Chapter 027 Large-scale community death scene

Northern Song Palace.

Zhao Ji and Huang Shang were immediately stunned.

Duan Yu?

The son of Zhennan?

It's not his own son.

The romantic king of Dali Town is going to be killed by the club this time.

Dali is their affiliate country, and it should also be regarded as Song people according to reason.

However, whether Huang Shang or Zhao Ji, he has never regarded Duan Yu as his own.

For the king of Zhennan and Duan Yu, his heart was full of gloating and gloating.


Daming Palace


Zhu Houzhao spewed out a mouthful of tea and pulled the corners of his mouth.

This hidden list seems to be starting to make trouble.

The previous list and identity introduction are not so "detailed"!

"What's the matter, Your Majesty? Do you know this reputation?"

The queen was surprised.

How did the son of a small country fall into the eyes of His Majesty?

Zhu Houzhao smiled. When Duan Yu's family was about to go into chaos, he said everything.

It made the queen speechless for a while.

From now on, Duan Yu's fate will also be completely changed.

Zhu Houzhao speculated secretly.

At least no matter how big Duan Zhengchun is, he will not take care of everything.

Cuckolding others, I didn't expect that I had been green for more than ten years.


Looking at the list above the head, the whole people of Kyushu turned into melon-eating people one after another, and the discussion began with a smile.

Become a post-dinner talk.

Duan Zhengchun's name caused a sensation in Kyushu.


Dali Town South Royal Palace.


Duan Zhengchun smashed the precious antiques in the room angrily, and his eyes were full of blood.

"Yuer, it's not my son."

"Dao Baifeng, you actually did such a humiliating thing, I, I..."

Duan Zhengchun couldn't wait to kill the bitch who cuckolded him.

However, I have been thinking about it for a long time.

Finally, I sighed in frustration.

With his understanding of Dao Baifeng, he must be revengeful on him.

In the final analysis, all the mistakes are still in his own.

Now that the list is single, he doesn't know how to face everyone.

In the past, his wife who enjoyed others was not only ashamed, but proud.

Now, my heart is full of bitterness.

What a irony.


Xixia Yipintang.

Four villains.

"Big, you're awesome. I didn't expect Duan Yu to be your son?"

"Yes, boss, when did you hook up with Duan Zhengchun's princess?"

"What's more revenge on Duan Zhengchun than cuckolding him? Hahaha, boss, you deserve to be the boss. My little brother is willing to bow down."

Duan Yanqing was also extremely confused at this time.

He actually has a son.

The Guanyin Empress turned out to be the princess of Zhennan?

A silent joy surged to my heart.

All the hatreds in the past have dissipated at this moment.

The joy of the moment is that I can't help myself.


Tianlong Temple.

"Master, the son of Duan Yu is not the real son of Zhennan. Now he has learned the six-veined sword of Dali. Shall we recover it?"

"Six Vein Sword is the highest martial arts in Dali. In his current capacity, he is not qualified to study at all."

"Amitabha Buddha, everything has its own predestination."

"In any case, he still has the blood of the Dali royal family in his body. Unlike Duan Yanqing, who has a distorted heart, he is kind-hearted and qualified to learn the six-veined sword."

Whether it's Duan Zhengchun or Duan Yanqing, in the final analysis, they are all members of the Dali royal family.

The eyes of the monks of Tianlong Temple have long been detached from the secular world.

The internal struggle of the royal family is not paid attention to at all.

As long as it is still a member of the Dali royal family.

"How should we explain it in front of Emperor Baoding?"

"Let Baoding Emperor and the King of Zhennan deal with it by themselves. We don't need to intervene!"


In Northern Song Dynasty.

In Gusu City.

"Mr. Duan, are you all right? You don't look well!"

"Yes, find a place to rest."

Wang Yuyan, A Zhu and A Bi looked at Duan Yu, who looked pale next to him with a worried face.

On the contrary, Murong Fu and a few people will be gloating.

Murong Fu, who was originally very jealous of Duan Yu, laughed happily.

Looking at Duan Yu's extremely unpleasant bag, I couldn't help but sneered and sarcasticly beside him.

"Mr. Duan, now the truth of your life is clear. Do you think Duan Zhengchun will send someone to kill you and completely erase your biggest stain of the royal family?"

"Yes, Duan Yanqing, the four villains, is your enemy. Do you think he will come to save you?"

"Poor, the closest relatives become enemies, but the enemies become close relatives? This relationship, tut, it's really messy!"

Duan Yu was already upset, but now he is even more disgraced.

"Miss Wang, there are still important things to do. Let's leave for the time being. It's fate to come. See you later!"

The most unbearable and depressed side of herself appeared in front of the fairy sister.

No matter how eager he is to accompany him, he can't stay any longer.

He should think about how to face his father, mother, and enemy in the future.

"I didn't expect that the virtuous Princess of Zhennan turned out to be a woman with watery poplars!"

"Give such a shameless evil seed like Duan Yu!"

The difference between the bags seemed to be more and more proud, and his mouth was dirty and unbearable.

"Enough, Third Brother Bao, show mercy."

A trace of disgust flashed in the depths of Wang Yuyan's eyes.

"It's not true, Duan Yu, this boy..."

"Well, Third Brother Bao, we have met Duan Yu anyway. Don't make a death feud with him!"

Bao is different and wants to say it again. Murong next to him was unhappy when he saw Wang Yuyan and quickly stopped him.

Nowadays, his cousin has changed so much that he doesn't want to hate her.

The left and right is just a "failed" Duan Yu, which no longer enters his eyes.

It's better to cultivate feelings with the surface and pull her good impression back.


A peak in the wilderness.

Xiao Feng, with a frustrated face, stood on the top of the mountain and suddenly suffocated.

"It turns out that the life of the second brother is so tortuous!"

"Oh, my second brother has suffered. Unfortunately, I can't help my brother now!"

Nowadays, the truth about his identity as a Khitan has been revealed.

Xiao Feng fell from the beggar gang master respected by everyone, a generation of heroes, to the Khitan thieves who shouted and killed.

The ups and downs of life made him sigh a lot.

Seeing that Jieyi's second brother's life was exposed, his heart was even more complicated and difficult to say.

What's wrong with God?

How dare you play tricks on their brother like this.

By the way, now that the gold list is on the world, you may find the news of the leading brother.

Sooner or later, he will kill the culprit who has killed him all his life.