Chapter 030 When a woman is angry, it is terrible

Southern Song Dynasty, Jiaxing Yanyu Tower.

"Qi Gong, Brother Guo, I'm leaving the Song Dynasty and going to Daqin!"

"Rong'er, it's very dangerous there now. A war broke out between the Qin Emperor and the six countries at any time. I'm afraid it's dangerous."

"Qi Gong, I have a reason to go. Don't worry, with my strength, as long as I don't have the old guys of the hundreds of families, I won't be in danger, not to mention that I have something to save my life."

"Yes, there is really no need to worry about Ronger. Qigong, I won't ask you why. Be careful all the way."

Thinking that Ouyang's uncle and nephew could not catch a move before, Huang Rong's strength had surpassed their five unique strength.

While gratifying, I can't help but be a little bitter.


The Great Sui Emperor.

Lingnan, Songjiashan City, next to a stream in the suburbs.

Not far away is an artificial forest.

Two beautiful women came slowly.

"Sister, who is better than the two people on the new list?"

Song Yuzhi asked with a curious baby.

Song Yuhua squeezed his lips and smiled and shook his head without saying a word.

Duan Yu and Xu Zhu on the list are just in the later stage of masters. Although they are not weak, they are far worse than her.

"Yu Zhi, it's time for us to do business."

"Time dragged on for more than a month, and they gave them three chances to live, but they still don't know what's good or bad."

"Then I can't blame me for my face."

At this time, what he thought, and Song Yuhua's eyes flashed coldly.

"Yes, the eldest sister should have done this long ago!"

"Xie Hui and his son are really disgusting. They can't ask for relatives. They actually sent people to slander the elder sister in the world."

"Not only that, but now I'm more entangled with bandits, trying to defile... hurt the eldest sister. Their death is hard to redeem!"

"I used to respect Xie Hui, but now, hum, despicable villain!"

Song Yuzhi looked indignant.

Song Yuhua did not respond, but looked at the woods not far away.

"Come out. After following us for so long, we will come to a complete conclusion today."

"I don't have the patience to continue to pester you."

Song Yuhua looked indifferent.

The voice has just fallen.

More than a dozen masked figures in black quickly surrounded.

There was a horrible and murderous atmosphere all over his body.

"Xie Hui, Xie Wenlong, show your true face. There is no need to hide it anymore."

"In the past month, I have done so many vicious things. Do you really think the Song family doesn't know what you did?"

"It's just because of the friendship between the two families that I left you face."

Song Yuhua disdains.

"What a niece, it's a pity that you should have been my young lady!"

"Now, I want to be a bitch."

"If Song Xi knows what you will happen next, I don't know what she should think?"

"Will I kill you with one knife?"

"Father kills daughter, I'm looking forward to this surprising scene."

The person who led him immediately untied his mask and showed the true face of Xiehui.

Unlike the previous elegance and easy-going, it became ferocious at this time, as if it had changed.

Maybe I feel that this time I am well prepared to deal with a master and an innate, so I don't hesitate to speak.

Song Yuhua shook his head and sighed at Xie Hui's provocation:

"Master Jiebao, Yuhua has something to understand. Can you solve my confusion?"

"My Song family and Duzunbao have finally had a strong friendship for many years. Even if Yuhua can't reconcile the prince, there is no need for the desolation to do a series of crazy evil things, does it?"

"How many attempts have been made to harm me?"


Song Yuhua spit it out word by word.

He stared at Xie Hui with cold eyes.

As for Xie Wenlong next to him and other master helpers, they were directly ignored.

Xie Hui's eyes narrowed slightly, and then, the horrible murder instantly attacked Song Yuhua.

It doesn't seem to have any meaning to respond.

"When the task is completed, you will know."

"Let's take action together!"

With a harsh shout, everyone burst into the deadliest murder, and Qi Qi attacked Song Yuhua.

As for Song Yuzhi, they directly ignored it.

"Piaomiao Sword Tips · Sword Eight!"

I don't know when an extremely gorgeous sword appeared in Song Yuhua's hand.

Dance slightly.

The next moment, the dense sword spirit in the sky shrouded over everyone's heads.

Brush, brush!

It's like a sword rain.


Including Xie Hui, whether it is innate or master, they have been hit by sword spirit one after another.


Xie Hui roared harshly.

At the moment just now, his son Xie Wenlong was directly penetrated through his heart by sword spirit and died on the spot.

Other master-level helpers also died tragically on the spot.

If it hadn't been for the intention to save Hui's life, he would have hung up on the spot just now.

Song Yuhua's strength exceeds the estimate of Understanding Hui.

"You are not a master, you are a martial arts master?"

"No, even Song Xi and Ning Dodge are not as strong as you?"

"What kind of monster are you?"

A month ago, in Songjiashan City, when he saw that Song Yuhua showed far more strength than Song Yuzhi, he naively thought he was a martial arts master.

Unexpectedly, things were more terrible than I thought.

Master of Martial Arts.

A master under the age of 20.

Compared with her father Song Conccom, I don't know how many streets she has left.

I didn't expect that he had been testing for a month.

She was not tested for her real strength.

He overestimated himself and underestimated the enemy.

"Master? In my eyes, it's no different from ants. No matter how many ants are, they can be wiped out!"

"Is this your dependency?"

"It's so disappointing."

"Speak out your behind-the-scenes black hands!"

Perhaps at the beginning, Song Yuhua really thought that Xie Hui vented his anger because of the regret of marriage.

But after a month of continuous action, she felt something was wrong.

It seems that another group of people hit her idea.

Xie Hui and his son are just chess pieces.

What is the purpose?

Is it for the ethereal sword secret?

Or, for "he"?

Song Yuhua was about to force him when suddenly, a cold light came in the forest in the distance.

Instantly prick the heart of Hui.

He was killed on the spot.

"Find for death!"

Song Yuhua was completely angry.

Does she still want to look for the news of "he" from Xie Hui's mouth?

If you are destroyed now, isn't the clue broken again?

Wave the sword.

A sword spirit came out.

It directly blocked the retreat of the assassins in the woods.

However, unexpectedly, when someone saw that there was no hope of escape, they bit the poison in their teeth very decisively.

He fell to the ground in an instant.

"Damn it!"

Song Yuhua hated it.

The assassin is a very ordinary-looking person, and she has never seen it.

It should be the dead under the command of the black hands behind the scenes.

It's careless.

What is the purpose of the behind-the-scenes black hand?

Ethereal sword secret?

Or "he"?