Chapter 024 Your road is narrow


The queen smiled coldly.

The next moment, the slender hand gave a slight move.

In an instant, the whole world seemed to be completely stationary.

Space solidifies completely.

Ye Gucheng seemed to be in a mud, and his speed slowed down quickly.

"Can you do martial arts?"

Ye Gucheng shouted in shock and was shocked.

"Master of Martial Arts?"

"No, it's not just that great master!"

He is also a master of Kendo, but compared with the queen, he is 108,000 miles away.

Not only strength and speed, but also his thinking have been greatly affected.


The sword and palm hit each other.

What frightened Ye Gucheng.

His swordsmanship was broken in an instant, and he couldn't hold on for a second.


The queen's palm suddenly hit Ye Gucheng's chest.


The sound of bone cracking sounded.

Ye Gucheng only felt a speechless pain that hit his heart.

It made him unbearable and began to cry.

The will of terror invaded his mind and confused his consciousness.

The queen's strength is so terrible.

It's so deep.

Few people can compare with the whole Ming Dynasty.

Ye Gucheng's face was gray, and the sword in his hand fell to the ground.

"Your heart is fascinated. Unfortunately, although he has a good talent, he has failed it!"

The queen glanced at him contemptuously.

I didn't give Ye Gucheng a chance to talk more.

Hit it again.


A mouthful of blood spewed out, and the sword saint Ye Gucheng, once famous in the world, died desperately under his feet.

Until he died, his face was full of incredible colors.

Is he really a frog at the bottom of the well?


The Ming Palace was so horrible that he thought he could easily replace the emperor!

In the eyes of many people, he is probably a clown.

Soon, the darkness completely submerged his consciousness.

The whole person fell to the ground and died.


Grandpa Gao knelt down to the ground trembling all over.

Look at the queen in fear.

"Queen Empress, I have long known Ye Gucheng's wolf ambition and more rebellious, so I took him to the Empress and put him to justice on the ground."

"Please forgive my life."

"I will die to repay my mother!"

It's horrible.

No one expected that the Empress would be so strong.

Ye Gucheng, the saint of the church, couldn't hold on to a move in the hands of the Empress.

I'm afraid that even the iron-dalled gods of Hulong Villa are not opponents!

The only chance to survive now is to immediately throw it under the queen's command.

Become her slave.

In the future, it can not only save lives, but even rise.

"Come on!"

Just then, Zhu Houzhao's voice echoed.

Then, the sound of steps quickly gathered.

"The old slave Cao Zhengchun knocked on Your Majesty, knocked at the Empress!"

"The slave turned into the field. See Your Majesty, Empress!"

What came came was Cao Zhengchun, the east factory, and Yuhuatian, the west factory.

They have been waiting for a long time.

"Get up!"

Zhu Houzhao slowly came over and nodded:

"You two pull down this slave and dig up your fellow party!"

"Three days, only three days for you. I want to know all the news from my party."

"Your Majesty forgives her life, my wife forgives her life, and the slaves are wrong!"

Unfortunately, no one cares.

"Old slaves (slaves) follow the order!"

Cao Zhengchun and Yu Huatian sneered, directly knocked Gao Gong unconscious, and then took him out of the hall.

However, before leaving, looking at the queen's eyes were full of fear.

They didn't expect that the dignified and elegant Empress would be so strong.

Even if you are brave, you are far from your opponent.


The top of the Forbidden City.

At this time, Simon Blowed Snow didn't know that his opponent had already hung up.

Still waiting there.

The agreed time has long passed.

People watching the battle not far away also talked about it one by one.

"Where's Ye Gucheng? Is he afraid that he dares not come?"

Hu Tiehua sneered and was full of disdain for Ye Gucheng.

"This decisive battle was provoked by Ye Gucheng, and it actually flinched."

"Is there anyone making trouble to stop him from coming?"

"What a joke? Ye Gucheng is so strong. Who can stop him?"

"And, once we fight, we can easily find it."

"Lu Xiaofeng, what do you think?" Xiang Shuai touched her nose and asked with some doubts.

"No, there is something wrong."

Lu Xiaofeng frowned, and the light of wisdom flashed in her eyes.

The information in my mind keeps connecting.

"It's not good, Ye Gucheng, he has a conspiracy!"

Lu Xiaofeng widened her eyes, and then flew away in the direction of the harem without looking back.

However, just before, a large bodyguard stopped it.

"The palace is heavy, and those who come stop!"

"Lu Xiaofeng, you are bold. How can you be allowed to be presumptuous here!"

"Don't think you have a place in the world, just come here!"

"Gri away quickly before it's getting serious, otherwise you can't afford it."

Lu Xiaofeng is in a hurry.

"Come on, Ye Gucheng is going to rebel. He is in the harem now. The emperor is in danger!"

"What, conspiracy? Is there any evidence?"

The bodyguard's face changed greatly:

"This is not a joke."


Outside the Queen's Palace.

"Your Majesty, the bodyguard, take Lu Xiaofeng to see you!"

"Take it in!"

Soon, the bodyguard and Lu Xiaofeng entered the hall.

When I saw the emperor sitting there well, I was dumbfounded in an instant.

What about rebellion?

Where did Ye Gucheng assassinate the emperor?

The bodyguard stared at Lu Xiaofeng fiercely.

"What's the matter?"

"Weichen heard from Lu Xiaofeng that Ye Gucheng will come to assassinate the holy driver in the name of the decisive battle at the top of the Forbidden City tonight."

"Escort? Interesting!"

Zhu Houzhao whispered a few words, with an interesting smile on the corners of his mouth.

"Okay, Lu Xiaofeng stays, you can step back!"

"Weichen quit!"

"Are you Lu Xiaofeng?"

Zhu Houzhao looked at the person in front of him carefully.

I heard a lot about this guy in his previous life.

This is the first time I've seen you.

"There was a lot of recklessness just now. I hope Your Majesty can forgive me!"

Lu Xiaofeng said embarrassedly.

"No, you're not wrong. Ye Gucheng did come to assassinate me!"

"What? This..." Lu Xiaofeng was shocked.

"Then now he..."

"Assassination of me, conspiracy, natural capital crime."

Zhu Hou took it for granted.

Lu Xiaofeng's face was horrible.

All the information in my heart came out.

An incredible idea poured into my heart.

Then he looked at the emperor not far away with shock.