Chapter 029 Huang Rong is powerful, one move in a second

Xixia Yipintang.

"Second, you hide deeper than the boss!"

"Your head is actually the abbot of Shaolin Temple?"

Yun Zhonghe looked at Ye Erniang in disbelief.

"Lao Si, what a parallel head? You bastard dare to say it again. I killed you!"

"Tut-t, tut... I'm convinced. From now on, my Yue Laosan will really convince you. I deserve to be the boss, the second brother!"

Ye Erniang is also upset now.

I am both happy and wandering.

I'm glad that my son is still living well. Now he has become the head of the Xiaoyao faction, and his future is infinite.

What if the son knows that he has such a vicious mother and doesn't recognize her?

Over the years, she has killed so many babies that this sin can't be cleared.

What if it comes to my son?

"Big, I want to go back to the Central Plains. I'm a little worried about them."

"Well, go ahead. I'm going back to Dali, too."

Duan Yanqing and Ye Erniang looked at each other and knew each other's thoughts.

However, no one said it.

I thought that the four villains had done so many evil things, but in the end, both of them had sons.

The obsession in my heart gradually began to let go.

It's just that the two have a bad hunch at the same time.


Daming Palace.

"Your Majesty, we have underestimated the Northern Song Dynasty. They are not as bad as they thought!"

The queen read the latest news from the Northern Song Dynasty and said with a little surprise.

"No country should be underestimated."

"Although there are fewer masters, there are indeed land immortals."

Is it possible for Zhu Hou to take a picture?

I want to know the land immortals. There is one in the Northern Song Dynasty Palace, one in Shaolin Temple and one in Dali Tianlong Temple.

Another one is traveling around.

It is conceivable that the Northern Song Dynasty is extraordinary.

However, there is no interest between the Northern Song Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty for the time being.

Don't worry too much.

"Your Majesty, this is the secret gift just sent by the dark guard. You must be interested."

The queen's tone was inexplicable, but Zhu Houzhao didn't think much about it.

Open the fold, and the face suddenly changes.

The queen glanced slightly.

If you think about it.


Southern Song Dynasty, in front of Jiaxing Yanyu Tower, square.

"I always call it Hanako, and you're bad for me again."

"Guo Jing, the stupid boy, has the Jiuyin Zhenjing on his body. Can't you swallow it alone?"

"Are you too greedy?"

Ouyang Feng, a poisonous drug, looked at Hong Qigong, Guo Jing and Huang Rong not far from the opposite with a hateful face and roared angrily.

"Old poison, what's wrong with you?"

"The true scripture of Jiuyin is the property of Jing'er. Why should I give it to you?"

"You are so shameless and bully the young. You not only want to kill Jinger, but also implicate the innocent, poison the whole village. You always provoke the flowers."

Hong Qigong also rarely looked angry.

"Qi Gong, why do you spend more time with the old poison? For the sake of the Jiuyin Zhenjing, he is crazy. It's really hateful."

Huang Rong also stared at the old poison with hatred.

If the seven princes hadn't stopped him, she would have chopped him to death.

"Sister Rong'er, this is between my uncle and Laohua. We'd better not interfere."

"What can I do for you? How about you?"

Ouyang Ke provoked Huang Rongdao with a cheap smile.

"Ouyang Ke, I'll forgive you several times. Why don't you know the good or bad?"

"Before, because of the soft heart and spared your life, those villagers were killed by your uncles and nephews."

"This time, I will never let you go!"

"Those villagers are kind to me. I want to avenge them. Die, Ouyang Ke!"

Since learning the Military Armor and Martial Arts Sutra, although Huang Rong is getting stronger and stronger, he has never killed anyone.

Because of the benevolence of one thought, the innocent people were implicated.

This made her particularly reproachful.

Looking at Ouyang Feng's uncle and nephew, he can no longer cover up the murder.

"Bingjia Wujing · Abandoned Scroll!"

"Xuanhuang Abandoned World!"

Huang Rong drank softly and waved his hands.

In an instant, terror broke out from his body.


A heroic and powerful, with unparalleled momentum, attacked Ouyang Ke.

The whole space seems to have been shaken.

Everyone looked at Huang Rong in horror.

Including Hong Qigong and Ouyang Feng.

"Ker, be careful!"

Ouyang's front was anxious and roared.

Unfortunately, Huang Rong's attack was too strong and too fast.

With Ouyang Feng's strength, he is not in a hurry to catch up at all.

The strength bombarded Ouyang Ke directly.

The next moment.

Ouyang Ke seemed to be covered with a layer of ice.

Before he could even ask for mercy, he completely fell into the darkness.

"Ah...Huang Rong, you stinky girl, damn it!"

Seeing his son's tragic death, Ouyang Feng directly gave up Hong Qigong and launched a fatal kill and attacked Huang Rong.

"Rong Er, be careful, the old poison is crazy!"

Hong Qigong is in a hurry.

"Abandoned heaven and earth, Shen Xieqing, militaristic, break thousands of miles!"

In the face of the sneak attack of the great master Ouyang Feng, Huang Rong disdained to smile.

The hands waved away again.

As the body danced, a terrible momentum spread.

It even affects the change of heaven and earth meteorology.

The wind rises and clouds, and dark clouds are dense.

The next moment.

A surge of strength.

Turn into a horrible ice dragon and directly meet Ouyang Feng.

He smashed his fatal blow in an instant, and the rest did not change.

It runs through his chest.


A mouthful of blood spewed out.

Ouyang Feng looked at Huang Rong with a pale face.

The gray color flashed in my eyes.

"I didn't expect that... I Ouyang Feng... would die in the hands of you, a stinky girl. I'm so unwilling!"

Feeling the loss of vitality in the body, Ouyang Feng only felt endless sadness.

I have always been delusional about the first place in the world.

So it's so ridiculous.

Even if he gets the Jiuyin Zhenjing and learns it, what if he learns it?

Compared with Huang Rong, it is not worth mentioning at all.



Then, Guo Jing and Hong Qigong were stunned.

Ouyang Feng's body instantly turned into an ice and snow statue.

A breeze brushed by.

Cracks appear.

Then it turns into ice and dissipates.

Ouyang Ke on the other side also stepped into the footsteps.


Seeing that he really killed Ouyang Feng's uncle and nephew, Huang Rong was not only not happy, but also pale.

A sense of disgust hit my heart.

I ran aside and vomited crazily.

This is the first time she has killed people.

Just now, she was also overwhelmed by anger and did not suppress the murderous intention in her heart.

"Qi Gong, is this really Miss Huang?"

"How can she be so strong?"

Guo Jing has no feelings for the death of Ouyang Feng's uncle and nephew.

On the contrary, I am very grateful!