Chapter 023 I want to be a yellow sparrow, but I become a cicada

Daming Emperor.

The moon is bright, and the full moon is empty.

Ximen Blow Snow and stand on the top of the Forbidden City with divine soldiers.

White clothes are better than snow, as if immortals go down to earth.

Hulong Villa, Shenhou Mansion and Liumen pay close attention to the martial arts people who come and go.

Anyone who dares to come to trouble in the capital is unforgivable.

Just a few days.

There are not many people who die in their hands.

Of course, there are also many unpredictable people.

It is also close to the duel scene.

Before Zhu Houzhao really closes the net, he can only let these people watch it up close.

"On the top of the Forbidden City, the decisive battle of the sword god and sword saint."

"It's really my heyday in the martial arts of the Ming Dynasty!"

"I don't know who will win?"

"Brother Lu, what do you think?"

"It's hard to say, Xiangshuai, what do you think?"

"Theoretally, Ye Gucheng's chances of winning are greater, but the sword secret is in an instant, and no one can say it."

"Yes, it's indispensable for the benefit of heaven, place and people."

"Huh? Where are the people from Ye Gucheng? Time is coming?"

"This guy is really big enough to test Simon's heart for snow. It may disappoint him."

Looking at the bright moon in the sky, the time is coming, but Ye Gucheng hasn't seen anyone yet.

Everyone was puzzled and secretly slandered.


At the same time.

The palace is where the harem is.

At this time, whether intentionally or unconsciously, the guards of the harem were extremely lax.

Under the eunuch's road, Ye Gucheng entered the harem very easily.

Ye Gucheng's mouth evokes a cold smile.

What a waste emperor.

Daming falls into the hands of such a stupid gentleman, and he will be finished sooner or later.

In that case.

It's better for him to control it!

Once the emperor was killed, let the son of the South take it instead.

When the time is ripe, he is abolishing the other party.

Isn't the whole Ming Dynasty his?

He, Ye Gucheng, will become a generation of emperors who unify Kyushu in the future.

Compared with a swordsman in Wulin District, I don't know how much it is.

Thinking of this ending, Ye Gucheng couldn't help but be excited.

"Master Ye, the emperor is in the queen's bedroom not far away."

Gao Gong pointed to an extremely magnificent palace in front of him and said excitedly.

"In addition to the emperor, there is also the queen?"

Ye Gucheng moved in his heart and asked quietly.

"Naturally, the whole harem is under the management of the Queen. Generally speaking, even Her Majesty should respect her three points."

"He stays here almost half of the month."

"The queen is not simple. Ye Chengzhu needs to be cautious."

Gao Gong said in awe.

"Well, it's just a woman in the district."

"Her power comes from the emperor."

"I don't even care about the emperor, the queen of the district, what is it?"

Ye Gucheng sneered.

Women are just women.

In his eyes, there are only the strong and the weak.

Everything else is not worth mentioning.

"Here we go, Lord!"

While talking, the two came outside the Queen's Palace.

Ye Gucheng glanced at the eunuch and motioned him to call the door.

"I told the Empress that if I have something important to ask the emperor!"

The eunuch came all the way outside the palace.

Inside the temple.

Zhu Houzhao sat in front of the imperial court and practiced writing on the paper with a brush.

A word "sword" actually wrote 36 ways.

The sword spirit of Taoism burst out of words.

"Here we go!"

Zhu Hou looked at his eyes without expression and said in a plain tone:

"Sword saint? Ha ha!!"

"Queen, this ant will be left to you!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, I understand."

The queen nodded, and then there was a little funny smile on the corners of her mouth.

The eyes became extremely cold.

The man who dared to hurt her.

This man should be cut to pieces.

Without long delay, the queen said slowly:

"Come in!"


As soon as the words fell, the door of the palace was opened.

It was not the eunuch who came out first, but Ye Gucheng, who was holding a sword.

"Who are you?"

The queen sat at the table, calmly picked up a cup of tea and tasted it slowly.

There was no change in expression because of the arrival of uninvited guests.

"Ha ha, it's really courageous to be the queen of a country."

"Suddenly seeing me, a stranger, shouldn't you be afraid and call people immediately?"

"By the way, where's the emperor? Why didn't you see it?"

Ye Gucheng also smiled with an interesting smile.

"A rebellious thief in the district is not qualified to see Your Majesty!"

"A bold gangster doesn't deserve to make the palace afraid!"

"I thought it was worth seeing the fairy leaf lonely city, but now it seems that it is disappointing!"

The queen shook her head and sighed.

Ye Gucheng sneered:

"Oarrogance, let you know now what really flying immortals are."

Immediately pull out the sword.

A miso.

The dazzling light appeared in the Queen's Palace, instantly shining around it like daylight.

"Anyway, the emperor is about to die. How can you live alone in the world?"

Queen's contempt:

"You should spend a lot of energy on the top of the Forbidden City, right?"

"Is there any other force besides the South King?"

"Forget it, in your position, I guess I don't know."

"A frog in the well like you has become a chess piece in other people's hands. Are you still happy?"

When Ye Gucheng heard the words, his pupils shrank suddenly.

The heart couldn't help jumping wildly.

There is a bad feeling, which hits my heart.

Things seem to be a little different from what he thought.

"Don't talk nonsense. Die!"

Ye Gucheng jumped into mid-air, and the sword front pointed directly at the queen.

Flying immortals outside the sky.

He is ethereal, as if he were relegated from the world.

The picturesque sword move is full of endless killing opportunities.

After decades of hard work, all of them have been integrated into this sword at this moment.

The eunuch next to him looked amazed.

It is worthy of being a famous sword saint in the martial arts.

After tonight.

The son of the king of the South took his place as the emperor, and his status would certainly rise.

This is the merit of the dragon.

Presumably, the second factory, and even Jinyiwei, are all his, hehe...

Cao Zhengchun, rainy field.

I will definitely surpass them.

Even, the power of the future is in the face and the opposition, and the 9,000-year-old with the greatest power in the world!

"Youben Beauty, what a pity that you are a thief!"

In the face of this deadly sword, the queen shook her head regretably.


When the big event is done, he will be the most noble person in the world.

Who dares to say he is a thief?

Ye Gucheng disdained and sneered.

His will is firm and his momentum is moving forward.