Chapter 028 The relationship is too chaotic

[Qinlong List · 19th place!]

[Xu Zhu!]

[Identity: Disciple of Shaolin Temple, head of the Xiaoyao faction, heir of Wuyaozi, son of Xuanci and Ye Erniang!]

[Picture: The late stage of master!]

[Kung Fu: Shaolin Boxing, Northern Ming Shen Gong, Xiaoyao School Martial Arts]

[Reward: prefecture-grade elixir: artificial elixir, any injury, whether internal injury or trauma, can be healed after taking it.]

Southern Song Palace.

"Aiqing, who is this Xuzhu? He is Shaolin's disciple and the head of the Xiaoyao school?"

"Can one person join several sects in the martial arts?"

Zhao Ji asked doubtfully.

"There should be an adventure!"

"This minister doesn't know much about it, but his father, Xuan Ci, has been investigated in detail."

"He is the abbot of Shaolin. He enjoys a high reputation in martial arts, and few people can compare with him."

"In those years, he took the martial arts master to do it."

"Nowadays, Xiao Feng, who was shouted and killed, is the Khitan baby of that year."

Huang Shang controlled the intelligence agencies of the Northern Song Dynasty, and naturally knows them like the back of their hands.

"The abbot of Shaolin Temple married and had children?"

"The big fallacy of the wild world!"

Zhao Ji shook his head with ridicule.

In the tone, he was full of disdain for Xuan Ci.


Deaf Valley.

"Senior, you are saved. You are about to take this elixir."

"Whether it is internal injury and trauma, it can be cured."

Looking at Wuyao, who is dying in front of him and dying at any time, can't worry about anything else.

He quickly swallowed the creation elixir rewarded by Tiandao.

There is no power in the body, and the whole body is paralyzed.

It can be on the moment of death.

Unexpectedly, the list came.

It can't be regarded as a life without a cliff.

The moment you take the elixir.

The body without cliff paralysis recovers at a speed visible to the naked eye under the action of medicine.

Even the white hair has regained its luster.

Although the true qi in the body has disappeared, it is still possible to re-cultivate it.

Feeling the symmetrical breath of the cliff, Xu Zhu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Atre, why do you save this dying body as a teacher?"

Looking at the virtual bamboo without cliffs.

It tastes indescribable.

A person like Xu Zhu is the only one he has seen in his life.

How disappointed he was before, how surprised he is now.

Although his appearance is not very satisfactory.

But his mind was beyond his imagination.

The precious heavenly reward, even if you don't want it, give it to him.

Safety is not placed in objects.

This disciple, he has accepted it.

Not only that, he also taught Xu Zhu all he had learned in his life.

Let him be blue out of blue over blue.

What's the hell of Shaolin Temple?

How can you compare with the Xiaoyao faction?!!

Moreover, if you can enter the master-level latent dragon list, there is a great chance of entering the land immortals in the future.

Catch up with his ethereal master Xiaoyaozi.

He wants to put all his expectations on this "ordinary and excellent" little disciple.


Northern Song Shaolin Temple.

All the eminent monks in the hall looked at the abbot of Xuanci in a daze.

"Abbot, you..."

"The virtual bamboo in the temple is really the abbot, your son, or is it born to Ye Erniang?"

Master Xuannun looked incredible.

Xu Zhu knew that he was just a very low-generation disciple in the temple.

The strength is not high.

The identities of the two are basically irresponsible. How can they be father and son?

"Amitabha Buddha, guilty, poor monk guilty, please also ask the first temple rule!"

Xuanci lamented in his heart.

Years of hiding have been exposed by the list.

Anyway, plead guilty first and save your life.

At the same time, I was also a little excited.

I didn't expect him to have a son.

Nowadays, it has become the head of the Xiaoyao faction.


Tibetan sutra pavilion.




The silent Tibetan sutra pavilion is empty, and only an old monk with white hair is slowly sweeping the fallen leaves on the ground.

Slow movement.

But with another mysterious rhythm.

If there is enough understanding, you will benefit a lot.

No one knows how long the old monk stayed in Shaolin Temple.

Even if you know, it is estimated that it has been dead for a long time.

"Xiaoyao School?"

"Xu Zhu?"

The sweeping monk whispered and looked at the introduction of the list in the sky.

"A Shaolin abbot, a four villain, interesting!"

"Unexpectedly, there is another son who has become the heir of the Xiaoyao School!"

After sighing, the sweeping monk turned his attention back to the fallen leaves again.

At his age, he naturally knows the origin of the Xiaoyao school.

Moreover, his founding ancestor is also a real land immortal.

Now that the gold list is on the world, it won't be long before those land immortals will appear one by one.

The whole Kyushu world is going to be completely chaotic.

Even if he is a step closer or completely falls in this chaos, it is unknown.


Outside the door of Shaolin Temple.

Jiu Mozhi killed two low-tug monks with a casual palm.

Looking at the introduction on the list, it is also ridicule.

"What a Shaolin temple that hides dirt!"

"The abbot is a silver evil person who colludes with the four villains, a joke, a big joke!"


"The little monk Jiu Mozhi is the teacher of the Tubo country. I don't know if he can be an uninvited guest and discuss Buddhism with the masters of Shaolin Temple?"

Jiu Mozhi's voice echoed over Shaolin Temple.

All the disciples heard it in an instant, and their faces changed together.

His face turned purple.

I don't know how to refute it.

Especially those disciples who know Xu Zhu have been talking about it one after another.

"I didn't expect that Brother Xu Zhu was the son of the abbot?"

"My God, don't you see that he is still Ye Erniang's son!"

"So now I, Shaolin, are going to be the laughingstock of the world."

"Shh, keep it down. If the abbot hears it, it will suffer."

"What's a whisper? Is he still qualified to be my Shaolin's abbot now?"

"Di't you listened to the ridicule of this extraterritorial monk? Anyway, I can't stand it!"

With the ear power of Jiu Mozhi, the changes in Shaolin Temple were instantly clear in my heart.

I'm even more happy.

How happy it would be if Shaolin Temple was used as a stepping stone to establish the reputation of his Tubo master!

"The Shaolin Temple of the Northern Song Dynasty will be destroyed in the hands of Jiu Mozhi today!"

"It's rumored that anyone else dares to underestimate the poor monk in the martial arts?"

Jiu Mozhi's face showed ecstasy.


At this moment, a whisper of Buddha exploded in my mind.

Jiu Mozhi saw a flower in front of him.

Then, an irresistible force passed by.

His body fell uncontrollably down the mountain.

The whole person is even more stressful.

As fragile as a baby.


"Shaolin Temple, good and despicable, dares to plot a poor monk!"

"The poor monk will never die with you in Shaolin in the future!"

With a scene roaring in his mouth, Jiu Mozhi disappeared in embarrassment to the scope of Shaolin Temple.