hug. Then she stood back and turned to Brandon. She x-rayed him from head to toe with her sharp blue eyes.

"Hello, Mrs. Keller. I'm Brandon Whiteley. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Hmm, charming. I'm not fond of 'charming' but we'll see what you're made of soon." Brandon's smile faltered as he shook Mrs. Keller's hand nervously. Gabriella bit the inside of her mouth to keep from laughing. Her mom was going to give him a hard time.

"I got this for you," Brandon passed her a bag neatly tied with ribbons, "it's a bottle of sauvignon blanc, I hope you'll like it."

"Well, I do appreciate a good wine," Gabriella's mother relaxed for a moment, "perhaps you do have some good in ya after all. Come inside, I just prepared breakfast for you. I hope you're both hungry."

"Starving. Mmm, I love, love, love that smell." Gabriella sniffed the air.

"Hash browns and chili. Your favorite. What about you, mister? Has my daughter introduced you to vegetarian food yet?"

"Oh yes, Mrs. Keller. She makes vegetarian food taste incredible."

"Gabriella, you've cooked for him? I suppose you two are more serious than I thought. Well, sit down."

"Would you like any help, Mrs. Keller? I don't want you to have too much work because of us," Brandon offered eagerly. Gabriella nudged his arm and shook her head. He realized he had said something wrong.

"Too much work? To cook for my daughter? Hmph, youngsters these days don't know the meaning of 'too much work'!" She turned huffily to go to the kitchen. Brandon groaned and buried his head in his hands.

"Ugh, two minutes of meeting your mother and I already blew it. Gabriella, what have I done?"

"It's okay, you didn't know! And my mom can be very strict when it comes to cooking. No one sets foot in her kitchen when she's around and no one handles her dishes but her. You'll see why in a moment."

"I feel nauseous," Brandon swallowed tensely.

"Don't be, wait till you taste her cooking," Gabriella said with a smile. Mrs. Keller came back, carrying a dish loaded with hash browns and a bowl full of steaming chili. She went back to bring out the plates and a jug of orange juice.

"Freshly squeezed too, just the way you like them. You don't get these in the city," she told her daughter.

"I know, thanks Ma." Mrs. Keller served for both of them. Brandon's eyes actually widened on tasting the food – it was beyond delicious.

"So? How's the food treating ya?" Mrs. Keller asked him.

"Oh, Mrs. Keller, it's simply incredible! I can see where Gabriella gets her cooking skills from."

"Hmm, flattery is not what it used to be. In my days, men knew exactly how to compliment a woman. Still, at least you know how to mind yourself." Brandon looked relieved that Mrs. Keller hadn't found fault with him again. Gabriella could help but watch him with laughing eyes as he tried his best to please her mother.

"So what do you plan to do this afternoon?" Mrs. Keller asked.

"I thought I'd show Brandon around first, but if he wants to do something else—" Gabriella looked inquiringly at him.

"Oh I'm okay with anything," Brandon said affably.

"Alright then, you give him a tour in the morning. We can sit and talk in the afternoon." Mrs. Keller nodded at them both.

"Okay, Ma." Gabriella agreed, but Brandon looked worried.

"Sit and… talk?" He muttered, wondering what was in store for him.