Chapter 031 If you want to give me away, I refuse

Daming Emperor.

Li Yuan.

The famous little Li Flying Knife Li Xunhuan lives here.

"Cusin, why don't I know this dragon Xiaoyun at all? How dare you let me marry him?"

Lin Shiyin looked at Li Xunhuan with an incredible face.

It's like I met him for the first time.

In the face of Lin Shiyin's questioning, Li Xunhuan looked painful.

He is more uncomfortable than anyone else when he is misunderstood by his beloved.

But he also has his own hardships.

"Poetry, this is also for your own good, and I'm also for your happiness."

Li Xunhuan responded bitterly.

"No, I don't need my cousin to make decisions for my own business."

Lin Shiyin's eyes gradually cooled down:

"Cusin, I mistook at you."

"Girl Shiyin, you misunderstood the fun, so I did it..."

At this time, an extraordinary man next to him raised an imperceptible smile at the corners of his mouth.

Then he quickly stepped forward to persuade him.

This person is the first brother Li Xunhuan just met, Long Xiaoyun.

He has coveted Lin Shiyin, a gorgeous and only beautiful woman in his life.

He will soon get what he wants.

However, before Long Xiaoyun finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by Lin Shiyin.

"You don't have to be hypocritical and disgusting here."

Lin Shiyin stared at the dragon roaring clouds in disgust.

"Shiyin, don't be rude to your eldest brother. He saved my life before!"

"Just because this person saved you, you are going to give me to him, Li Xunhuan. You are really generous."

"You're just my cousin, and you're not qualified to make the decision for my marriage!"

Lin Shiyin sarcastically.

Li Xunhuan is about to persuade him again at this time.

The list in the sky flashed and refreshed again.

[Qinlong List · 18th place!]

[Li Xunhuan!]

[Identity: The new to explore the flowers of the Ming Dynasty!]

[Picture: The late stage of master!]

[Fuction: Xiao Li's flying knife!]

[Reward: At the top level: soul refining determination can greatly improve the spirit of practitioners.]


Did the Tiandao Golden List begin to reward skills?

Moreover, it is also extremely precious spiritual practice.

With the help of this soul refining mind, Li Xunhuan's little Li Feidao will be more terrible in the world in the future.

In Kyushu, countless people who follow the list can't help but feel greedy after seeing the soul refining mind.

Especially the master of martial arts.

The Great Yuan Dynasty protects the country, and the country, especially concerned.

The changing spirit he practiced, and attached great importance to spiritual power.

If he can get this soul refining mind, he may successfully advance to the land fairyland.

No hesitation at all.

Ba Siba left Tibet directly and came to the Ming Dynasty with several entourages.

In his eyes, the whole Ming Dynasty, except for a limited number of people who deserve his attention, is not worth mentioning at all.

Xiao Li's skill in the hands of the flower, he is determined to get it.

Not only Ba Siba, but also many masters in Kyushu who are looking forward to being promoted to the land immortals, and they also rushed to the Ming Dynasty.

However, Li Xunhuan, who knows all this, knows nothing about it.

He is still in extricable pain.


"Congratulations, happy, I actually entered the diving list!"

Long Xiaoyun congratulated Li Xunhuan with a gentle smile.

Even if he is jealous of wanting to kill people.

You still have to look like nothing happened.

"Brother, I'm just lucky."

"I'm far worse than those real pride."

Lin Shiyin looked at the affectionate appearance of the two brothers in front of her, and her heart was extremely bored.

That man is really right.

Cousin Li Xunhuan is completely unreliable.

Only by having your own strength will never betray yourself.

Everything depends on yourself.

Fortunately, she now has the strength to protect herself.

I'm afraid.

This time, these two people will be disappointed.

She Lin Shiyin is not a woman with no power to bind chickens.

It's not a gift that people send around at will.


At this moment, a man in black in strong clothes came not far away, walked to Lin Shiyin and respectfully handed over the letter in his hand.

Lin Shiyin picked up the letter and read it immediately.

But in an instant.

Lin Shiyin's pupil shrank slightly.

Some of them looked at the dragon roaring clouds not far away.

I didn't seem to believe it, so I read the letter several times.

I finally made sure that I was right.

"So it's you!"

"You sent someone to destroy my magic knife door and killed my whole family!"

"All of you, so you are the mastermind behind the scenes!"

Lin Shiyin shouted harshly and asked.

Long Xiaoyun's heart beat violently.

A trace of incredible flashed in the depths of his eyes.

How come?

How do you know the poetry?

The extermination knife door, he didn't take action in person at all, and everything was secretly remotely commanded.

I don't think I can find him on his head.

"Miss Shiyin, you misunderstood. How could I kill your parents for no reason?"

Long Xiaoyun pretended to be innocent.

Li Xunhuan next to him is also a little hesitant.

I swept my eyes suspiciously.

Finally, I was deeply brotherly, and I believed him for the time being.

"Shiyin, are you mistaken? Brother Long is not such a person at all!"

Lin Shiyin glanced at Li Xunhuan disgusted:

"Cousin, there is no need to say that the hatred of killing my father is not the sky."

"I will kill this thief today!"

As soon as the voice fell, the willow-leaf machete appeared in Lin Shiyin's hand.

Brush, brush!

However, in an instant, a few horrible knife lights were densely covered with dragons and clouds.

Li Xunhuan's face was horrible.

He was stunned to find that under Lin Shiyin's attack, he could not stop him at all.

I watched the knife light raging on the dragon roaring clouds.

"Lin Shiyin, you..."

Long Xiaoyun looked at Lin Shiyin with some despair.

He never thought that the gorgeous Jedi woman in front of him would be so horrible.

It's so powerful that he has no resistance.

It is far beyond the position of the martial arts master.

How could she be so strong?

If he had known that, he wouldn't have provoked her.

A blood stain crossed the throat of the dragon roaring cloud.

Blood soared.

The dragon roaring cloud also fell to the ground.

The dead can't die again.

"Shiyin, why did you kill the eldest brother?"

"And, Shiyin, why are you so strong?"

Li Xunhuan was a little angry, but he couldn't take action against Lin Shiyin in the end.

"He killed my whole family. Can't I take revenge myself?"

"Fortunately, I have some strength, otherwise, wouldn't I have become a gift in your hand and marry my own enemy?"

"Li Xunhuan, you disappoint me so much."

"From now on, you go your Yangguan Road, and I will cross my canoe bridge."

"Let's not see each other again."

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Shiyin ignored Li Xunhuan in the god. He went straight out of Li Yuan and disappeared.

Li Xunhuan was depressed.

Today's events suddenly kept him from turning a corner.

Too many doubts are stuffed in my heart.

The joy of just entering the diving dragon list also disappeared in an instant.