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Home > Fan Fiction > The golden list is on the world, and my queen turned out to be Wu.

The golden list appears in the world, and my queen is actually Wu Ji. Chapter 54

Author: Pan Sheng 001

"Is the matter of Zhao Gao solved?"

"Yes, according to His Majesty's instructions, we not only killed him, but also gave him a lesson that he would never forget."

"Ha ha, it's interesting. I'd like to see if he will make any moth in the future, either completely disappearing to the public or become more crazy."

"Your Majesty, Qinhuang Yingzheng is likely to doubt my head."

"It doesn't matter. As long as the evidence is not implemented, what about doubt? Am I still afraid of him?"

Now that there is the Tiandao gold list, Zhu Houzhao is very confident that he will be on the list.

In that way, it won't take long for him to focus on the eyes of all the strong in Kyushu.

A Yingzheng district is nothing.

Compared with those old monsters who hid in the dark and often lived for thousands of years, the lords of these imperial dynasties were not worth mentioning at all.

"You immediately send someone to Daqin Baiyue City and pay attention to it secretly."

"If Princess Su Yue is in danger, you can show up and save her. If not, you don't have to show up."

"It's better not to expose your identities before the critical moment."

"What's the strength? You can control it yourself."

The leader of the dark guard said respectfully, "Your Majesty will never be disappointed!"


Daqin Palace.


"Zhao Gao, what's going on with you?"

"How did it become like this?"

Ying Zheng looked at Zhao Gao with an angry face.

In his Qin Dynasty, some people did such a bad behavior.

Zhao Gao is one of his most trusted ministers. Now someone has seriously injured him. This is Chiguo is hitting him in the face.

As an emperor, how can I stand it?

"Your Majesty, you have to make the decision for Weichen!"

"Those thieves are so hateful. They blatantly attacked court officials, which didn't pay attention to Your Majesty at all."

Zhao Gao looked aggrieved.

There is no more gloomy and cunning look.

The ability to disguise almost deceived Yingzheng.

"National teacher, can you explain it?"

"Zhao Gao obviously got the six soul curse of your yin and yang family."

"Why did you take action against him and expressed dissatisfaction with me?"

Eisei looked sharply at the moon god below, and the momentum burst out.

Even the moon god couldn't help but be worried.

"Your Majesty, this is impossible."

"In the Yin and Yang family, there are only a few people who can use the six souls and fear curse."

"When Lord Zhao Gao was killed, Lord Donghuang was going to arrest Dongjun, which could not be their action at all."

"It must be a maliciously frame-up with intentions, dividing the relationship between Your Majesty and my Yin and Yang family."

The moon god quickly explained.

"Oh? The Eastern Emperor caught Concubine Dongjun Yan?"

Ying Zheng's attention was diverted and his face was interesting.

When asked by this question, the moon god looked stagnant.

"Dongjun has proved to be a land immortal, and even completely betrayed the Yin and Yang family."

"Even if Lord Donghuang took action in person, he couldn't help her."

Ying Zheng was happy, but it was better.

If the Yin and Yang family had two land immortals, it would seriously threaten Daqin.

It's best now. Let him breathe a sigh of relief.

Even if this may be a play played by Emperor Taiyi and Concubine Dongjun Yan, he is happy to hear about it.

Then, the topic turned to Zhao Gao again.

"Master of the country, then look, what's going on?"

"Your Majesty, although Lord Zhao Gao seems to have a six souls and fear curse, he is not. In essence, he is not the yin and yang skill of my Yin and Yang family at all, but it seems to be the true spirit of Taoism!"

"Well, do you think this is done by Taoists?"

Ying Zheng raised his eyebrows and snorted coldly.

Naturally, it is impossible for the moon god to really admit it.

Whether it is a yin and yang family or not, it must be pushed to other forces.

"It is likely to be the handwriting of hundreds of schools of people, and there is definitely great hatred with the Yin and Yang family!"

The moon god said lightly.

"Hundreds of families? Taoist Tianzong, Renzong? Mohist? Confucianism? Farmer's house? Zonghengjia? Or is it the Yin and Yang family itself?

Zhao Gao moved his heart, and the names of hundreds of schools of thought appeared one by one.

There is a terrible hatred in the depths of his eyes.

The infighting between your sons and hundreds of families actually regarded him as a chess piece.

That's not the point.

Hateful, it's so hateful.

At this time, Zhao Gao not only hated the Yin and Yang family in his heart, but also completely hated the hundreds of families.

Taoism, Confucianism, Mo, Nong, Zongheng, etc. are all on his blacklist.

Whenever there is a chance, you must make these tall guys look good.

Although his anger rose, he still looked poor.

Now he has become a useless man and a spell in his body. If he takes a step on a step, Ying Zheng is likely to give up him completely.

At that time, he will really be better than die.

Life and power in hand must be preserved first.

"Your Majesty, this is probably a conspiracy planned by conspiring with hundreds of families in the remnants of the six kingdoms."

"Weichen has been sending people to cut off the remnants of the six kingdoms over the years, so they are resentful."

"This time, they plotted that their fundamental purpose is still in Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty, be careful. Those remnants of the six kingdoms will never give up."

The moon god next to him also echoed with considerable approval.

"Your Majesty, what Lord Zhao Gao said makes no sense!"

"Master of the country, you go down first. I have my own care about this matter."

Looking at the back of the moon god leaving, Ying Zheng looked gloomy.

The remnants of the six kingdoms?

Hundreds of families?

Well, do these people think I'm easy to bully?

Are the yin and yang families also involved in it?

In the future, the Yin and Yang family can no longer believe it.

The Yin and Yang family may not have participated in this time.

On the surface, it seems to be a plot of Zhao Gao, and the real goal may not be his Yingzheng!

Suddenly, as if he had thought about something, the light in Yingzheng's mind flashed away.

If you think about it.

"Zhao Gao, do you think this will be done by the people of several other imperial dynasties?"

"Dahan, Sui, Tang Dynasty, Song Dynasty, and even Da Yuan and Daming?"

Hearing Ying Zheng's question, even Zhao Gao was not moved.

It may not be impossible.

As far as he knows, he has a lot of hatred with the Sui Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty.

He also formed hatred with Emperor Sui Yang Guang.

With Yang Guang's character, he may not have the intention to kill him.

So is Datang.

The collision between the bad guy and the net happens all the time.

We have long had a great feud against each other.

Not only them, but also other imperial dynasties are not impossible.

The battle between the imperial dynasty is thousands of times more horrible than the martial arts forces in the district.

And Zhao Gao, the owner of his net, is just a slightly larger ant in the eyes of those high emperors.

Calculating him, the real purpose is just Ying Zheng.

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